會所準則 International Standards for Clubhouse Programs
在國際會所發展中心(Clubhouse International)的註冊審查中,這些準則乃為評估會所質素的基礎。
全球會所每隔二年便會重新檢討各項準則,並於需要時作出修訂。整個檢討過程由國際會所發展中心準則檢定委員會負責,而檢定委員會是由國際會所發展中心(Clubhouse International)註冊會所的會員及職員所組成。
1. 會籍是自願性和永久性的。
Membership is voluntary and without time limits.
2. 會所有自主權接納新會員。除非那人對會所的安全構成重大且立即性的威脅,任何有精神疾病歷史的人都可以成為會員。
The Clubhouse has control over its acceptance of new members. Membership is open to anyone with a history of mental illness, unless that person poses a significant and current threat to the general safety of the Clubhouse community.
3. 會員可自行決定如何享用會所設施及服務,以及與哪些會所職員共同工作。會所不會制訂任何協議、合約、計畫或規則來迫使會員參與活動或工作。
Members choose the way they utilize the Clubhouse, and the staff with whom they work. There are no agreements, contracts, schedules, or rules intended to enforce participation of members.
4. 所有會員都有平等參與會所的權利,並不受診斷或能力所影響。
All members have equal access to every Clubhouse opportunity with no differentiation based on diagnosis or level of functioning.
5. 填寫會員參與會所表現的記錄時,會員可要求參與其中,並由會員及職員簽署。
Members at their choice are involved in the writing of all records reflecting their participation in the Clubhouse. All such records are to be signed by both member and staff.
6. 不論會員們缺席會所的活動有多久,都有隨時重返會所的權利,除非他們的重返對會所構成重大及當前的威脅。
Members have a right to immediate re-entry into the Clubhouse community after any length of absence, unless their return poses a significant and current threat to the Clubhouse community.
7. 會所會為缺席、孤立在社群之外或住院的會員提供外展服務。
The Clubhouse provides an effective reach out system to members who are not attending, becoming isolated in the community or hospitalized.
8. 會員及職員可參與會所內的任何會議。當會所要就任何活動作決定或與會員有關的事宜進行正式的討論時,該等會議不應只開放予會員或只開放予職員參與。
All Clubhouse meetings are open to both members and staff. There are no formal member only meetings or formal staff only meetings where program decisions and member issues are discussed.
9. 會所有足夠的職員讓會員參與會所運作,但職員數也要夠少到如果沒有會員的參與,會務工作便無法完成,只有會員積極參與時,會所才能成功地推行服務。
Clubhouse staff are sufficient to engage the membership, yet few enough to make carrying out their responsibilities impossible without member involvement.
10. 會所職員擔當多個角色。全體職員共同分擔就業、房屋、晚間、週末和假期活動及各部門的職務。會所職員不會撥出時間履行會所以外影響會員與職員間之獨特關係的工作。
Clubhouse staff have generalist roles. All staff share employment, housing, evening and weekend, holiday and unit responsibilities. Clubhouse staff do not divide their time between Clubhouse and other major work responsibilities that conflict with the unique nature of member/staff relationships.
11. 會所運作的責任是由會員與職員共同擔當,但以會所主管為最終的負責人。會所運作的核心責任是讓會員與職員積極參與會所各方面的工作。
Responsibility for the operation of the Clubhouse lies with the members and staff and ultimately with the Clubhouse director. Central to this responsibility is the engagement of members and staff in all aspects of Clubhouse operation.
12. 會所擁有自己的身份,包括其獨有的名稱、郵寄地址、電子郵件地址及電話號碼。
The Clubhouse has its own identity, including its own name, mailing address, email and telephone number.
13. 會所有自己的地理空間,與其它精神健康中心或機構分開,亦不受其它服務或活動所影響。會所的設計有助工作日的進行,具備吸引力和足夠空間,使人受到尊重和享有尊嚴。
The Clubhouse is located in its own physical space. It is separate from any mental health center or institutional settings, and is impermeable to other programs. The Clubhouse is designed to facilitate the work-ordered day and at the same time be attractive, adequate in size, and convey a sense of respect and dignity.
14. 會員和職員皆可進入會所內的任何空間,並沒有劃分職員或會員專用的地方。
All Clubhouse space is member and staff accessible. There are no staff only or member only spaces.
15. 會員和職員在工作日中肩並肩工作使會所能夠運作。會所重視會員不同的長處、才華與能力。因此,工作日是不包括提供藥物、日間護理或治療性服務的。
The work-ordered day engages members and staff together, side-by-side, in the running of the Clubhouse. The Clubhouse focuses on strengths, talents and abilities; therefore, the work-ordered day must not include medication clinics, day treatment or therapy programs within the Clubhouse.
