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提到Amazon增長迅猛的原因,Jeff Bezos認為最根本的原因是鼓勵創新、鼓勵失敗的文化。


在Jeff Bezos的定義下,企業文化確實是開拓新事業時成敗的根本原因。擁有鼓勵創新、鼓勵失敗的企業文化,才有可能誕生出有重大意義的發明。






To our shareowners:


This year, Amazon became the fastest company ever to reach $100 billion in annual sales. Also this year, Amazon Web Services is reaching $10 billion in annual sales … doing so at a pace even faster than Amazon achieved that milestone.


What’s going on here? Both were planted as tiny seeds and both have grown organically without significant acquisitions into meaningful and large businesses, quickly. Superficially, the two could hardly be more different. One serves consumers and the other serves enterprises. One is famous for brown boxes and the other for APIs. Is it only a coincidence that two such dissimilar offerings grew so quickly under one roof? Luck plays an outsized role in every endeavor, and I can assure you we’ve had a bountiful supply. But beyond that, there is a connection between these two businesses. Under the surface, the two are not so different after all. They share a distinctive organizational culture that cares deeply about and acts with conviction on a small number of principles. I’m talking about customer obsession rather than competitor obsession, eagerness to invent and pioneer, willingness to fail, the patience to think long-term, and the taking of professional pride in operational excellence. Through that lens, AWS and Amazon retail are very similar indeed.


A word about corporate cultures: for better or for worse, they are enduring, stable, hard to change. They can be a source of advantage or disadvantage. You can write down your corporate culture, but when you do so, you’re discovering it, uncovering it — not creating it. It is created slowly over time by the people and by events — by the stories of past success and failure that become a deep part of the company lore. If it’s a distinctive culture, it will fit certain people like a custom-made glove. The reason cultures are so stable in time is because people self-select. Someone energized by competitive zeal may select and be happy in one culture, while someone who loves to pioneer and invent may choose another. The world, thankfully, is full of many high-performing, highly distinctive corporate cultures. We never claim that our approach is the right one — just that it’s ours — and over the last two decades, we’ve collected a large group of like-minded people. Folks who find our approach energizing and meaningful.


One area where I think we are especially distinctive is failure. I believe we are the best place in the world to fail (we have plenty of practice!), and failure and invention are inseparable twins. To invent you have to experiment, and if you know in advance that it’s going to work, it’s not an experiment. Most large organizations embrace the idea of invention, but are not willing to suffer the string of failed experiments necessary to get there. Outsized returns often come from betting against conventional wisdom, and conventional wisdom is usually right. Given a ten percent chance of a 100 times payoff, you should take that bet every time. But you’re still going to be wrong nine times out of ten. We all know that if you swing for the fences, you’re going to strike out a lot, but you’re also going to hit some home runs. The difference between baseball and business, however, is that baseball has a truncated outcome distribution. When you swing, no matter how well you connect with the ball, the most runs you can get is four. In business, every once in a while, when you step up to the plate, you can score 1,000 runs. This long-tailed distribution of returns is why it’s important to be bold. Big winners pay for so many experiments.


AWS, Marketplace and Prime are all examples of bold bets at Amazon that worked, and we’re fortunate to have those three big pillars. They have helped us grow into a large company, and there are certain things that only large companies can do. With a tip of the hat to our Seattle neighbors, no matter how good an entrepreneur you are, you’re not going to build an all-composite 787 in your garage startup — not one you’d want to fly in anyway. Used well, our scale enables us to build services for customers that we could otherwise never even contemplate. But also, if we’re not vigilant and thoughtful, size could slow us down and diminish our inventiveness.


As I meet with teams across Amazon, I am continually amazed at the passion, intelligence and creativity on display. Our teams accomplished a lot in the last year, and I’d like to share a few of the highlights of our efforts to nourish and globalize our three big offerings — Prime, Marketplace and AWS. And while I’ll focus on those three, I assure you that we also remain hard at work on finding a fourth.




We want Prime to be such a good value, you’d be irresponsible not to be a member.


We’ve grown Prime two-day delivery selection from 1 million items to over 30 million, added Sunday Delivery, and introduced Free Same-Day Delivery on hundreds of thousands of products for customers in more than 35 cities around the world. We’ve added music, photo storage, the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library, and streaming films and TV.


Prime Now offers members one-hour delivery on an important subset of selection, and was launched only 111 days after it was dreamed up. In that time, a small team built a customer-facing app, secured a location for an urban warehouse, determined which 25,000 items to sell, got those items stocked, recruited and on-boarded new staff, tested, iterated, designed new software for internal use — both a warehouse management system and a driver-facing app — and launched in time for the holidays. Today, just 15 months after that first city launch, Prime Now is serving members in more than 30 cities around the world.

