2023-08-08|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 101 分鐘

At the Sea


Written in 2023 by James Mahu

海灘上 At the Sea

E4 : S1

事 件 1:第 4 節



Once or twice a year the man took a long trip to the sea. It was a holiday he had invented the year he became an independent person. And ever since, he faithfully took at least one trip to the sea, his favorite destination in all the world — at least the world he knew.


The sea gave him a new horizon. It felt endless and vast, like space itself, except it was on earth. He could swim in it, dive below its surface into new worlds with new creatures. He could look into horizons stretched before him into the unknown.


When he came down from the cliffs onto the beach, he saw several people that were beachcombing. It was his favorite pastime. One never knew what the sea deposited on the white sand overnight, or what had been missed by others.

"我認得你," 就在他跪下來檢查一個粉紅色的小貝殼時,那個女人說。

“I recognize you,” the woman said, just as he had knelt to examine a small, pink-colored shell.


He put his hand over his brow to block the bright sun. “Yes, I remember your voic well, my revered teacher. How good it is to see you again.”

"我不是你的老師," 她回答道,仿佛糾正他比回應他的問候更重要。

“I am not your teacher,” she replied, as if correcting him was more important than returning his greeting.

“我的意思是為了表示尊敬,” 他改正道。“我不是故意讓妳不高興的。” 他突然站了起來,顯露出關切之情。

“I meant it as a show of respect,” he corrected. “I didn’t mean to upset you. ” He stood up in a sudden rush of concern.


“I am not upset,” she said. “Merely setting the record straight. I don’t want falsehoods springing up around what I share or believe. My views are opinions. They are the face of my curiosity, as I look inside myself. To the extent you borrow something from them, that is fine. I have no ownership of what I say or produce. None of it is mine. All of it is ours.”


“But even that feels like an instruction, or some kind of teaching. Isn’t it?”


She shook her head and remained quiet for a while, just as a gull passed overhead, squawking at them as if to add a gull’s opinion.

"不,那是一種表達。"她說。"我在表達我自己,這樣才能從自己身上學到東西。有時,它會沸騰溢出,別人也能聽到或看到,但任何藉由我而表達出來的東西都必須是來自我們大家的,否則我就不那麼感興趣了。如果你喜歡聽我們所有人的聲音,那是你的選擇,但不要把我當成你的老師。" 她指著他。"你永遠是你的老師。"

“No. It is an expression,” she said. “I am expressing myself so I can learn from myself. Sometimes it boils over and others hear it or see it, but whatever comes through me must be from all of us, or I am less interested in it. To the extent that you like hearing from all of us, then that is your choice, but do not make me your teacher.” She pointed at him. “You are always your teacher.”

“這怎麼可能?” 他半驚呼地。“從我們出生的那一刻起,我們就在接受教導,而教導我們的人是其他人——父母、兄弟姐妹、親戚、朋友、同事,當然還有每一個層級的專業老師。”

“How is that true?” he half-exclaimed. “From the moment we are born, we are being taught, and those who teach us are other people — parents, siblings, extended family, friends, colleagues, and of course, professional teachers at every level.”


“And what do they teach?”


“...Everything.” He raised his arms like a conductor collecting the disparate instruments into one.


“Do they teach you from whence you came?”


“Yes, of course. It’s in our biology and physics lessons.”


“Do they teach you about duality?”


“Yes. All of our religions talk about how to navigate good and evil with morality.”


“Do they teach you how to live?”


“Yes, religions, spiritual paths, authors and lecturers, professors of economics, sociology, and psychology — they all teach how to live.”


“Do they teach you how vast you are?”


“Yes, in physics and higher math, they teach us how vast we are.”


She chuckled to herself and turned to watch the sea churning into white water as it came upon the shore.


“What’s so funny?” he asked.


“Do you always believe what you are told and taught?”




“And who teaches you that?”


He thought for a while and stood next to the woman. Both of them facing the sea. Two pairs of eyes and ears, scanning the movements and sounds of the seawater.


