A Growth A Day Irrigate Our Life It May

更新於 2018/10/17閱讀時間約 7 分鐘

Never stop growing, even if you are exhausted as hell.

We might all sometimes, lying on the bed, incapable of recalling what the TV show we have just watched a couple of hours ago, feel like experiencing an empty day after getting home from the tough-boring-flattering-rushing work.
Even if we do have our so-called “pressure-releasing entertainment”, our day may just be gone like nothing.
Why? Because an entertainment is only for sensationally entertaining us, not mentally enriching us. We don’t feel mental enrichment from an entertainment. However, mental enrichment is what really makes our life colorful.
Choose one thing to enrich our mentality a day. By doing so we grow, even just a little.
Major difference exist between a pure entertainment and a mental enrichment. How do we separate them?
Entertainments: those activities we can hardly find any reasons to refuse.
Enrichment: those activities we may sometimes feel lazy about.
Having fried chicken, totally easy, may grant us excess body weights.
Watching a TV show, totally relaxing, may grant us emptiness after laughing.
Surfing social community websites, totally fulfilling our curiousness, may grant us a sensation of loss comparing with others.
Exactly, we all like doing those effort-free activities. However, we still need a source of our enrichment.
For examples:
Reading, even just a few pages for nurturing our mind, requires patience, thinking, and concentration.
Drawing, even just a few outlines for splashing our creativity, requires thought, creativity, and character presentation.
Writing, even just a few paragraphs for recording our thoughts, requires experience, organizing, and persistence.
Guitar practicing, even just a few bars on the score for curing our spirit, requires framework, rhythm, and hard-working.
Cooking, even just a small dish for loving our family, requires, culinary skills, care, and love.
Working out, even just a few push-ups for building our strength, requires endurance, tolerance, and stamina.
Such activities, unlike those for simply releasing pressure, may be accompanied with pressure from another aspect — the pressure for improvement — fighting the laziness.
By doing those mentally enriching activities, each time we conquer our laziness and gain progress, we grow.
As people gradually getting used to dazzling, noisy stimulation and crowded lifestyle all around our daily life, we forget how to get along with loneliness. That is why we find ourselves feeling empty after the party is over.
Seeking a mental enrichment, we learn to get along with ourselves again, and most importantly, we learn to cope with loneliness.
We do not have to completely give up our entertainments. We just need to add something else. Through reading, drawing, learning, creating, exercising, writing, or whatever activities that will help us grow, only a little time a day is needed for enriching our mind, our spirit, and our thought.
With mental enrichment, our emptiness is filled up. We may no longer feel like doing nothing in the end of the day. Instead, we grow!
As the title says, a growth a day may irrigate our life.

逃離職場,投入全職自由工作者的心路歷程,和各式各樣的人生心得分享,歡迎交流。 如果喜歡我的文章,請不吝替我按下愛心並且加入追蹤,這是對我最大的鼓勵,謝謝您!
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前言: 本小說不定期連載,以動物為主角描寫職場文化,故事全然不合理,純屬博君一笑,情節雖然純屬虛構但改編自真人真事,如有雷同,真的一樣。
初次嘗試分享閱讀心得 每個人閱讀同一本書所能獲得的心得皆有不同 即使已經是膾炙人口的熱門書 不同的人也能讀出不同的醍醐味
前言: 本小說不定期連載,以動物為主角描寫職場文化,故事全然不合理,純屬博君一笑,情節雖然純屬虛構但改編自真人真事,如有雷同,真的一樣。
初次嘗試分享閱讀心得 每個人閱讀同一本書所能獲得的心得皆有不同 即使已經是膾炙人口的熱門書 不同的人也能讀出不同的醍醐味
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*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
在1961年Merton Miller and Franco Modigliani發表的著名理論(MM理論)“Dividend Policy, Growth, and the Valuation of Shares,”,即股息策略和股票報酬毫不相關。此一理論在提出後的五十多年的時間裡,在學術層面上不
社群是國家一樣 Q. 這麼培養社群?IG,Snapchat,YouTube等,各個平台都有Star。這些人從各個平台一直都被挖。這樣競爭強烈狀況下怎麼培養獨特社群? A. 培養社群是營運國家,經濟一樣。為了營運社群,從經濟政策可以學習。先說從0開始培養社群是類似開拓新土地的樣子。 ①告訴大家有新土地
Growth Marketing這個詞在近幾年開始多人討論,很多時候人們都會把Online Marketing/Digital Marketing跟Growth Marketing混淆,而事實上兩者的確很相似,因為原則上都離不開通過數碼平台和數碼技術去吸納潛在客戶,而讓兩者之間最不同的地方在於整個
This event was held in SGX, it was my first-time visit, even it is 100 meter to my office and I see it every day. I felt very excited about SGX, it i
昨天在準備課程的會議裡面談到這個概念,我一開始以為是Medium上面各種教人心靈成長的文章,後來經過指點才知道原來是心理學家Carol Dweck所發展的一套論述。
*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
在1961年Merton Miller and Franco Modigliani發表的著名理論(MM理論)“Dividend Policy, Growth, and the Valuation of Shares,”,即股息策略和股票報酬毫不相關。此一理論在提出後的五十多年的時間裡,在學術層面上不
社群是國家一樣 Q. 這麼培養社群?IG,Snapchat,YouTube等,各個平台都有Star。這些人從各個平台一直都被挖。這樣競爭強烈狀況下怎麼培養獨特社群? A. 培養社群是營運國家,經濟一樣。為了營運社群,從經濟政策可以學習。先說從0開始培養社群是類似開拓新土地的樣子。 ①告訴大家有新土地
Growth Marketing這個詞在近幾年開始多人討論,很多時候人們都會把Online Marketing/Digital Marketing跟Growth Marketing混淆,而事實上兩者的確很相似,因為原則上都離不開通過數碼平台和數碼技術去吸納潛在客戶,而讓兩者之間最不同的地方在於整個
This event was held in SGX, it was my first-time visit, even it is 100 meter to my office and I see it every day. I felt very excited about SGX, it i
昨天在準備課程的會議裡面談到這個概念,我一開始以為是Medium上面各種教人心靈成長的文章,後來經過指點才知道原來是心理學家Carol Dweck所發展的一套論述。