《Thank you》Appreciate and respect migrant workers.

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If our education curriculum includes compassion, perhaps it could be more beneficial to society than Mandarin, math, or calculus.

Mercy. Mercy. Mercy.

He is first an individual, and then a migrant worker.

Lucky to participate in the Taiwan Southern Image Association's "Hometown Documentary Hand Documentary Training Class" and meet the esteemed director Tsai Tsung-lung. During the class, the director's film "And Miles to Go Before I Sleep" was screened. I was fortunate to see this masterpiece. "Profound", might be the only word came up to me after the movie.

I probably don't have the courage to watch it again, but it remains deeply in my heart.

The pain in my heart is hard to express. Even though I write or draw to convey it, the images still occasionally surface. I feel that something should be left for these people. Although my strength is limited, as long as one more person sees it, it may make one more person remember Ngân Li Do , and perhaps make one more person rethink compassion.

I'll share the documentary trailer as below, but the scenes are truly heart-wrenching, please consider before watching!
Please consider before watching!
Please consider before watching! (But it does worth!)

In case you're not ready to watch this masterpiece, there will be a textual description of the events below.

The Story.
- It would be a single event, so I use a term of proper noun.

Ngân Li Do (1990-2017), a Vietnamese youth who loved singing, came to Taiwan in 2014 like many fellow ambitious youths, with hopes, courage, and enthusiasm, expecting to earn money to improve his family's situation and support his parents and siblings.
A simple path turned into an uneven life. In the toil of repaying debts to return home in dignity as a "runaway migrant worker," he faced the tragic end. Unexpectedly, one day in 2017, he was reported for attempting to steal a car by a secluded river.
The police shouted at him to "get down."
He did not comply, picked up small stones and threw them towards the police, tried to open the police car door, and was shot nine times. Even after being shot, he struggled to crawl under the car or pick up small stones, and the police, perceiving him as aggressive, delayed sending him to the hospital, resulting in his death.

Maybe straightforward, perhaps that's a story for us.

But if I were in the shoes of a foreign migrant worker, is it possible that I wouldn't understand the command "get down"?
Is it possible that my instinctive grabbing of nearby objects is due to nervousness, instinct, and self-defense, given that a police officer with a language barrier is pointing a gun at me?
I don't know. I really don't know.
Maybe the police at the scene didn't know either, they didn't expect it, because their training might not include these assumptions, SOPs ahead(commands, pepper spray, defensive shooting).

Is it possible that if there were more training in compassion and empathy in the training of becoming a police officer, this officer would have a second thought before firing?

I don't know, it's just my speculation. Not close enough to the facts, I can't comment lightly, I can only imagine from different perspectives.

Hence, even more respect to the director, spending years investigating and arresting secret recordings, interviewing victims' families, finding reports of occupational injuries to migrant workers over the years, but still unable to judge, only leaving a sentence, "Did those nine bullets really kill him?" for the audience to ponder.

Respect to the director and producers.

九槍 And Miles to Go Before I Sleep

"Public opinion supports law enforcement on one side, but a series of mysteries unfold after the incident. Why would a rookie police officer fire nine shots at a naked migrant worker? Before the shots rang out, what forces compelled him to become a runaway migrant worker, living a life as fragile as a weed? Did those nine bullets really kill him?"

Realize more about this boy (1990-):

The director has opened a memorial Facebook for Ngân Li Do:

Migrant Worker Ngân Li Do.

If you're willing, go and see his words, his creations, his music, he's really like our children, our brothers. Why shouldn't he be understood because of his identity?

In addition to the Ngân Li Do incident, Director Tsai reviews the experiences of many migrant workers in the documentary, including falling from a bridge to escape police investigation at a factory (still deported, but fortunate), being abused to death on a fishing boat, and perishing in a fire in a shabby metal dormitory.

Here, it's just a microcosm, the same scenarios are happening in corners of the world.

Events have no good or bad, right or wrong, only different perspectives. What would this world be like if there were no binary opposition?

Thank you for patiently reading ─ perhaps for you, this is just the beginning.

If you're willing, start paying attention to the migrant worker issue, below are recommended articles and non-profit organizations to understand:

Appreciate and respect to migrant workers, you can have a look:

如果有一天,我在人生的路上跌倒了,媽媽,請原諒我。 __阮國非
If one day, I fall on the road of life, mom, please forgive me. __Ngân Li Do
Nèu môt mai trên đưông đôi văp ngă ? Xin me hiên hăy thư lôi cho con! __Ngân Li Do