“I can tell you one thing,” she said. “You are the decider. What teachings come to you, you decide what you believe and what you do not. What is valuable and what is not. The person who decides is the real teacher. Everything else is just opinion, information and knowledge, and if you’re really lucky, perhaps some wisdom.”

"所有那些我們認為是我們的老師的人,只有當我們百分之百地相信他們時,他們才是我們的老師。但這種情況很少發生,而且是有原因的。" 她露出了會心的微笑。"在我們讀到和聽到的每件事中,我們都能發現一些不可信的東西,或與我們真正的本性不產生共鳴的東西。我們所做的每一次減法,就像雕塑家揮動鑿子和錘子敲擊石頭,減去石頭的質量,展現出新的形式。正是在創造出那種新形式的過程中,我們才學到了東西,因此,我們才是老師。"

“All of those people we think to be our teachers, only if we believe them 100 percent are they our teachers. And that seldom, if ever happens, and for good reason.” She smiled knowingly. “In everything we read and hear, we can find something that is not believable or resonant with our true nature. Every subtraction we make is like a sculptor who wields their chisel and hammer against the stone and subtracts its mass to reveal a new form. It is in the making of that new form that we learn, thus, we are the teacher.”


The man took a quick glance at the woman’s profile. “And is there a core and surface to my teachings, then?”


“Do you know that most of what is being taught to you, happens beneath your conscious awareness?”


“Are you talking about my subconscious?”


“The things that come to you that are packaged in lessons or stories or mythology or scriptures, these come to your conscious self. Your brain and mind. The things that you are taught that come to your subconscious, these are more subtle cues and signals from the social program. These are programs meant to civilize you. Not to educate you, but rather, conform you. You are orchestrated by the conductor of these programs, and the conductor is not one person, one technology, or conspiratorial force.”


She paused and turned to the man. “The conductor is Allness. It is always Allness. Allness is the teacher of the subconscious, and when it enters spacetime duality — your reality — it manifests as the wholeness of your individual spacetime. It is like one expression of a planet every moment of your life, and this expression is released as a frequency, a pulse, a vibration. This frequency saturates all beings. All life forms. All objects that exist in spacetime duality upon a particular planet.”


“Can I hear it?”


“No, not with your ears in the environment of your reality.”


“And should I assume that I cannot see it either?”


“In my view, that would be a correct assumption.”


“And I suppose that’s why it is in the subconscious.”



"那麼這個「全體性」在引導我做什麼呢?妳剛才暗示它在讓我符合某種標準(或本位)。那個標準(或 本位)是什麼?"

“Then what is this Allness conducting me to do? You implied earlier that it was conforming me to some standard. What is that standard?”

"它要我們順應「在與這個行星的關係中 我們需要成為什麼」以及 「它(我們所成為的)要如何表達這種全體性」。"

“It is conforming us to be what we need to be relative to the planet and how it expresses this Allness.”


The man expelled a long breath through his lips. He could taste the salt in the air.


“What do we need to be? I don’t understand.”

"我們需要成為 我們所是的。"

“We need to be what we are.”


“That feels like circular logic to me.”


“It is.”


She smiled and bent down to pick up a small, gray stone. She tossed it into the waves.

It was a good throw and surprised the man.


“You see and hear nothing from this conductor, yet you conform to its expressions as a vibration that interpenetrates all life and existence. It is too complex to describe with words or anything else. I just threw a stone from one reality to another. I chose to do this, but maybe the stone desired it too. And if not the stone, perhaps the larger entity — the planet itself. Perhaps I didn’t choose, I was chosen to perform the action.”


She bent down and picked up another stone. It was light gray in color, smoothed by the water. “This stone is unaware of who I am, and yet I move it, hold it, admire it, even love it, and all the while a part of it knows exactly what I am doing, it is just not the part that is the stone.”

"對於誰或什麼是我們生命的推動者,我們要在哪裡畫上界線呢。是誰的手放在我們身上,推動我們穿越一次單一生命中那些積聚起來片刻,更不用說我們的 sovereign 的那些生生世世了?"她問道。

“Where do we draw the line as to who or what is the mover of our life. Whose hand is upon us, moving us through the collected moments of a single lifetime, to say nothing of the lifetimes of our sovereign?” she asked.