16. 會所的工作是專為會所運作和加強會所服務而產生的,任何為了外界的工作(不論工作有沒有報酬)在會所內都不被接受。會員在會所的工作是不會獲得酬勞的,也沒有任何設定的報酬制度。
The work done in the Clubhouse is exclusively the work generated by the Clubhouse in the operation and enhancement of the Clubhouse community. No work for outside individuals or agencies, whether for pay or not, is acceptable work in the Clubhouse. Members are not paid for any Clubhouse work, nor are there any artificial reward systems.
17. 會所每星期最少開放五天,「工作日」的辦公時間應與一般辦公時間相同。
The Clubhouse is open at least five days a week. The work-ordered day parallels typical working hours.
18. 會所劃分為一個或多個工作部門,每一部門要有足夠的職員、會員及有意義的工作去支持整個工作日的工作。舉行部門會議是為了加強會員間的關係、組織和計畫當日的工作。
The Clubhouse is organized into one or more work units, each of which has sufficient staff, members and meaningful work to sustain a full and engaging work-ordered day. Unit meetings are held to foster relationships as well as to organize and plan the work of the day.
19. 設計會所的工作時,應以協助會員重拾自我價值、決心和信心為原則,並非為了進行特定職業的訓練。
All work in the Clubhouse is designed to help members regain self worth, purpose and confidence; it is not intended to be job specific training.
20. 會員有機會參與會所內各類型的工作,包括行政、研究、接收會員及迎新、外展、職員招聘、職員訓練和表現評估、公共關係、爭取權益及評核會所的成效。
Members have the opportunity to participate in all the work of the Clubhouse, including administration, research, enrollment and orientation, reach out, hiring, training and evaluation of staff, public relations, advocacy and evaluation of Clubhouse effectiveness.
21. 透過過渡性就業、支持性就業和一般性就業,會所能協助會員重獲有薪工作。會所並不會透過會務工作、附屬會所的公司或庇護工場來為會員提供就業機會。
The Clubhouse enables its members to return to paid work through Transitional Employment, Supported
Employment and Independent Employment; therefore, the Clubhouse does not provide employment to
members through in-house businesses, segregated Clubhouse enterprises or sheltered workshops.
過渡性就業Transitional Employment
22. 會所提供過渡性就業方案,此方案做為會員的權利, 讓會員獲得於勞工市場工作的機會。會所過渡性就業計畫的必備特點是會所保證若會員缺勤,將會另安排人手頂替。此外,過渡性就業計畫亦須符合以下的基本要求:
The Clubhouse offers its own Transitional Employment program, which provides as a right of membership opportunities for members to work on job placements in the labor market. As a defining characteristic of a Clubhouse Transitional Employment program, the Clubhouse guarantees coverage on all placements during member absences. In addition the Transitional Employment program meets the following basic criteria.
The desire to work is the single most important factor determining placement opportunity.
Placement opportunities will continue to be available regardless of the level of success in previous placements.
Members work at the employer’s place of business.
Members are paid the prevailing wage rate, but at least minimum wage, directly by the employer.
Transitional Employment placements are drawn from a wide variety of job opportunities.
Transitional Employment placements are part-time and time-limited, generally 12 to 20 hours per week and from six to nine months in duration.
Selection and training of members on Transitional Employment is the responsibility of the Clubhouse, not the employer.
Clubhouse members and staff prepare reports on TE placements for all appropriate agencies dealing with members’ benefits.
Transitional Employment placements are managed by Clubhouse staff and members and not by TE specialists.
There are no TE placements within the Clubhouse. Transitional Employment placements at an auspice agency must be off site from the Clubhouse and meet all of the above criteria.
支持性就業及一般性就業Supported and Independent Employment
23. 會所提供自設的支持性及一般性就業計畫來幫助會員就業,並讓他們的就業情況得以持續及改善。此外,作為會所支持性就業獨到的特色,會所亦與在職會員和雇主保持聯繫。會員跟職員一起決定所需支持的種類、次數及地點。
The Clubhouse offers its own Supported and Independent Employment Programs to assist members to secure, sustain, and better their employment. As a defining characteristic of Clubhouse Supported Employment, the Clubhouse maintains a relationship with the working member and the employer. Members and staff in partnership determine the type, frequency and location of desired supports.
24. 當會員能獨立就業時,仍可繼續獲得會所一切支持和機會,並可參與會所晚間及周末活動。
Members who are working independently continue to have available all Clubhouse supports and opportunities as well as participation in evening and weekend programs.
