2023-07-05|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 21 分鐘

人工智慧已經與創造它的產業中的裁員相關聯 | CNN 商業



Many have raised alarms about the potential for artificial intelligence to displace jobs in the years ahead, but it’s already causing upheaval in one industry where workers once seemed invincible: tech. 許多人對未來人工智慧可能取代工作提出了警示,但它已經在一個曾經看似無敵的行業中引起了動盪:科技行業。
A small but growing number of tech firms have cited AI as a reason for laying off workers and rethinking new hires in recent months, as Silicon Valley races to adapt to rapid advances in the technology being developed in its own backyard. 近幾個月来,越来越多的科技公司提到人工智能作為裁員和重新考虑新員工招聘的原因。矽谷正競相適應其自身發展的技術的快速進步。
Chegg, an education technology company, disclosed in a regulatory filing last month that it was cutting 4% of its workforce, or about 80 employees, “to better position the Company to execute against its AI strategy and to create long-term, sustainable value for its students and investors.” 教育科技公司Chegg上個月在一份監管文件中透露,將裁減4%的員工,約80人,以"更好地執行其人工智能策略,為學生和投資者創造長期可持續的價值"。
IBM CEO Arvind Krishna said in an interview with Bloomberg in May that the company expects to pause hiring for roles it thinks could be replaced with AI in the coming years. (In a subsequent interview with Barrons, however, Krishna said that he felt his earlier comments were taken out of context and stressed that “AI is going to create more jobs than it takes away.”) IBM首席執行官阿爾文德·克里希纳在五月接受彭博社採訪時表示,該公司預計在未來幾年暂停招聘那些可能被人工智能取代的職位。(然而,在接受《巴伦周刊》採訪時,克里希纳表示他之前的評論被斷章取義,並强調“人工智能將創造比消除更多的工作機會。”)
And in late April, file-storage service Dropbox said that it was cutting about 16% of its workforce, or about 500 people, also citing AI. 而在四月底,文件存儲服務Dropbox宣布將裁減約16%的員工,約500人,同樣引用了人工智能。
In its most-recent layoffs report, outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas said 3,900 people were laid off in May due to AI, marking its first time breaking out job cuts based on that factor. All of those cuts occurred in the tech sector, according to the firm. 根據人力資源諮詢公司Challenger, Gray & Christmas最新的裁員報告,今年五月因人工智能而被解雇的人数達到了3900人,這是該公司首次根據這一因素分析裁員情况。據該公司稱,所有這些裁員都發生在科技行業。
With these moves, Silicon Valley may not only be leading the charge in developing AI but also offering an early glimpse into how businesses may adapt to those tools. Rather than render entire skill sets obsolete overnight, as some might fear, the more immediate impact of a new crop of AI tools appears to be forcing companies to shift resources to better take advantage of the technology — and placing a premium on workers with AI expertise. 有了這些舉措,硅谷不僅可能在發展人工智能方面領先,還提供了對企業如何適應這些工具的早期預覽。與某些人擔心的一夜之間使整個技能集變得過時不同,新一批人工智能工具的更直接影響似乎是迫使企業調整資源以更好地利用這項技術,並對具有人工智能專業知識的工人給予更高的價值。
“Over the last few months, AI has captured the world’s collective imagination, expanding the potential market for our next generation of AI-powered products more rapidly than any of us could have anticipated,” Dropbox CEO Drew Houston wrote in a note to staff announcing the job cuts. “Our next stage of growth requires a different mix of skill sets, particularly in AI and early-stage product development.” 在過去幾個月中,AI已經捕捉到了全球的共同想像力,使我們下一代AI驅動產品的潛在市場擴大得比我們任何人都預料得更快,” Dropbox首席執行官Drew Houston在一封給員工的通知中寫道。“我們下一個成長階段需要不同的技能組合,特別是在AI和早期產品開發方面。”
In response to a request for comment on how its realignment around AI is playing out, Dropbox directed CNN to its careers page, where it is currently hiring for multiple roles focused on “New AI Initiatives.” 針對有關其圍繞人工智慧的重新調整進展的評論請求,Dropbox將CNN引導至其職位招聘頁面,該頁面目前正在招聘多個與「新的人工智慧計劃」相關的職位。
Dan Wang, a professor at Columbia Business School, told CNN that AI “will cause organizations to restructure,” but also doesn’t see it playing out as machines replacing humans just yet. 哥倫比亞商學院的教授丹·王告訴CNN,人工智能將會「引發組織重組」,但他並不認為機器取代人類的情況會立即發生。
“AI, as far as I see it, doesn’t necessarily replace humans, but rather enhances the work of humans,” Wang said. “I think that the kind of competition that we all should be thinking more about is that human specialists will be replaced by human specialists who can take advantage of AI tools.” 「就我所見,人工智慧並不一定要取代人類,而是增強人類的工作,」王說。「我認為我們應該更多地思考的競爭形式是,人類專家將被能夠善用人工智慧工具的人類專家所取代。」