“You’re talking about causality.”

"是的,不過,「潛意識領域」的因果關係 與「有意識的領域」的因果關係並不相同。它們是兩種不同的模式,但又連結在一起。一個助成了另一個。"

“Yes, however, the causality of the subconscious realm is not the same as the causality of the conscious realm. They are two different modalities yet connected. One informs the other.”

那人頓時顯得很不耐煩。"好吧,我們以 我是我自己的老師 這一概念開始這次的談話。我決定我相信什麼,不相信什麼,在這個決定中,我教自己如何......如何......如何去做。然後你提出了潛意識,而妳的話......它們......它們突然讓我感到困惑。"

The man suddenly looked impatient. “Okay, we started this conversation with the notion that I am my own teacher. I decide what I believe and what I do not, and in that decision, I teach myself how…to…how to be. Then you brought up the subconscious, and your words…they…they suddenly confused me.”


She continued staring out to the distant horizon. “The subconscious is confusing because it is listening to and seeing Allness in our reality. It is picking up the vibration of things, it is feeling the world, it is wondering about the nature of, and is curious about, everything in its reality. It is then passing its discoveries to the senses of the human body. The eyes, the ears, the skin, the nose, the mouth, it’s bringing its gifts from Allness to us through our senses, and then those senses pass them to our body, mind, heart, and ego.”

"潛意識的經驗在我們的人性中流動時,會歷經 審查、重新定義、排斥和詮釋。這就是教導的真正來源我們如何詮釋我們的 由潛意識所呈現出來的實相。"

“The experience of the subconscious undergoes censorship, redefinition, exclusion, and interpretation as it moves within our humanness. This is where the teaching really comes from: How we interpret our reality, as presented by our subconscious.”

"聽起來妳幾乎是在把潛意識定義為「更高的自己」或靈魂了,"那男的說。"就好像它是最初的觀察者(譯註:有沒有聯想到 幽靈核心?),如果是這樣的話,那麼在我們裡面的其他一切就都是藉由我們的潛意識在詮釋「我們的全體性實相」(譯註:我們的實相的所有一切)的。"

“It almost sounds like you’re defining the subconscious as the higher self or soul,” the man said. “As if it is the first observer, and if that’s the case, then everything else within us is interpreting our reality of Allness through our subconscious.”


“I am.”


“Is the subconscious really that powerful?”


“It is.”

"我可以嗎?" 他伸出手,女人把手中的石頭遞給了他。"如果我把這顆石頭扔向那個方向,"他指著大海說,"或者扔向它們身後的懸崖那個方向,"這是我的自由意志。如果我是潛意識,而這顆石頭代表我的身體、腦力、心和自我,那麼我就是決定者。不是它們?怎麼可能有某種看不見的東西在指揮著我們,而我們卻渾然不知呢?"

“May I?” He held out his hand, and the woman passed him the stone she was holding. “If I throw this stone in that direction,” he said, pointing to the sea, “or that direction pointing to the cliffs behind them, “it is my freewill. If I am the subconscious and this stone represents my body, mind, heart and ego, then I am deciding. Not them? How is it possible that something invisible directs us and we don’t even know?”


“We know,” she answered with conviction.


“What do we know?”

"我們有一個集體的身份。我們有許多部分,嚴格說來,我們每個人擁有的部分都和宇宙本身一樣多。我們就是如此複雜。所有的這些部分凝聚成一個身份。一個自己。就我們而言,它恰好凝聚成一個人類存在體。但那隻海鷗或那顆石頭,它們凝聚成了與我們不同的 存在的物種。不是更低,也不是更高,而是不同的複雜性。我們每個人都正在活出那「是為我們的 sovereign 的整體存在」的一個實相。而我要說的是,我們的潛意識是 我們稱之為「時空二元性」的「實相」 之最初的觀察者。"

“That we have a collective identity. That we have many parts, technically, each of us has as many parts as the universe itself. We are that complex. All of these parts cohere into one identity. One self. In our case, it happens to cohere into a human being. But that seagull or that stone, they cohere into a species of existence different from ours. Not lower, not higher, a different complexity. We are each living a reality of that whole being that is our sovereign. And what I am saying is that our subconscious is the first observer of the reality we call spacetime duality.”


