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耶和華見證人是一個邪教還是基督教的一部分?Are Jehovah Witnesses a cult or part...

    耶和華見證人是一個邪教還是基督教的一部分?Are Jehovah Witnesses a cult or part of Christianity?


    (00:00) Are Jehovah Witnesses a cult or part of Christianity?


    You see them at airports, in parks. A lot of times, they'll come even to your house and knock, well-dressed and very polite, good people and there's about 8,699,000 Jehovah Witnesses around the world. They would offer about 5 million free home Bible courses and they have about 117,000 congregations around the world.


    (00:30) Now, we will answer whether Jehovah Witnesses are a cult or they're part of Christianity in just a moment but I want to just highlight a little bit of the background of where they started.


    Now, we have to go back to the Adventist background. There was a guy named William Miller.


    He was a farmer, a deputy sheriff, a justice of the peace and the captain in the war of 1820. He announced in 1831 that the end of the world would come in 1843. According to Miller's estimations, about 50,000 to 100,000 people started to follow his teachings but of course, it didn't happen.


    The world did not come to an end in 1843 but his associates revised the date to October 22nd 1844. Still the end of the world didn't come, what a disappointment and the movement then split into various Adventist organizations including what is known today as the Seventh Day Adventist.


    (01:37) Now you may say, what does this have to do with Jehovah's Witnesses? Well, one of the Adventist teachers was Charles Russell.


    He was born in 1852 and died in 1916. In 1872, he founded the International Bible Students Association in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He denied the existence of hell. He denied the trinity. He denied the divinity of Jesus. He taught that Jesus's presence had already returned to earth invisibly in 1874, that Jesus had become King in heaven in 1878 and that He would set up His visible millennial kingdom in 1914.


    Now, Russell set up the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania in 1884 and made himself its president. He then moved the headquarters of his movement to Brooklyn, New York. Russell had expected to be raptured up to heaven with his followers in 1878 but it didn't happen. Russell then gave out a new teaching.


    Yes, he was wrong about the living saints going to heaven but what really happened in 1878 was the date, that the dead were taken to heaven. Pretty much the dead got already raised and they are in heaven. After this, 1881 was proclaimed to be the year that the living souls would be taken to heaven but of course, it did not happen.


    This is what's supposed to happen in 1914. The end of the preaching work, the end of all religion, the wholesome destruction of all government, the end of the Great Tribulation, the end of Armageddon and Russell and his followers would be raised to heaven, Jesus's kingdom would be established as paradise on earth and there will be a commencement of the earthly resurrection.


    Well, 1914 did not pan out. 1915 was claimed but it didn't happen either in 1915. Then Russell began to deny that he ever really definitely asserted 1914 would be the year. Pretty much a lot of these moving of the dates when Jesus's earthly presence would be established on this earth and ends the story of this guy is that he passed away in 1916 and then Joseph Franklin Rutherford forth took over as president of this Jehovah's Witness organization and he actually changed the name of the movement.


    and ends the story of this guy is that he passed away in 1916 and then Joseph Franklin Rutherford took over as president of this Jehovah's Witness organization and he actually changed the name of the movement.


    (04:02) to Jehovah's Witnesses and Rutherford, he translated that 1914 date but did not have better luck with predicting the end of the world. So as you see the foundational teaching that came from this guy who talked about the end of the world and then some other guy picked that up and started setting dates and really bizarre doctrines that started to propagate and of course, all of his predictions were flat out wrong.


    (04:38) Now, this is not just my opinion but based on the teachings of the scripture, Jehovah's Witnesses are not Evangelical Christians. They're not Biblical Christians, followers of Jesus and here are the reasons and I'll give you 10 of them. Jehovah's Witnesses believed that Jesus was the first being that Jehovah created. Jehovah then created all things through Michael/Jesus. Jesus is not God but He is a God.


    (05:06) Christians don't believe in that. Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus is fully God and fully man. Therefore, on the basic fundamental issue of what Christians believe, Jehovah's Witnesses differ. Secondly, Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jesus is not to be worshipped.


    (05:28) They say, we do not worship Jesus as we do not believe that He is Almighty God. That's from their website. Christians, we worship Jesus. The Bible says that God has exalted Jesus's name above every name that at the name of Jesus, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess.