從構想到實現,我們只花了111天就推出了Prime Now服務。會員可在一部份品項中享受1小時內到貨的配送服務。當時,一個小團隊構建了一個面向消費者的App,在城市倉庫中保留一部分位置,決定2.5萬件要出售的商品,將這些商品存入倉庫,招聘和僱用新員工,進行了軟體的設計、測試和迭代,讓內部使用的倉庫管理系統及面向司機的App及時在假期上線。今天,距離我們在第一個城市推出服務後僅15個月,Prime Now正在為全球30多個城市的會員提供服務。

Prime Video offers exclusives from some of the world’s most passionate storytellers. We want brilliant creators like Jill Soloway, Jason Schwartzman and Spike Lee to take risks and push boundaries. Our original series have already earned more than 120 nominations and won nearly 60 awards, including Golden Globe and Emmy awards. Many of these are stories that might never have been told in the traditional linear programming model. In the pipeline and coming soon are new series and movies from creators like Jeremy Clarkson, David E. Kelley, Woody Allen and Kenneth Lonergan.

Prime Video提供獨家內容,這些內容來自世界上最熱情的創作者。我們希望像Jill Soloway、Jason Schwartzman和Spike Lee這樣的傑出創作者冒險並突破界限。我們最初的系列影集已獲得了超過120個提名,獲頒近60個獎項,其中包括金球獎和艾美獎。得獎作品中,有許多都是傳統敘事方式從未講過的故事類型。即將上映的作品包括Jeremy Clarkson、David E. Kelley、Woody Allen和Kenneth Lonergan等創作者的新影集和電影。

The Man in the High Castle, based on the Philip K. Dick novel, explores an alternate history where the U.S. lost World War II. It debuted on Prime Video on November 20th and in four weeks became our most-viewed show — receiving acclaim from critics like “…Amazon has the best new drama of the season in The Man in the High Castle” and “The Man in the High Castle accomplishes so much, where most new broadcast TV dramas these days don’t even try.”

根據Philip K.Dick的小說改編,《The Man in the High Castle》講述了美國在第二次世界大戰中失敗的另一個平行時空的故事。11月20日在Prime Video上首次播出,在四個星期內榮登成為觀看次數最多的節目。節目受到評論家的讚賞,例如「 Amazon擁有本季最佳新影集《The Man in the High Castle》」和「《The Man in the High Castle》的成就之高,是多數新播出的電視劇沒有嘗試過的。」

These shows are great for customers, and they feed the Prime flywheel — Prime members who watch Prime Video are more likely to convert from a free trial to a paid membership, and more likely to renew their annual subscriptions.

這些節目非常適合顧客,而且他們會推動Prime服務的飛輪運轉-觀看Prime Video的會員更可能從免費試用轉換為付費會員,並且更有可能再次續訂。

Finally, our first ever Prime Day surpassed all our expectations — more new members tried Prime that day than any other day in our history. Worldwide order growth increased 266% over the same day the year before, and sellers whose products are Prime-eligible through FBA saw record-breaking sales — with growth nearing 300%.

最終,我們有史以來的第一個針對Prime會員的優惠之日Prime Day大大超出我們的期望-史上增加最多新會員嘗試Prime的一天。全球訂單比前年同期增長了266%,參與Prime服務的第三方賣家銷售額創歷史新高,增長率接近300%。

Prime has become an all-you-can-eat, physical-digital hybrid that members love. Membership grew 51% last year — including 47% growth in the U.S. and even faster internationally — and there are now tens of millions of members worldwide. There’s a good chance you’re already one of them, but if you’re not — please be responsible — join Prime.




We took two big swings and missed — with Auctions and zShops — before we launched Marketplace over 15 years ago. We learned from our failures and stayed stubborn on the vision, and today close to 50% of units sold on Amazon are sold by third-party sellers. Marketplace is great for customers because it adds unique selection, and it’s great for sellers — there are over 70,000 entrepreneurs with sales of more than $100,000 a year selling on Amazon, and they’ve created over 600,000 new jobs. With FBA, that flywheel spins faster because sellers’ inventory becomes Prime-eligible — Prime becomes more valuable for members, and sellers sell more.


This year, we created a new program called Seller Fulfilled Prime. We invited sellers who are able to meet a high bar for shipping speed and consistency in service to be part of the Prime program and ship their own orders at Prime speed directly. Those sellers have already seen a significant bump in sales, and the program has led to hundreds of thousands of additional items that are available to Prime customers via free two-day or next-day shipping in the U.S., U.K. and Germany.