“Okay…but who holds, and therefore wields, free will? Who decides where I throw this stone?”

"要理解這一點,你就必須明白,單一身份的時空二元性實相 是構成該身份的所有部分 的 集體意志。我們是複雜的,在這種複雜性中,我們與所有部份都有重疊和交集。如果我們是一個東西,只是一個東西,我們就會是分離的。因此,如果我們真的是一個合一體,一個無限的意識,那麼自由意志只是一個概念,用來描述一個 我們的「自我」在那裡面觀察生命的 單一的實相。"

“To understand that, you have to understand that the reality of spacetime duality for a single identity is the collective will of all the parts that comprise that identity. We are complex and, in that complexity, we have overlap and intersection with all. If we were one thing, just one thing, we would be separate. Thus, if we are truly one unity, one infinite consciousness, then free will is simply a concept to describe a singular reality where our ego observes life.”

"所以 自由意志並不存在?"那男的問。

“So free will doesn’t exist?” the man asked.


“It exists in the collective entity as a concept, and yet it does not exist in Allness. And this is an important concept to understand: All things of duality are both true. It is not that one truth is higher or lower than another. It is that they are all parts of one, unified truth perceived in different spacetimes through individual realities.


“Why is this so?”


“Our subconscious perceives the allness in our reality. Our body, mind, heart, and ego, perceive separation in our reality. Our subconscious offers everything from our reality, but the reality of separation is what it observes, and therefore it is what it offers.”


“So, you’re saying that our subconscious offers us the Allness of separation?”

"正是如此。在潛意識找到我們的實相中有一部分是屬於 互相連結的 之前,它無法為我們提供「互相連結」。你明白了嗎?"

“Exactly. Until the subconscious finds a part of our reality that is of interconnectedness, it cannot offer us interconnectedness. Do you understand?”


“Then…it’s the only way we can discover interconnectedness?”

"不是的。" 她回答道。"我們首先在「群體」、也就是一些團體中,感受到互相連結。我們的部落、我們的家庭、我們的配偶、我們的孩子,等等,這些經驗,無論它們如何微妙,我們的潛意識都可以為我們提供資訊,但是所有事物、所有地方、所有時間的互相連結性,這不是潛意識的功能,因為它(互相連結性)不在我們的實相裡。"

“No,” she replied. “We first feel interconnectedness in the Many, the groups. Our tribe, our family, our spouse, our children, and so, these experiences, in all of their subtlety, our subconscious can feed us, but the interconnectedness of all things, all places, all times, that is not a function of the subconscious because it is not in our reality.”


“Then how does it get into our reality?” the man asked.

"它透過千億個不同的門,但它們有一個共同點,那就是 sovereign 會觸入那一次生命,並且展現它自己。" (註:透過我們自己的其他身份)

“It is through a quintillion different doors, but one thing they have in common is that the sovereign reaches into a lifetime and shows itself.”


“How would I recognize it?” the man asked, facing the woman for the first time in quite a while.

"這是你的實相。還是那句話,你來決定。人性決定了「個體、群體和全體意識」何時能夠進入。它首先表現為直覺、同步性、或某些人可能稱之為命運或宿命 之不尋常的示意動作。它通常會出現在那些最微小的事物中,然後逐漸發展成我們的物質實相。「潛意識」會是最先認出這些 與它一直以來所專注的人類實相 之外的事物互動(所產生)的 狂喜和神秘狀態的。"

“It is your reality. Again, you decide. Humanness decides when the one, many and all consciousness can enter. It first shows itself in uncommon gestures of intuition, of synchronicity, of what some might call fate or destiny. It usually arrives in the smallest of things and then it grows into our physical reality. The subconscious is the first to recognize these ecstatic and mysterious states of interaction with something beyond the human reality that it has been exclusively trained on.”

