2022-03-27|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 4 分鐘

金剛經 Conze 英譯中文 (11)

The Lord asked: What do you think, Subhuti, if there were as many Ganges rivers as there are grains of sand in the large river Ganges, would the grains of sand in them be many?
Subhuti replied: Those Ganges rivers would indeed be many, much more so the grains of sand in them.
The Lord said: This is what I announce to you, Subhuti, this is what I make known to you, if some woman or man had filled with the seven precious things as many world systems as there are grains of sand in those Ganges rivers, and would give them as a gift to the Tathagatas, Arhats, fully Enlightened Ones what do you think, Subhuti, would that woman or man on the strength of that beget a great heap of merit?
世尊說:「我想告訴你,須菩提!就像這些恆河沙粒的數量總和一樣,如果有女人或男人,把七種寶物填滿這麽多的世界,並施與如來、無垢者、正遍知者,你認為如何呢?須菩提!這些女人或男人,基於這樣子的布施,所得到的福德積聚 (的回報) 多嗎?
Subhuti replied: Great, O Lord, great O Well-Gone, would that heap of merit be, immeasurable and incalculable.
須菩提答:「很多!世尊!很多!善逝者!這些女人或男人,基於這樣子的布施,所得到的福德積聚 (的回報) 無數、不可測量。」
The Lord said: But if a son or daughter of good family had taken from this discourse on dharma but one stanza of four lines, and were to demonstrate and illuminate it to others, then they would on the strength of that beget a still greater heap of merit, immeasurable and incalculable.
世尊說:「又如果,須菩提!有善家子、善家女,用七種寶物填滿這麽多的世界,並施與如來、無垢者、正遍知者;但如果另外有人,從這部經中,僅僅聽聞一偈的四句,就能夠完全地領受 (如來的意旨),並詳細地為他人闡釋,那麼,他得到的福德積聚 (的回報) 更多,而無數、不可測量。

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