Marc Márquez在阿根廷站贏得他差距最大的乾地勝利,而Valentino Rossi 則靠省胎拿下第二,而這原本應該是Cal Crutchlow的位置....
在卡達,所有討論都圍繞在空力套件相關的指南上面。在阿根廷Cal Crutchlow的偷跑被放大檢視,他被判罰得來速,使得這位英國車手與第二名成績失之交臂。
MotoGP新的FIM小組主席Freddie Spence─他也拒絕了卡達的空力抗議活動─因為這個判決,受到許多猛烈的抨擊。但裁罰跟懲處不是出自他的手中,規則書沒有給小組做判斷的可能性。
Any rider who anticipates the start will be required to carry out the ride through described under article 1.19.
The motorcycle must be stationary at the time the red lights are turned off. Anticipation of the start is defined by the motorcycle moving forward at the time the red lights are turned off.
In the case of a minor movement and subsequent stop whilst the red lights are on, the designated officials will be the sole judge of whether an advantage has been gained.
如果紅燈亮起時,賽車有稍微移動並馬上停止,指定的官員(Freddie Spencer)來判斷是否有因此獲得優勢。如果經由判定確實有偷跑優勢,賽事總監就會盡快將判決通知車手。
Any rider who anticipates the start will be required to carry out the ride through described under article 1.19.
Anticipation of the start is defined by the motorcycle moving forward when the red lights are on. The Race Direction will decide if a penalty will be imposed and must arrange for everyone to be informed of such penalty before the end of the fourth lap.
Any rider who anticipates the start will be required to carry out the ride through described under article 1.19.
The motorcycle must be stationary at the time the red lights are turned off. Anticipation of the start is defined by the motorcycle moving forward at the time the red lights are turned off.
In the case of a minor movement and subsequent stop whilst the red lights are on, Race Direction will be the sole judge of whether an advantage has been gained.
Race Direction will decide if a penalty will be imposed for taking advantage by anticipating the start and must communicate the penalty to the rider before the end of the fourth lap.