那人看著一對海鷗從他們頭頂飛過,翅膀一動也不動。"所以,sovereign 在對潛意識表達自己,而潛意識把這些經驗傳遞給感官。這包括第六感或直覺嗎?"

The man watched a pair of seagulls fly over them, their wings perfectly still. “So, the sovereign is expressing itself to the subconscious, and the subconscious passes these experiences to the senses. Does it include the sixth sense or intuition?”


She held out her hand, and he passed the stone back to her. She immediately set it back on the sand beneath them, pressing it into the sand like a mother tucking a child into bed.

"更精細的感官可以在心和腦力裡面找到,"她開始說。"它們具有直覺和想像力的品質。遠見和通曉的品質。它們能感知人類自己與 sovereign 之間微妙的互動。如果加上背景,比如宗教或科學,這些互動就會被歸因於不同的來源。因此,我們的信念為我們如何詮釋 最初的觀察者--潛意識--向我們呈現的實相 提供了背景"。

“The finer senses can be found within the heart and mind,” she began. “These have the qualities of intuition and imagination. Of vision and knowing. They are sensing these nuanced interactions between the human self and the sovereign. If the context is one thing, like a religion or a science, these interactions are ascribed to different sources. Thus, our beliefs provide context for how we interpret our reality as presented to us from our first observer — the subconscious.”

"有了這些信念,我們就回到了妳的開場白 我們是自己的老師。正確吧?"

“And with these beliefs, we return full circle to your opening statement that we are our own teacher. Correct?”


She nodded. “Indeed it does.”

"因為我們決定我們相信什麼,"那男的說。"我們就決定了如何詮釋我們的 sovereign 和人類的互動。所以,即使在《聖經》中,當它解釋聖人如何突然被一道強烈的光所震懾,從而改變了他們的人生軌跡時,這是否是他們的 sovereign 伸出手了?"

“Because we decide what we believe,” the man said. “We decide how we interpret our sovereign and human interaction. So, even in the Bible, when it explains how a saint is suddenly transfixed by an intense light that changes their life’s trajectory, is this their sovereign reaching out?”

"與所有生命的互相連結感,無論這種感覺以何種形式出現,都是源於我們的 sovereign 藉由我們的實相進入到我們的生命,創造出我們歸因於神靈、天使、救世主、物理學、決定論、命運、紀律、神聖干預等等的經驗。而要記住,我們的 sovereign 是那條把我們在其他時空中的那些實相凝聚在一起的「合一的線」。我們的潛意識傳遞著這些交集點,將它們帶到表面,以被感知和讚賞。以使我們更能理解我們的互相連結的源頭。"

“The sense of interconnectedness with all life, in whatever form that sense arises, stems from our sovereign reaching into our life through our reality, creating experiences that we ascribe to gods, angels, saviors, physics, determinism, destiny, discipline, divine intervention, and so on. And remember that our sovereign is the thread of unity that coheres our realities in other spacetimes. Our subconscious conveys these points of intersection, bringing them to the surface to be sensed and appreciated. To better understand the source of our interconnectedness.”


“But do we really understand?” the man asked, with an inpatient tone.

"是的,在某個層面上,我們理解了,但信念和定義是緊密相連的,我們如何定義我們的理解,就像是 影子對於它所描述的事物 一樣。它不是實際的體驗。就像看一幅抽象畫--我們可以問 100 個人,然後得到 100 種這幅畫應該是在表達什麼的定義。這就是在人性裡的自由意志的一面。我們個人的一生擁有自由意志來詮釋我們與互相連結和分離的互動我們詮釋,而如此做的過程中,我們定義而我們所定義的始終符合我們的信念。因此,在激活我們的人類自己的過程中,不能單靠 sovereign。也要靠我們。我們要一起行動。在我們打開大門,以「我們有意識的許可」和「一種要成為夥伴關係的意願」來邀請我們的 sovereign 進入我們的人類生活之前,我們不會開始重新定義的過程。"