    (05:48) We see the disciples of Jesus worshiped Jesus after His resurrection. They even worshiped Him during His time on earth and they acknowledged Him as Messiah.


    The third thing that Jehovah's Witnesses believe that we Christians do not is that they believe that Jesus was not resurrected with a physical body but as a spirit being and not only Jehovah's Witnesses but other people claimed that there was no physical resurrection


    (06:18) and physical resurrection for Christians is a big deal because we acknowledge that God created this physical world. He created our physical bodies and sin has come into this world because of that, death came into this world because of that, we die and Jesus came to restore everything through His death on the cross.


    (06:39) He reconciles us to God and Jesus becomes the first fruits of what is to come meaning, we will be raised from the dead as well, physically not just spiritually. When Jesus rose from the dead, we see that He ate food with them. They were able to put their hands into parts of His body where there were nails there before and Jesus was physically present. Yes, His physical body was glorified body. He was able to move from one place to another.


    (07:05) He could disappear and all of that but it was still resurrected physical body. He was not just a spirit and He will actually retain that human physical body for all eternity. He added on humanity. He became like us yet without sin, fully God and fully man and that is the fundamental belief that Christians that believe the Bible and the teachings about Jesus believe.


    The fourth thing is Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jesus's second coming has already occurred, that it took place invisibly in 1914. We don't see that proof of that in the Bible. We know that there are things that have to take place like the manifestation of the antichrist, the falling away, the temple in Jerusalem to be rebuilt, where the antichrist will sit in that temple.


    (08:05) There is a mass deception that will be taken place and the Great Tribulation and after the Great Tribulation, Jesus will come. We don't see that has happened yet. This doesn't mean that we're not going through tribulation or hardship. This also doesn't mean that the spirit of antichrist is not active in this world but Jesus physically has not come. We haven't seen His feet land on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem.


    (08:30) We haven't seen Jesus redeem and save the Jewish people and them crying out to Jesus as their Messiah. We haven't seen the rapture of the church. None of these events that are mentioned in the Bible have occurred yet.


    Number five, Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the holy spirit is not a person, He's a force.


    (08:49) Now, the Holy Spirit is a Spirit. God is a Spirit but we see that the Holy Spirit uses personal pronouns. Jesus calls Him, 'He' not 'it.' We see that He has fellowship. He does functions that only a person can do. He can teach. He can guide. He can convict. He can speak. He can comfort.


    (09:15) Now, I just mentioned few but these functions, a ghost, a wind, a fire or oil cannot perform, so and Jesus says the Holy Spirit will be another comforter. The word 'another' there is the word for one of thesame kind. So the Holy Spirit was to continue the ministry of Jesus.


    (09:40) Jesus was a person so the Holy Spirit is a person. The Biblical teaching is that the Holy Spirit is a person. Jesus is a person and God the Father is a person. One God, three persons which brings me to the sixth thing that Jehovah's Witnesses believe that we don't is Jehovah's Witnesses believe there is no trinity.


    (09:58) There is only one God Jehovah and that's partially true. There's only one God but this God has three persons. One in three. We see this throughout the Old Testament and we really see this being highlighted in the New Testament.


    (10:28) And some people think well, Christians really have worship of many Gods because they have God Jesus, God the Father and God the Holy Spirit, How could there be one God in three persons? This doesn't mean that everything about God, you will be able to put into your peanut sized brain and figure Him out and I wouldn't want God, I can figure out but God does reveal Himself in the scripture as one God, one in essence, three in person.


    (11:09) Jehovah's Witnesses believe that salvation is by faith and especially by works. Now, you need to belong to the Jehovah Witness organization, the Watchtower Society and you need to go out to make converts and you need to also keep all the rules that the organization makes and that is how you are saved.


    (11:36) The Bible teaches us contrary to that. We are saved by grace through faith and the Bible makes it clear not of works, lest any man should boast. Now, we were created as God's masterpiece before the creation of the world for good works. Faith without works is dead but we are not saved by good works. We are saved for good works.


