更新於 2022/05/05閱讀時間約 2 分鐘

金剛經 Conze 英譯中文 (7)

The Lord asked: What do you think, Subhuti, is there any dharma which the Tathagata has fully known as 'the utmost, right and perfect enlightenment or is there any dharma which the Tathagata has demonstrated?
接著,世尊在尊者須菩提旁邊說道:「你認為如何呢?有沒有任何 (現象界的) 境界是如來、無垢者、正遍知者所證悟的呢?又有沒有什麼 (現象界的) 意旨是如來所傳授的呢?」
Subhuti replied: No, not as I understand what the Lord has said.
須菩提回答:「世尊!就我對於世尊的教導的理解,沒有任何 (現象界的) 境界是如來、無垢者、正遍知者所證悟的,也沒有什麼 (現象界的) 意旨是如來所傳授的。
And why? This dharma which the Tathagata has fully known or demonstrated - it cannot be grasped, it cannot be talked about, it is neither a dharma nor a no-dharma.
為什麼呢?因為如來所傳授的 (佛性境界的) 意旨,是不可以用思維義解來領會的,也不可以用言語來描述,不是 (現象界的) 意旨,也不是 (現象界的) 無意旨。
And why? because an Absolute exalts the Holy Persons.
這又是為什麼呢?因為,(那不屬於現象界因緣假生假滅的) 無為法,彰顯明示了一切聖人 (所同證同悟的境界及意旨)。」

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