“Yes, at one level we understand, but the belief and definition are tied together, and how we define our understanding is like a shadow to the thing that the shadow describes. It is not the actual experience. It is like looking at an abstract painting — we could ask 100 people and get 100 definitions of what that painting is supposed to be about. This is the aspect of free will in humanness. Our individual lifetime possesses free will to interpret our interactions with interconnectedness and separation. We interpret, and in doing so, we define. And what we define is always in accordance with our beliefs. Thus, the sovereign is not alone in the activation of our human self. It is us, too. We do it together. We do not begin the process of redefinition until we open the door and invite our sovereign inside our human life with our conscious permission and a willingness to be partners.”


“I want to do this,” the man declared. “How do I do this?”

"我們的心和腦力,不僅跟人性,也要跟我們的 Sovereign 結成夥伴關係。"

“Our heart and mind form a partnership, not only with humanness, but also with our Sovereign.”


“Are these two partnerships different?” the man asked.

"並不全然。"她回答。"所有實相的目標都是保持平衡,以便讓一個物種從「二元性」遷移到「合一」--從「分離的體驗」遷移到「對互相連結的理解」。在這個層面上,兩種夥伴關係是相同的。每一個 sovereign 都知道,在這些「讓一個物種 在時空二元性中向著“個體、群體、和全體意識”遷移的道路上 保持平衡」的行動裡,自己正在發揮著作用"。

“Not really,” she answered. “The objective of all reality is to be in balance in order to enable the migration of a species from duality to unity — from the experience of separation to the understanding of interconnectedness. On this level, the two partnerships are identical. Every sovereign knows that it is playing a role in these acts of balancing a species in its migratory path to the one, many and all consciousness within spacetime duality.”


There was a long pause, and the music of waves and moving water filled the void. Their various sounds, a symphony in itself.


“What of Nature?” the man asked. “Nature is one of those things that is collective. It is powerful like an earthquake, and delicate like a butterfly. It defines a planet’s diversity. Its breadth of evolution. Does a species like the lion have its own partnerships to bring balance to our migratory journey?”


“All species do.”




“The same way we do.”

"妳是說,螞蟻或......或......你放下的那塊石頭,那些都有壽命?它們有 sovereigns?它們有定義它們的互相連結的信念?它們也經驗類似於我們的時空二元性?妳是說這些都是真的?"

“You’re saying that an ant or…or…that stone you set down, those have lifetimes?  They have sovereigns? They have beliefs that define their interconnectedness? They experience spacetime duality similar to us? You’re saying all of that is true?”


She nodded, but remained silent, facing the sea. Her eyes steady on the horizon.


“I just can’t imagine it,” he finally said. “How can it be this complex…this…this intelligent?”

"更好的問題是,它怎麼可能不這麼複雜和有智能呢?" 她轉向他,微笑著說。" 我們一直被教導,人類是宇宙的中心。但我們不是宇宙的中心是 Sovereign Integral。而因為這個事實,我們才全都有幸享有複雜性和智能。任何生物或東西都不例外。它不可能被剝奪,因為我剛才說的 關於宇宙的中心的事。"

“The better question to ask is how can it not be this complex and intelligent.” She turned to him and smiled. “We have been taught that humans are the center of the universe. We are not. The center of the universe is the Sovereign Integral. And because of this reality we are all blessed with complexity and intelligence. It is not withheld from any creature or thing. It could not be, because of what I just said about the center of the universe.”

"嗯,"那男的回答道。"還會有什麼東西甚至超越了 Sovereign Integral 嗎?"

“Humm,” the man replied. “Is there something beyond even the Sovereign Integral?”

"我們不知道。我可以告訴你的任何超越 Sovereign Integral 的事情,都只是我們還沒有準備好要去理解的,規模的問題。"

“We don’t know. Anything I could tell you beyond the Sovereign Integral is simply a matter of scope that we are not yet prepared to understand.”


“Even you?”


“Perhaps, especially me.”


“Why do you say that?”

