Dear Edward . . .

閱讀時間約 5 分鐘

I'm listening to your song, thinking about what's happened these days.

Political elections have been done. Surely, I feel upset, really upset.

But, what's preoccupied me most of the time is people's hostile talks about you in social meda, especially in th line groups.

I know why they did that. They did that out of jealousy, out of fear, and out of arrogance. That's something that troubles me very much. I couldn't figure out why poeople have to present their idol's greatness by defaming the other talents. Why cannot they just talk about their idol's brilliant acting to convince the non-fans about their idol's achievements in show business.

I do know you care about people's comments. I do know you felt hurt because of the trolls.

Dear Edward, I swore that I would defend you like a gladiator. I will. Someday I will confront any troll for you. Would you please totally ignore any hostility? I know words would injure people like a knife. But only you and you only know how hard you've tried, how much effort you've made, and every effort is worthy. The outcome is not under anyone's control. It somehow depends on luck, or on some mysterious power.

All I want for you is you enjoy your days. You've tried and tried with all you can. Someone suggests you should find acting teachers to improve your performance in dramas, in movies, and even on stage. Somehow I think you've made a very tight schedule that you don't have time to think about what is good for you and if you've made correct choices and decisions.

Dear Edward, this is the first letter for you in this series. I really hope you can learn more languages, especially English and Korean. You need to adventure in a bigger world. Try different things, work with different people, and taste different flavor of failures and successes.

Good night.

Today's quote:

Always tried, always failed, no matter, try again, fail again, fail better.

by Samuel Beckett (1906-1989)

An Irish dramatist/Nobel Prize winner

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    其實,我一直是你的小粉絲,曾經你是我的目標,努力地追隨你的腳步,只可惜腿太短,追不上;現在你是我面對生活時的動力,起碼在想起你時,不那麼厭世。 記得,第一次見你,你是活動總召,而我是參加活動的小孩。偶爾的休息時間你會來找我們玩遊戲、聊天,做作業時給我們建議,無時無刻看到你總是閃閃發光,很自信。 你很
    本專欄將提供給您最新的市場資訊、產業研究、交易心法、精選公司介紹,以上內容並非個股分析,還請各位依據自身狀況作出交易決策。歡迎訂閱支持我,獲得相關內容,也祝您的投資之路順遂! 每年 $990 訂閱方案👉 每月 $99 訂閱方案👉https://re
    羞愧,就好像我們被下了詛咒, 「我不夠好... 怎麼那麼沒用!好羞恥... 是不是很丟臉?」 諸如此類的聲音,無法克制地佔據腦海... 親愛的,不如我們,來試著認識羞愧 , 聽聽它想說什麼,搞不好有機會當朋友
    罪惡感,往往伴隨自責、後悔、內疚、擔憂或焦慮,一團情緒糾結著,把我們壓得喘不過氣; 彷彿背負沉重罪責的囚犯,扛得很累也難以擺脫,陷入無止盡的循環,感覺永遠沒有做好的一天... 親愛的,不如我們,來試著認識罪惡感,聽聽它想說什麼,搞不好有機會當朋友
    活在2020的我們,每天接收好多好多資訊和刺激,是否對生活感到茫然,不自覺麻痺了感官和心靈? 往往以為冷漠,是天生個性,但它也可能是,暫時的情緒狀態,不如我們來試著認識冷漠,聽聽它想說什麼,搞不好有機會當朋友!
    失落啊...對大部分的人來說,好可怕, 明明是很低潮的情緒,卻彷彿掀起驚滔駭浪! 親愛的,不如我們,來試著認識失落, 聽聽它想說什麼,搞不好有機會當朋友~
    生活總有好多好多,需要破解的關卡 為什麼我們經常感到迷惘,不知所措呢? 親愛的,迷惘很難受吧... 彷彿在霧裡看不見方向,擔心、害怕... 親愛的,不如我們,來試著認識迷惘, 聽聽它想說什麼,搞不好有機會當朋友, 或許它知道一些,我平常不太知道的事情~
    其實,我一直是你的小粉絲,曾經你是我的目標,努力地追隨你的腳步,只可惜腿太短,追不上;現在你是我面對生活時的動力,起碼在想起你時,不那麼厭世。 記得,第一次見你,你是活動總召,而我是參加活動的小孩。偶爾的休息時間你會來找我們玩遊戲、聊天,做作業時給我們建議,無時無刻看到你總是閃閃發光,很自信。 你很