    Number eight, Jehovah's Witnesses believe that only 144,000 will be saved and will go to heaven. They will have spirit bodies not physical bodies. Everyone else who belongs to Jehovah will stay in paradise on earth in a physical body.


    (12:25) Now, they took that 144,000 from the book of Revelation and really twisted it to fit their narrative and their understanding.


    We know that there will be people in heaven from every tribe, tongue, nation and they will have physical resurrected bodies.


    (12:54) We know that at the end, when we go to heaven, our bodies at the end will be resurrected and we will be reunited with our bodies and this Jerusalem, this heaven, new heaven will come down on earth and God will have His tabernacle with men.


    Number nine, humans do not have an eternal immoral soul. That's what Jehovah's Witnesses believe and when you die, you will cease to exist unless God resurrects you.


    (13:18) The Bible doesn't teach that. The Bible teaches that every human being has an eternal immortal soul and you don't cease to exist. You will exist forever either separated from God or with God.


    This is why Jesus came and died on the cross so that those of us who deserve to go to hell and be with the devil because hell wasn't designed for us, it was designed by God for the devil and his angels aka demons. We go there by default because of our sin. We were born sinners and then we continue to sin.


    Wages of sin is death, separation from God and so hell is pretty much, you and I getting a world without God. No Light. No Love. No community. No peace and no joy and no memory of God. No presence of God. God removes everything about Himself and creates a place where you can have a place without Him.


    Now, some of you may say well, on this earth, I don't have God.


    (14:10) Yeah, you still live in the world where His presence, omnipresence is here. He upholds the earth, laws, everything is upheld by His word. You're still experiencing the sunshine, the hope. All of these feelings, all of these good things, we attribute to mother nature, we attribute to luck and everything. They're actually a residue of God's presence.


    (14:34) God causes the rain to come on just and unjust but there is a place where there will be no trace of God whatsoever and for those of you who are looking to have a place where God is not, well, hell is going to be specifically designed for that but you wouldn't want that because it's dark, it's disconnected, it's cold and it's hot and worms don't die there. It's depressing, it's darker than the darkest darkness.


    (14:59) The best thing you need, we need is salvation so we can spend eternity with love, light and with God and that only can happen through Jesus Christ. You will live forever. You don't decide if you live forever but today if you give your life to Jesus, repent of your sin, you can live forever with Jesus.


    (15:18) Now the last thing that Jehovah's Witnesses believe is there is no hell. The Bible clearly teaches that there is hell. Jesus taught more on hell than on heaven. If you would have followed Jesus's ministry, you would have heard constant references to outer darkness, eternal separation, and eternal damnation.


    (15:41) It's no wonder why He came to give His life and to die so that we don't go to that horrible, ugly place. I've recently had a minister who took a trip to hell. God gave him a vision of hell and he describes that. It's horrifying place. We recently had an ex-Buddhist person who went to hell being a Buddhist and by God's grace because people prayed for him, he got rescued and he came back to his body and then he gave his life to Christ.


    (16:06) Hell is not a place you want to go to but it's a real place. Hell is real. It's eternal. It's very hot and you want to avoid that place. There's many ways to hell, there's only one way to heaven and that way is Jesus Christ. He said, I am the way, the truth and the life.


    (16:23) Yeah but anybody who makes that statement and gets raised from the dead, I'll follow Him. Jesus backed up that statement by being risen from the dead. No other leader of religion ever said something like that. So Jesus is either a liar, a lunatic or He is who He said He is, the Lord. Who will you believe today?


    (16:46) If you're watching this video and you are Jehovah's Witness, I love you. I'm praying for you but you are deceived. I want you to read the scriptures. Don't read your prophets who lie to you, who change the dates and twist the scripture. The scripture is not confusing. A simple person can read it. Take your Jehovah's Witnesses lenses off and read it for what it is and you will see the scripture read you and come to know the Lord Jesus. Repent of your sin.


    (17:08) Place your trust in Him as your only salvation. Thank you for watching this video. Go ahead and share this with other people. Let me know in the comments below what you learned today as well as if this ministry is a blessing to you, would you consider partnering with us so that we can produce content like this and even more. We release books, courses.


    (17:28) We have our videos in Spanish and Russian and we offer all of our content free of charge because of partners like you.


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