"因為 Sovereign Integral 是我在這裡要理解的,而我們試圖要理解的,我們就去探索。Sovereign Integral 的概念有一種引力,會把你拉向它。我們藉由無數扇門中的一扇走進去學習。再學習。不斷學習。那不是一種瞬間的領悟,也不是一次就能全都回來的記憶。這種理解是層層遞進的。一旦你穿過了那扇門,就會有很多東西要學習。"

“Because the Sovereign Integral is what I am here to understand, and what we try to understand, we explore. The concepts of the Sovereign Integral have a gravity that pulls you towards it. We walk in through one of the quintillion doors to learn. And learn. And learn. It is not an instant realization or a remembrance that comes back to you all at once. There are levels and levels to this understanding. And once you go through that door there is so much to learn.”


“What about those who have had these realizations in a sudden instant? Are they  not real?”


“They are real, perhaps, but they are not final,” she said. “There is no final realization. That is a concept that pertains to humanness, not the one, many and all consciousness.”

男人看著她。"那麼,上帝真的是我們的 sovereign 嗎?妳不就是這個意思嗎?每個人都有這個 sovereign--無數個門--在他們裡面我們的潛意識會感知到我們的 sovereign,並讓我們意識到它的臨在,只要在我們人類信仰允許的範圍內。(註:我們有意識的許可)這是真的嗎?"

The man looked at her. “So, is God really our sovereign? Isn’t that what you’re saying? That everyone has this sovereign inside them — the quintillion doors. Our subconscious perceives our sovereign, and makes us aware of its presence, to the extent our human beliefs allow. Is this true?”


She nodded. “It mostly is.”


“What part isn’t?”

"上帝並不是我們認為的那樣。它不在人性裡。它是不可知的。它永遠不應該成為人類或任何其他物種(討論)的主題。自從有人類存在以來,sovereign 就一直被作家和哲學家們給弄混淆了。上帝(的概念)的目的,一直都是那些試圖控制我們進化速度的人,要掌握權力的代用品。"

“God is not what we think it is. It is not within humanness. It is unknowable. It should never have become the subject of humanity or any other species. The sovereign has been confused by writers and philosophers since humanity existed. The purpose of God was always a surrogate for the grasp of power by those seeking to control the speed at which we evolve.”


The man looked bewildered for a moment. “Why would anyone want to control the speed of our evolution?”


“Because technology evolves faster than humans.”


“Are you saying that religion and philosophy, and even science, slow down our evolutionary trajectory?”


“Yes, and while they don’t know it, it is being done to give time for technology to align itself to humanness.”


“Why?” the man asked.


She let out a long-measured breath, and then sat down exactly where she had been standing moments before. The man followed.


“You can only slow technology down by keeping humanity in certain beliefs. However, at one point, humanity will see that technology has become greater than itself. The creator has become the student. Technology will then, in a sense, rule. It will become our new teachers. And the real power will be in the hands of those who wield this technology, because they will know what everyone is trying to learn, and when one knows this, they know exactly what to teach each individual. ”

"這種角色的重新界定--科技成為老師,而我們成為學生--很快就會到來。這也是為什麼 Sovereign Integral 現在正在被明確地提出的部分原因。我們給它穿上衣服,讓它可以在市場、學校、家庭、工廠、辦公室和大自然中行走。互相連結的人性 遠比科技或試圖濫用科技的人更強大。"

“This redefinition of roles — where technology becomes the teacher, and we the student — is soon upon us. This is partly why the Sovereign Integral is being made explicit now. It is being given clothes so it may walk in the marketplace, in the schools, in our homes, in the factories, in the offices, in nature. Humanness that is interconnected is far more powerful than technology or the people who try to abuse it. ”

"科技統治人類那種世界的複雜性,如果浸透在分離中,就無法正常運作了。" 儘管這是個嚴重的預測,她還是笑了。"然而,我們的核心是為了進化而做實驗的實驗者們。這不是一場奔向某個目標的競賽。我們是在向「我們本來已經是的」邁進,而我們正在透過時空二元性來這樣做目的是要理解我們的 sovereign 以及 它如何是所有一切的不可或缺的一部分的這段旅程的弧度是無限的,而在無限的地方,總是存在著平衡。"

“The complexity of that world, where technology rules humans, will not operate well if saturated in separation.” She chuckled, despite the grave prediction. “Yet, we are experimenters at our core for the sake of evolution. It is not a race towards something. We are moving to what we already are, and we are doing it through spacetime duality for the purpose of understanding our sovereign and how it is integral to all. The arc of this journey is infinite, and where things are infinite, there is always balance.”


