2022-08-26|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 7 分鐘

What I've learnt from this TED-Talk

    Hey guys,
    Recently one of my students showed me a TED-Talk video on “How to gain control of your free time” and said that she wanted to do a lesson on it. After watching it, there were a few life lessons that we sort of already knew at the back of our mind, but it is often overlooked and we hardly put them into practice in our daily lives. So, here are the takeaway messages that I think we should make it visible to us in our working or living space so that we could constantly be reminded on how we are using our time. The older you get, the less time you can squander…
    • When you say “I don't have time” it means that it is not a priority for you. So focus and prioritize whatever matters to you everyday. Whether it learning a new language, meditating, exercising, making your own healthy and nutritious breakfast etc. By doing so, you will be at least 1% closer to build the life/body/self you want for your future.
    • Time is a choice. It is said that your future lies where you put your energy. By being highly conscious of your choice over what you want to do right at this moment is a start. Invest time on what is important to you everyday, even if it’s just 10 minutes, you will have a better chance of achieving whatever you want than those who did not even show up at all. In a nutshell, we have more control over how we want to use our time than we think.
    • We don’t build the lives we want by saving time, we build the lives we want and time saves itself. This is something that we can chew on. I feel that often times we did not address the heart of the problem when it comes to time management:So if we ask ourselves “ How should I save time in order to do XYZ?”, your brain will wired to find ways to save time, but saving time is not the crux of the issue here. The ultimate question that we should ask is “XYZ is important to me, what should I do to schedule them in in my daily routine?”. By asking that, your brain will come up with ways to help you to fit in that XYZ in your schedule.
    You see, we are often wired to think that we should manage our time in order to create the life we want, but again, the term “time management” will help you to manage your time, but it won’t manage your life. So by replacing it with “life management”, the things we focus on, the decisions we make, the thoughts we think and our behaviours will completely shift and gear toward creating the life you want, and not just saving time.
    So, that’s just my 2 cents after watching this talk. If you find this useful, you are welcome to click the share button here.
    If you would like to drop your 2 cents here, please leave a comment. I’d be happy to hear from you.
    Hello! 我是教英文的 Judy 老師。為了讓學生能夠多接觸英文,我將定期寫給他們的英文文章來跟大家分享。如果你想要更了解我的課程跟上課方式,可以透過 email : kaedejan@gmail.com 來聯繫我。目前開設課程有初級,中級,高級,面試和團體班。團體班有提供優惠價歐~
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