Experience Design — why we cannot stop playing games, how games catch our attention.

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Have you ever had the experience playing the games for 24–7 just to know how the plot goes and enjoys the excitement of playing the game?
The reason why games bring us joyfulness is because they touch our heart and strongly evokes our emotions; the joyfulness/pleasure is then pulled out from our memories. A good experience touches our heart, people can’t help but want to try; they cannot say no but get addicted to it, hence trigger the desire to share the sensation with others. The process of undergoing an experience that people “can’t help but having the strong desire doing something „ is the core of experience design.
The experience is when your heart is touched.
How wonderful it would be if you could easily touch people’s hearts like playing a game.
Tamaki Shinichiro, former Nintendo Wii project manager, has divided experience design into three categories and analyzed some of Nintendo’s popular games such as Super Mario and Dragon Quest to help readers better understand what experience design really is.

Intuitive Design

When it comes to Nintendo, many people think of the game Super Mario. This classic game is an intuitive design experience, On the initial screen, we see a flat ground, Mario is standing on the left side of the screen, facing right, the screen looks very simple, may look a little monotonous, but the most important goal is described in the game, what do we need to do to win the game?
Defeat Kuba? Save Princess Brigitte? Get a high score? Neither! In fact, this question seems to be more difficult than we can imagine.
But if you continue observing in the play, you will hear the whisper addressing you the answer, and that is — go right!
The user makes a spontaneous assumption of “should I do this?” Let the user spontaneously make the assumption of “should I do it this way?”, and generate the idea of “let’s try to do it” then take action, finally get the pleasure of “it’s really like this! This is the result of intuitive design, which allows players intuitively understand the experience based on their intuition.
Each intuitive experience contains pleasure, and through the continuous occurrence of the intuitive design, user’s emotion will rise little by little, and at a certain point, the thought of “this game is really interesting” will start to rise. This experience must be simple and straightforward, complicated or difficult questions will just make people give up thinking it in an intuitive, easy way.
Intuitive design formula: Assume → Try → Enjoy
The principle of intuitive design: to make people feel intuitive through easy and simple experience

Surprise Design

Game is not a necessity. We need surprise.
When the intuitive design appears repeatedly, the player’s emotions is switching between “uneasy → happy”, the players tend to feel tired and bored, this is when the surprise design comes into play.
When our brain keeps receiving the same stimulus over and over again, it will feel tired and the response will become weaker and weaker. If something unexpected happens and break the preconceived notions, making the player’s expectations inaccurate. It will erase the fatigue and boredom and bring a longer experience in the play.
The formula of surprise design: Misunderstanding → Trying → Surprise
The principle of surprise design: to erase fatigue and boredom through unexpected surprises.

Story design

Intuitive design allows the user to play the game, interspersed with surprising design to create a long game experience. No matter what might happen to the protagonist in the game, it will not have a substantial impact on the user, so what’s the point of playing the game?
The game is like a trip, only through the experience itself will the player’s own story be built and made meaningful.
Players explore the game, talk to NPCs, collect pieces of the story to understand the whole game plot, and keep making choices during the journey to create their own story while having the growth through “playing the game”. This is also why at the end of the story, the protagonist and his group will always return to the initial starting place. By returning to the initial place, people can remember themselves before they finished the story, and compare themselves with the one who finished the story, realizing their own growth.
The formula of story design: teasing → growth → will
Story design principle: let players create their own stories through experience

Experience Design

The series of “Experience → Emotion → Memory” is always stimulating and driving our life.
The things that exist in your memory now must be the experiences that have strongly shaken your emotions. The scenes that can be remembered must have a hidden design that touches your heart.
Through countless experience design, the game drives the player’s feelings and gradually connects the emotional pulse of each moment, touching the player’s heart. The most important thing in experience design is to consider about other people’s emotions and create products that people “can’t help but apply“.