「人們失憶著相聚,等待靈魂超越認知的相認。」 我們都在關係裡看到了些什麼,例如愛; 我們都在關係裡失去了些什麼,例如自己; 我們都在關係裡學會了些什麼,例如界限; 我們都在關係裡找到了些什麼,例如自己。 . 當我們走過彼此,你想交換什麼禮物與祝福?
關係界限 | 覺察 的其他內容
如果我們的教育課綱裡有慈悲,或許對社會的助益更勝於國語數學微積分。 Mercy. Mercy. Mercy. 他先是一個人,然後才是一位移工。 He is first an individual, and then a migrant worker.
曾經 我以為走向世界是人生的意義 我會在探索中成長
「這是一個關於助人的界限的問題,也是一個關於祝福與放手的故事。」 在眾多無能為力與心力疲乏後, 慢慢懂得, 每個人有自己的人生要經歷, 即使是最為親密的人。 於是慢慢學會, 不讓氾濫的同情心, 打擾別人與自己的路, 只在短暫交會,用自己能力所及的光與愛,做溫暖的過客。 燃盡的蠟燭,無法點亮下一個
#MeToo  Hey, dears, if you've heard these words below, or words similar to them, let's have a talk.
"You live for yourselves, not for humans." About trees and their feelings of sadness due to human interference.
如果我們的教育課綱裡有慈悲,或許對社會的助益更勝於國語數學微積分。 Mercy. Mercy. Mercy. 他先是一個人,然後才是一位移工。 He is first an individual, and then a migrant worker.
曾經 我以為走向世界是人生的意義 我會在探索中成長
「這是一個關於助人的界限的問題,也是一個關於祝福與放手的故事。」 在眾多無能為力與心力疲乏後, 慢慢懂得, 每個人有自己的人生要經歷, 即使是最為親密的人。 於是慢慢學會, 不讓氾濫的同情心, 打擾別人與自己的路, 只在短暫交會,用自己能力所及的光與愛,做溫暖的過客。 燃盡的蠟燭,無法點亮下一個
#MeToo  Hey, dears, if you've heard these words below, or words similar to them, let's have a talk.
"You live for yourselves, not for humans." About trees and their feelings of sadness due to human interference.
Google News 追蹤
阿茂啊,他終究是倪莉女兒的生父。家暴或出軌當然都很可惡,但罪不至死。他其實也應當獲得公道。 (【警告】此篇作品為限制級作品,有謀殺、自殺、家暴、性侵等血腥劇情。是本人嘗試以「小說」此一體裁完成的「B級片」。)
20240706 富都青年 - 溫暖的話語 這是一部:沒有身份証、聾啞哥哥,跟不務正業的弟弟,在社會底層努力生活的電影。 劇情最後,男主角被處以死刑,一位佛教法師前去關懷。 法師:你有吃飽嗎? 我們可以做朋友嗎? 男主:我想死! 你知道我過的是什麼生活嗎? 如
阮國非 阮國非,來自越南中北部乂安省,享年27歲。 十年前他為了負擔家計來到台灣工作,七年前他為了更高的報酬而違約離職,成為大家口中的「逃跑外勞」,當時的他大概不會想到半年過後他會在異鄉斷魂。 阮國非的最後一天 2017年,8月的最後一天,越南籍失聯移工阮國非赤裸出現在新竹縣鳳山溪畔。吸
台灣大哥和紐約大哥 前一陣子無意間看到一部電影介紹「周處除三害」。 查了一下,因為對電影中的主角原型人物產生興趣所以就看了這部電影。香港導演導的戲果然在武打動作部分很精湛,另外這是我第一次看阮經天的戲(好落伍我😅),才發現他的演技真好。 電影中的原型人物曾是台灣十大通緝要犯之一。看了他
倪莉一驚,還沒來得及反應,阿茂的頭顱猛然飛來,張開大嘴咬住了她的耳朵。 【警告】此篇作品為限制級作品,有謀殺、自殺、家暴、性侵等血腥劇情。是本人嘗試以「小說」此一體裁完成的「B級片」。
《如果那是夢想,再苦也要去:前進或死亡,法國外籍兵團教我的事》作者:許逢儒 「雖然書名很Peter Su,但其實是一個臺灣人加入法國外籍傭兵團的勵志故事!」 Hou家境雖然不算富裕,但為了夢想,赴湯蹈火在所不辭。Hou在高中時期就開始學法文、畢業後先入伍服義務役,前往法國巴黎參加外籍傭兵團面試。 ⁡
阿茂啊,他終究是倪莉女兒的生父。家暴或出軌當然都很可惡,但罪不至死。他其實也應當獲得公道。 (【警告】此篇作品為限制級作品,有謀殺、自殺、家暴、性侵等血腥劇情。是本人嘗試以「小說」此一體裁完成的「B級片」。)
20240706 富都青年 - 溫暖的話語 這是一部:沒有身份証、聾啞哥哥,跟不務正業的弟弟,在社會底層努力生活的電影。 劇情最後,男主角被處以死刑,一位佛教法師前去關懷。 法師:你有吃飽嗎? 我們可以做朋友嗎? 男主:我想死! 你知道我過的是什麼生活嗎? 如
阮國非 阮國非,來自越南中北部乂安省,享年27歲。 十年前他為了負擔家計來到台灣工作,七年前他為了更高的報酬而違約離職,成為大家口中的「逃跑外勞」,當時的他大概不會想到半年過後他會在異鄉斷魂。 阮國非的最後一天 2017年,8月的最後一天,越南籍失聯移工阮國非赤裸出現在新竹縣鳳山溪畔。吸
台灣大哥和紐約大哥 前一陣子無意間看到一部電影介紹「周處除三害」。 查了一下,因為對電影中的主角原型人物產生興趣所以就看了這部電影。香港導演導的戲果然在武打動作部分很精湛,另外這是我第一次看阮經天的戲(好落伍我😅),才發現他的演技真好。 電影中的原型人物曾是台灣十大通緝要犯之一。看了他
倪莉一驚,還沒來得及反應,阿茂的頭顱猛然飛來,張開大嘴咬住了她的耳朵。 【警告】此篇作品為限制級作品,有謀殺、自殺、家暴、性侵等血腥劇情。是本人嘗試以「小說」此一體裁完成的「B級片」。
《如果那是夢想,再苦也要去:前進或死亡,法國外籍兵團教我的事》作者:許逢儒 「雖然書名很Peter Su,但其實是一個臺灣人加入法國外籍傭兵團的勵志故事!」 Hou家境雖然不算富裕,但為了夢想,赴湯蹈火在所不辭。Hou在高中時期就開始學法文、畢業後先入伍服義務役,前往法國巴黎參加外籍傭兵團面試。 ⁡