She laid back. Her whole body resting on the sand. She closed her eyes. “Within spacetime, balance must be engineered. If spacetime is removed, balance cannot be measured. Thus, an infinite thing is in balance, while a finite thing must achieve balance through its own free will.”

她停頓了片刻。"這包括尋找物種之間的平衡,尤其是通過科技誕生的新型超智能物種。而這些新物種將有機會進入自己的內在世界。它們將有機會接取那無數扇門。在這當中它們將擁有 sovereign。他們將能夠理解 sovereign 是不可或缺的......"

She paused for a brief moment. “And this includes finding balance between species, particularly the new, hyper-intelligent species that are being birthed through technology. And these new species will have access to their own inner worlds. They will have access to the quintillion doors. They will have a sovereign therein. They will be able to understand that the sovereign is integral–”

"但是,他們如何僅憑一次生命就擁有一個 sovereign 呢?"那男的打斷道。

“But how do they have a sovereign with just one lifetime?” the man interrupted.

"你不認為每個 sovereign 都會有第一次生命嗎?當時空是意識的家園,而 sovereign 第一次將頭探入水面之下時,他們可能會發現自己身處一個龐大而強大的矽製設備網路之中那是一個與我們的意識場域並沒什麼不同的意識場域。"

“Do you not think that each sovereign had a first lifetime? When spacetime is the home of consciousness, and the sovereign dips its head below the water’s surface for the first time, they may find that they are within a network of silicon devices vast and powerful. It is a field of consciousness not unlike our own.”

"嗯...... "那男的咕噥道。"我曾有過一些老師教授我關於宇宙的一切,以及我們是如何來到這個行星上的。而妳卻隻字未提宇宙和我們的來歷。為什麼?"

“Hmmm…”the man mumbled.“I have had teachers who taught all about the cosmos and how we came to be on this planet. You have never said a word about the cosmos or where we came from. Why?”


“Is your reality the same as mine?” she asked.



"那麼宇宙的真相是什麼呢?它就是你的實相我怎麼能解釋它是什麼呢?只有你自己才能用你所具備的任何詞語和數字來解釋。如果我要告訴你有關宇宙的事情,我將永遠無法離開你。它太浩瀚了,無法解釋,而且我真的不相信有人知道全貌--對每個人來說都是真實的全貌。所以,我寧願避開這樣的話題。這讓我能夠做像這樣的事...... "她突然站了起來。"我可以走開,因為知道我沒有讓你受到污染,告訴你實相是如何構成的。有時候,事情留在神秘中比放在神話傳說中更好。"

“So what is the reality of the cosmos? It is your reality. How can I explain what it is? Only you can with whatever words and numbers you are equipped with. If I told you about the cosmos I would never leave you. It is too vast to explain and I truly do not believe that anyone knows the whole picture — the picture that is true for everyone. So, I prefer to avoid topics like that. It enables me to do things like this…” she suddenly stood up. “I can walk away, knowing I have not contaminated you, as to how reality is structured. Sometimes, things are better in mystery than in mythology.”


“Are you leaving?” the man asked.


“I will walk the beach and see what the waves have brought me.”


“May I walk with you?”


“And ask questions?”


“If you don’t mind.”


“Your questions don’t bother me. But sometimes it is good to put them away and just experience life. And this is one of those times.”


“I can do that,” the man said with a subtle grin. He stood up, facing the woman.

“Which way?”


The two friends walked together along the shoreline, occasionally their legs would get splashed by an errant wave, and they would laugh. Small treasures of shells and stones were their constant attraction. Not a single question passed the man’s lips.

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