I like playing games, I picked up this book due to the author Shinichiro Tamaki, who was in charge of Nintendo’s Wii project. Honestly speaking, I opened it up with the idea that business books might be boring. Nonetheless, to my surprise, the book is really interesting!
The book explains what experience design is by analyzing the games, and takes readers to think about what experience design is and how to use it step by step. At the end of the book, there are tips on how to use experience design in presentations, product design, and communication, which are really useful. Especially the part on surprise design. Through experiential design, the process of “thinking” becomes more interesting.
While reading this book, it recalled my previous experience. I found that I had gained the will and growth through playing games. It seems that playing games is really useful for learning experience design!
In addition, what surprised me most after reading this book is that the book applies the experience design on its layout! I really recommend you reading this book. Who can resist the compelling Experience Design
Book Information
Book Name:Experience Design
Author:Tamaki Shinichiro
Publisher: Crown Culture Corporation
Note: The Chinese version of this article was written by Cheryl Fang(Able intern), and interpreted, translated by Ching Hsu.
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本文是基於網路創業家Dan Koe的30分鐘影片所撰寫的心得,為大家濃縮成約5分鐘的精華內容,敬請細讀! 你體驗過「最佳心流」的狀態嗎? 你是否曾感到無比自信,覺得自己能夠征服世界?無論是運動、遊戲,還是簡單地在電腦上寫作,有些人稱這種狀態為心流狀態。
「請放心:這本書不是由一個對科技一無所知,並意圖妖魔化電玩遊戲的外行人寫的。我也不是那種相信科技和電玩遊戲將會拯救全人類的信徒。我想要解釋遊戲化真正的樣貌,它能達到的最好效果為何,以及是如何被用來操縱人心。」 本書乍看之下是一本寫給玩家們看的書,但是本書討論著整個社會長久發展下來的心理操縱機制。
一、了解思維 二、大量體驗 三、拆解架構 四、找出樂趣
從小時候迷上瑪利歐的遊戲開始,一路玩到現在離不開。 長大後開始蒐集瑪利歐的周邊,在這篇分享了我喜歡的角色以及好幾款瑪利歐公仔。
任天堂の経営方針 私たちは「娯楽を通じて人々を笑顔にする会社」として、どなたにでも直感的に楽しんでいただける「任天堂独自の遊び」を提供することを目指しています。この独自の娯楽体験を実現するために、ハード・ソフト一体型のゲーム専用機ビジネスを経営の中核に置き、どのような娯楽でも「いつかは必ず飽きられ
匹茲堡大學(University of Pittsburgh)的研究人員Mauricio Delgado想要找出腦神經學上的興奮與預期感來自何處,藉以知道人的動力源自哪裡。他設計了一個遊戲,邀請很多自願者來參與,玩遊戲的同時並接受功能性磁振造影(fMRI)掃描腦部。受試者的眼前有個螢幕,會先讓受試者
本文是基於網路創業家Dan Koe的30分鐘影片所撰寫的心得,為大家濃縮成約5分鐘的精華內容,敬請細讀! 你體驗過「最佳心流」的狀態嗎? 你是否曾感到無比自信,覺得自己能夠征服世界?無論是運動、遊戲,還是簡單地在電腦上寫作,有些人稱這種狀態為心流狀態。
「請放心:這本書不是由一個對科技一無所知,並意圖妖魔化電玩遊戲的外行人寫的。我也不是那種相信科技和電玩遊戲將會拯救全人類的信徒。我想要解釋遊戲化真正的樣貌,它能達到的最好效果為何,以及是如何被用來操縱人心。」 本書乍看之下是一本寫給玩家們看的書,但是本書討論著整個社會長久發展下來的心理操縱機制。
一、了解思維 二、大量體驗 三、拆解架構 四、找出樂趣
從小時候迷上瑪利歐的遊戲開始,一路玩到現在離不開。 長大後開始蒐集瑪利歐的周邊,在這篇分享了我喜歡的角色以及好幾款瑪利歐公仔。
任天堂の経営方針 私たちは「娯楽を通じて人々を笑顔にする会社」として、どなたにでも直感的に楽しんでいただける「任天堂独自の遊び」を提供することを目指しています。この独自の娯楽体験を実現するために、ハード・ソフト一体型のゲーム専用機ビジネスを経営の中核に置き、どのような娯楽でも「いつかは必ず飽きられ
匹茲堡大學(University of Pittsburgh)的研究人員Mauricio Delgado想要找出腦神經學上的興奮與預期感來自何處,藉以知道人的動力源自哪裡。他設計了一個遊戲,邀請很多自願者來參與,玩遊戲的同時並接受功能性磁振造影(fMRI)掃描腦部。受試者的眼前有個螢幕,會先讓受試者