
更新於 2021/06/17閱讀時間約 2 分鐘
I tried to find love, intimates, fullness, and ease in LIFE, but I only found losses, impossibilities, failures, and excuses.
I tried to find the truth, important things, memories, and existence in TIME, but I only found traps, illness, misery, and exhaustion.
I tried to find morality, oasis, nice people, enthusiasm, and yesterday in MONEY, but I only found misfortune, overreacting, noise, exception, and yield.
I tried to find wonder, openness, reality, luck, and developments in WORLD, but I only found wrecks, old-fashioned, ruins, lies, and destruction.
I have been seeking good things, but getting the worst feedbacks.
Do I feel frustrated? 我覺得挫折嗎?
Not at all. 一點也不。
I will keep trying until I make it. 我會繼續嘗試直到我做到為止。
The longer we lock together 當我們關在一起 Together, together 在一起,在一起 The longer we lock together 當我們關在一起 The crazier we'll be 關愈久愈瘋狂
When I smile, you know I need a kiss. 當我微笑時,你知道我需要一個吻。 When I frown, you know I need a tap on the shoulder. 當我皺眉時,你知道我需要在我肩上輕拍。 When I feel sad, you k
I am rich because I have many friends. 我很富有,因為我有好多朋友。 I am rich because I have so many books. 我很富有,因為我有好多書。 I am rich because I still have some money
When the alarm rang, I woke up. 當鬧鐘響起,我醒來。 I was tired and annoyed. 我好累、好煩躁。 When AC turned off automatically, I woke up. 當冷氣自動關掉,我醒來。
When I feel sad, I write. 當我覺得悲傷的時候,我寫作。 When I feel happy, I write. 當我覺得快樂的時候,我寫作。 When I feel bored, I write. 當我覺得無聊的時候,我寫作。 I write down my sorrow,
Do you know about cicadas? 你知道蟬嗎? Let me tell you some fun facts about this creature. 讓我告訴你一些和蟬有關的有趣事實。 Female cicadas will deposit their eggs inside
The longer we lock together 當我們關在一起 Together, together 在一起,在一起 The longer we lock together 當我們關在一起 The crazier we'll be 關愈久愈瘋狂
When I smile, you know I need a kiss. 當我微笑時,你知道我需要一個吻。 When I frown, you know I need a tap on the shoulder. 當我皺眉時,你知道我需要在我肩上輕拍。 When I feel sad, you k
I am rich because I have many friends. 我很富有,因為我有好多朋友。 I am rich because I have so many books. 我很富有,因為我有好多書。 I am rich because I still have some money
When the alarm rang, I woke up. 當鬧鐘響起,我醒來。 I was tired and annoyed. 我好累、好煩躁。 When AC turned off automatically, I woke up. 當冷氣自動關掉,我醒來。
When I feel sad, I write. 當我覺得悲傷的時候,我寫作。 When I feel happy, I write. 當我覺得快樂的時候,我寫作。 When I feel bored, I write. 當我覺得無聊的時候,我寫作。 I write down my sorrow,
Do you know about cicadas? 你知道蟬嗎? Let me tell you some fun facts about this creature. 讓我告訴你一些和蟬有關的有趣事實。 Female cicadas will deposit their eggs inside
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*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
史恩康納萊(Sean Connery)在今年10月辭世,開始追憶似地觀看他以前的作品,我不諱言沒看過他在詮釋龐德的007系列,最初認識他是尼可拉斯凱吉的動作三部曲的絕地任務。以及接下來要談的這部電影:心靈訪客(Finding Forrester,2000)
Closing a Hong Kong company involves many formal steps and the overall process can be expensive and take several months to complete, depending on how
In this article, we look to explore what closing a Hong Kong company via voluntary wind up and compulsory (involuntary) wind up entails
是夢想… …對呢,又說起夢想。 不過這一次挑起我想法的是一套電影,一套我從來沒有想過要看的電影。 Finding Neverland (小飛俠前傳之魔幻童心)
Nick and Amy 這對夫妻之間,喜好「遊戲(game)」,其中一種遊戲是 尋寶遊戲(Treasure Hunt)。仔細想想,《控制》這部電影,其實也是導演,給觀眾玩的一場尋寶遊戲,哪個寶呢?Amazing Amy!
*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
史恩康納萊(Sean Connery)在今年10月辭世,開始追憶似地觀看他以前的作品,我不諱言沒看過他在詮釋龐德的007系列,最初認識他是尼可拉斯凱吉的動作三部曲的絕地任務。以及接下來要談的這部電影:心靈訪客(Finding Forrester,2000)
Closing a Hong Kong company involves many formal steps and the overall process can be expensive and take several months to complete, depending on how
In this article, we look to explore what closing a Hong Kong company via voluntary wind up and compulsory (involuntary) wind up entails
是夢想… …對呢,又說起夢想。 不過這一次挑起我想法的是一套電影,一套我從來沒有想過要看的電影。 Finding Neverland (小飛俠前傳之魔幻童心)
Nick and Amy 這對夫妻之間,喜好「遊戲(game)」,其中一種遊戲是 尋寶遊戲(Treasure Hunt)。仔細想想,《控制》這部電影,其實也是導演,給觀眾玩的一場尋寶遊戲,哪個寶呢?Amazing Amy!