2021-04-29|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 9 分鐘

如何做專業英文簡報 – 破冰,開場,講下去 | Joyce的職場視界#1027

如何做專業英文簡報 – 破冰,開場,講下去
如何做專業英文簡報 – 破冰,開場,講下去

I,破冰 Ice Breaking
1. Ask a question about people
How old are your kids? 你的小孩現在幾歲了? Do you know [someone's name] in Marketing department? 你認識行銷部的 [某某] 嗎? Do you know your neighbors’ names? 你知道坐你隔壁的人的名字嗎?
2. Ask a question about the topic
What is your expectation for this presentation? 你對這場簡報的期待是什麼? Have you seen something similar like this [the topic] before? What do you think? 你之前有聽過類似主題的簡報嗎?你有哪些想法?
3. Ask a question to get attention
I had a small prize here, can anyone answer this question below? 我這裡有個小獎品,有誰可以回答下面這個問題? Can you sit in the front a little bit? 你們可否坐到前面一點?

II,開場 Opening
1. Welcome Your Audience
Welcome to [name of company or event]. My name is [name] and I am the [job title or background information]. 歡迎參加 [公司或活動名稱]。我的名字是 [姓名],我負責 [工作職位或背景資料] Thank you for coming today. I'm [name] and I'm looking forward to talking with you today about [your topic]. 謝謝大家今天的參與。我是 [姓名],期待今天與大家談論 [主題]。 Good morning/afternoon. I'd like to quickly introduce myself. I am [name] from [company or position]. 早安 / 午安。我想快速介紹一下自己。我是來自 [公司或職位] 的 [姓名] On behalf of [name of company], I'd like to welcome you today. For those of you who don't already know me, my name is [name] and I am [job title or background]. 我今天代表 [公司名稱] 歡迎大家。有些人還還不認識我,我的名字是 [姓名],我擔任 [工作職位] Hi everyone. I'm [name and title]. I'm glad to be here with you today. Now let's get started. 大家好。我是 [姓名和職稱]。我很高興今天能和大家分享。現在讓我們開始吧
2. Introduce the Subject
This morning I'd like to present our new [product or service]. 今天上午,我想介紹一下我們的新 [產品或服務]。 Regarding [main topic], I'd like to take this opportunity to talk about it today. 關於 [議題],我今天想藉此機會談一談。 During my talk this morning/afternoon, I'll provide you with some background on [main topic] and why we need to have today's presentation. 在我今天上午/下午的談話中,我將向你們提供一些關於 [議題] 的背景,以及為什麼我們需要簡報分享 As far as [main topic] is/are concerned, I would like to share my findings to you. 就 [議題] 而言,我想向你們分享我的發現 Today I'd like to share with you [main topic] … 今天我想與你分享[主要議題]......。
3. Introduce the Agenda
There are three key points I'll be discussing... 今天我會談到三個部分 … I want to begin by..., and then I'll move on to... 我會從 … 開始,接著會談到 …. This presentation is divided into four parts... 這個簡報共分為四個部分 …
開場 Opening

III講下去 Get The Ball Rolling

1. Introducing the First Page
I'd like to start by the background. 我想從背景介紹開始談 Let's begin from the background. 讓我們從背景開始說起 Starting with the background. 從背景開始
2. Finishing the Page, and Starting the Next Page
Well, I've told you about the background. Now we'll move on to the sales figure last month. 好了,我剛剛已經說明了背景。現在我們將繼續討論上個月的銷售數字。 That's all I have to say about the background. Turning to the sales figure last month. 這就是我想提到的背景部分。現在請看上個月的銷售數字。 We have looked at the background. Let's look now at the sales figure last month. 我們已經看完了背景部分。現在我們來看看上個月的銷售數字。 That's all I have to say about the background. Let's turn now to the sales figure. 這就是我要說的關於背景的全部內容。現在讓我們來看看銷售數字。
九宮格學英文 - 簡報引導
版權所有 © 2021 Deborah Chiang Copyright © 2021 Deborah Chiang
作者介紹 黛芭拉Deborah 英國牛津大學TESOL 高階認證 美國教師協會TESOL 高階認證 多益 TOEIC 近滿分 曾擔任知名外商行銷主管十多年 出版過商用英文書籍與相關文章 現從事商業英語教學與商業英語教練
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