The AI-driven tech layoffs come amid broader cuts in the industry. Many tech companies have been readjusting to an uncertain economic environment and waning levels of demand for digital services more than three years into the pandemic. AI驅動的科技裁員發生在整個行業的大規模削減之中。許多科技公司一直在調整以應對不確定的經濟環境,以及在疫情持續三年多後對數字服務需求的下降。
Some 212,294 workers in the tech industry have been laid off in 2023 alone, according to data tracked by Layoffs.fyi, already surpassing the 164,709 recorded in 2022. 根據Layoffs.fyi追踪的數據,僅在2023年就有212,294名科技行業工人被解雇,已经超過了2022年记录的164,709人。
But in the shadow of those mass layoffs, the tech industry has also been gripped by an AI fervor and invested heavily in AI talent and tech. 然而,在那些大規模裁員的瑛影下,科技行業也被人工智能的熱潮所壟罩,並大量投資於人工智能人才和技術。
In January, just days after Microsoft announced plans to lay off 10,000 employees as part of broader cost-cutting measures, the company also confirmed it was making a “multibillion dollar” investment into OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT. And in March, in the same letter to staff Mark Zuckerberg used to announce plans to lay off another 10,000 workers (after cutting 11,000 positions last November), the Meta CEO also outlined plans for investing heavily in AI. 在一月份,就在微軟宣布計劃裁員一萬人作為更廣泛的成本削減措施的幾天後,該公司還確認將對ChatGPT背後的OpenAI進行“數十億美元”的投資。而在三月份,Meta的首席執行官馬克·扎克伯格在同一封給員工的信中宣布計劃再次裁員一萬人(在去年十一月已經裁減了一萬一千個職位),同時還概述了大力投資人工智能的計劃。
Even software engineers in Silicon Valley who once seemed uniquely in demand now appear to be at risk of losing their jobs, or losing out on salary gains to those with more AI expertise. 即使曾經在矽谷倍受瞩目的軟件工程師现在似乎也面臨著失去工作或在薪資增長方面被更具人工智能專業知識的人超越的風險。
Roger Lee, a startup founder who has been tracking tech industry layoffs via his website Layoffs.fyi, also runs Comprehensive.io, which examines job listings and compensation data across some 3,000 tech companies. Roger Lee是一位初創公司創辦人,他通過他的網站Layoffs.fyi追蹤科技行業的裁員情況,同時他還運營著Comprehensive.io,該網站分析了3000多家科技公司的職位招聘和薪酬數據。
Lee told CNN that a recent analysis of data from Comprehensive.io shows the average salary for a senior software engineer specializing in artificial intelligence or machine learning is 12% higher than for those who don’t specialize in that area, a data point he dubs “the AI premium.” The average salary for a senior software engineer specializing in AI or machine learning has also increased by some 4% since the beginning of the year, whereas the average salary for senior software engineers as a whole has stayed flat, he said. 李告訴CNN,根據Comprehensive.io的最新數據分析顯示,專攻人工智能或機器學習的高級軟件工程師的平均薪資比那些不專攻該領域的人高出12%,這一數據他稱之為“AI溢價”。他還表示,專攻人工智能或機器學習的高級軟件工程師的平均薪資自年初以來增長了約4%,而整體高級軟件工程師的平均薪資保持不變。
Lee noted Dropbox as an example of a company offering notably high pay for AI roles, citing a base salary listing of $276,300 to $373,800 for a Principal Machine Learning Engineer role. (By comparison, Comprehensive.io’s data puts the current average salary for a senior software engineer at $171,895.) 李指出Dropbox是一家提供人工智能職位高薪的公司,引用了一個首席機器學習工程師職位的基本薪資範圍為276,300美元至373,800美元。(相比之下,Comprehensive.io的數據顯示高級軟件工程師的目前平均薪資為171,895美元。)
Those looking to thrive in the tech industry and beyond may need to brush up on their AI skills. 那些希望在科技行業及其他領域蓬勃發展的人可能需要提升他们的人工智能技能。
Wang, the professor at Columbia Business School, told CNN that starting this past spring semester, he began requiring his students to familiarize themselves with the new crop of generative AI tools on the market. “That type of exposure I think is absolutely critical for setting themselves up for success and once they graduate,” Wang said. 哥倫比亞商學院的教授王告訴CNN,從去年春季學期開始,他開始要求學生熟悉市場上新一代生成式人工智能工具。王說:“我認為這種接觸對於他們在畢業後取得成功至關重要。”
It’s not that everyone needs to become AI specialists, Wang added, but rather that workers should know how to use AI tools to become more efficient at whatever they’re doing. 王補充說,並不是每個人都需要成為人工智能專家,而是工作者應該知道如何使用人工智能工具,以提高他們所從事工作的效率。
“That’s where the kind of a battleground for talent is really shifting,” Wang said, “as differentiation in terms of talent comes from creative and effective ways to integrate AI into daily tasks.” “這就是人才戰場真正轉移的地方,”王說,“因為在人才方面的差異化來自於將人工智能融入日常任務的創造性和有效的方式。”
新聞來源: CNN (#國際新聞)
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