25. 會所幫助會員善用社區內的教育機會,來協助他們達到在職業和教育上的目標。當會所也在內部提供進修課程時,會大力地借助會員的教學及指導能力。
The Clubhouse assists members to reach their vocational and educational goals by helping them take advantage of educational opportunities in the community. When the Clubhouse also provides an in-house education program, it significantly utilizes the teaching and tutoring skills of members.
26. 會所會處於交通便利的地點,方便會員往來會所,以及參與過渡性就業計劃。若附近缺乏公共交通,會所應為會員提供或安排其它可行的交通方式。
The Clubhouse is located in an area where access to local transportation can be assured, both in terms of getting to and from the program and accessing TE opportunities. The Clubhouse provides or arranges for effective alternatives whenever access to public transportation is limited.
27. 會所會員及職員提供社區支援服務。社區支援活動是由會所工作部門負責,社區支援活動主要是以會所工作部門的架構來實現,服務包括改善福利、居所、爭取權益、推廣健康生活模式、協助尋求優質的醫療、心理輔導、醫藥和防止藥物濫用服務。
Community support services are provided by members and staff of the Clubhouse. Community support activities are centered in the work unit structure of the Clubhouse. They include helping with entitlements, housing and advocacy, promoting healthy lifestyles, as well as assistance in accessing quality medical, psychological, pharmacological and substance abuse services in the community.
28. 會所提供支持、活動和機會以幫助會員發展及維持健康生活模式。
The Clubhouse provides assistance, activities and opportunities designed to help members develop and maintain healthy lifestyles.
29. 會所致力於保障會員能獲得各類安全、像樣的、可負擔的居所,包括獨立居住的機會。會所有管道找到符合以上條件的居所;沒有的話,會所會建立其住宿計畫。會所住宿計畫須符合以下基本條件:
The Clubhouse is committed to securing a range of choices of safe, decent and affordable housing including independent living opportunities for all members. The Clubhouse has access to opportunities that meet these criteria, or if unavailable, the Clubhouse develops its own housing program. Clubhouse housing programs meet the following basic criteria.
Members and staff manage the program together.
Members who live there do so by choice.
Members choose the location of their housing and their roommates.
Policies and procedures are developed in a manner consistent with the rest of the Clubhouse culture.
The level of support increases or decreases in response to the changing needs of the member.
Members and staff actively reach out to help members keep their housing, especially during periods of hospitalization.
30. 所定期客觀地評估自身的服務成效,包括國際會所認證。
On a regular basis the Clubhouse conducts an objective evaluation of its effectiveness, including Clubhouse International Accreditation.
31. 會所主管、會員、職員和其它合適人士,會在註冊為培訓中心的會所內,參與為期兩周或三周的綜合培訓課程。
The Clubhouse director, members, staff and other appropriate persons participate in a comprehensive two or three week training program in the Clubhouse Model at a certified training base.
32. 會所於晚間及週末舉行康樂及社交活動,並於佳節當日舉行慶祝活動。
The Clubhouse has recreational and social programs during evenings and on weekends. Holidays are celebrated on the actual day they are observed.
33. 會所有一個獨立的董事會;如會所隸屬於一個主辦機構,則有一個獨立的顧問委員會,其成員在各自特有的專業上為會所提供財政、法律、立法、就業發展、消費者和社區支援,及爭取權益
The Clubhouse has an independent board of directors, or if it is affiliated with a sponsoring agency, has a separate advisory board comprised of individuals uniquely positioned to provide financial, legal, legislative, employment development, consumer and community support and advocacy for the Clubhouse.
34. 會所設立及管理自己的財政預算。預算須獲董事會通過或顧問委員會支援,其於財政年度開始前提供意見及建議,並按時監查預算案之執行。
The Clubhouse develops and maintains its own budget, approved by the board or supported by an advisory board, which provides input and recommendations prior to the beginning of the fiscal year and routinely monitors it during the year.
35. 職員薪資不亞於精神健康領域同等職位。
Staff salaries are competitive with comparable positions in the mental health field.
36. 會所得到適當的心理健康機關支援,並持有必需的牌照及認可資格。會所與各界人士及組織合作,使其在更廣大的社區,提升其服務效能。
The Clubhouse has the support of appropriate mental health authorities and all necessary licenses and accreditations. The Clubhouse collaborates with people and organizations that can increase its effectiveness in the broader community.
37. 會所舉辦公開論壇,並有相關措施(程序)讓會員及職員能夠積極參與決策,通常以取得共識的方法來決定會所的管理、政策制定、未來方針和發展方向。
The Clubhouse holds open forums and has procedures which enable members and staff to actively participate in decision making, generally by consensus, regarding governance, policy making, and the future direction and development of the Clubhouse.