We also created the Amazon Lending program to help sellers grow. Since the program launched, we’ve provided aggregate funding of over $1.5 billion to micro, small and medium businesses across the U.S., U.K. and Japan through short-term loans, with a total outstanding loan balance of about $400 million. Stephen Aarstol, surfer and owner of Tower Paddle Boards, is one beneficiary. His business has become one of the fastestgrowing companies in San Diego, in part with a little help from Amazon Lending. Click-to-cash access to capital helps these small enterprises grow, benefits customers with greater selection, and benefits Amazon since our marketplace revenue grows along with the sellers’ sales. We hope to expand Amazon Lending and are now working on ways to partner with banks so they can use their expertise to take and manage the bulk of the credit risk.

我們開啟了「Amazon借貸計劃」幫助賣家發展。自該計劃啟動以來,我們已透過短期貸款向美國、英國和日本的微型、中小型企業提供了總計超過15億美元的資金,其中尚未償還的貸款餘額總計約為4億美元。Tower Paddle Boards公司的Stephen Aarstol就是其中一位受益者。他的業務已成為聖地亞哥發展最快的公司之一,部分得益於Amazon借貸計劃。由於我們的市場收入隨著賣家的銷售而增長,因此幫助這些小型企業發展能使Amazon受益,讓顧客有更多選擇。這些小型企業要做的事只有點擊頁面上的按鈕,他們就能獲得資金。我們希望擴大Amazon借貸計劃,現在正在研究與銀行的合作方式,以便銀行可以運用其專業知識來承擔和管理大部分信貸風險。

In addition to nourishing our big offerings, we work to globalize them. Our Marketplace creates opportunities for sellers anywhere to reach buyers around the world. In the past, many sellers would limit their customer base to their home country due to the practical challenges of selling internationally. To globalize Marketplace and expand the opportunities available to sellers, we built selling tools that empowered entrepreneurs in 172 countries to reach customers in 189 countries last year. These cross-border sales are now nearly a quarter of all third-party units sold on Amazon. To make this possible, we translated hundreds of millions of product listings and provided conversion services among 44 currencies. Even small and niche sellers can now tap into our global customer base and global logistics network. The end result is very different from sellers handling their own one-at-a-time, cross-border fulfillment. Plugable Technologies’ CEO, Bernie Thompson, put it this way: “It really changes the paradigm when you’re able to ship the goods in bulk to a warehouse in Europe or Japan and have those goods be fulfilled in one day or two days.”

除了豐富大型產品,我們也致力於將它們全球化。Marketplace為第三方賣家創造更多商業機會,覆蓋全球各地的消費者。過去,由於在跨境銷售困難重重,許多賣家會將客群限制在境內。為了使Marketplace全球化,我們開發了相關的銷售工具,讓全球172個國家的企業家在去年能夠觸及189個國家的消費者。目前這些跨境銷量佔Amazon第三方銷量的近四分之一。為了實現全球化,我們翻譯了數億種產品清單,提供了44種貨幣之間的轉換服務。現在,即使是小型賣家也可以運用我們的全球客群和物流網絡。使用Amazon服務和賣方自己處理跨境物流得到的結果大不相同。Plugable Technologies的CEO Bernie Thompson這樣說:「當你能夠將貨物批量運送到歐洲或日本的倉庫,並在一兩天內完成商品配送,這確實是範式層級的改變。」

India is another example of how we globalize an offering like Marketplace through customer obsession and a passion for invention. Last year we ran a program called Amazon Chai Cart where we deployed three-wheeled mobile carts to navigate in a city’s business districts, serve tea, water and lemon juice to small business owners and teach them about selling online. In a period of four months, the team traveled 15,280 km across 31 cities, served 37,200 cups of tea and engaged with over 10,000 sellers. Through this program and other conversations with sellers, we found out there was a lot of interest in selling online, but that sellers struggled with the belief that the process was time-consuming, tedious and complex. So, we invented Amazon Tatkal, which enables small businesses to get online in less than 60 minutes. Amazon Tatkal is a specially designed studio-on-wheels offering a suite of launch services including registration, imaging and cataloguing services, as well as basic seller training mechanisms. Since its launch on February 17th, we have reached sellers in 25 cities.

說到透過顧客至上的理念和對發明的熱情來推行產品全球化,印度是我們一個很好的例子。去年,我們開始了一個名為Amazon Chai Cart的計劃,在城市的商業區中放置三輪移動推車,為小型企業主提供茶、水和檸檬汁,教授他們關於線上零售的知識。在四個月的時間裡,該團隊在31個城市中行駛了15280公里,提供了37200杯茶,與超過10萬名賣家接觸。透過該計劃,我們發現賣家在線上零售非常感興趣,但他們認為這一過程耗時、乏味又複雜。因此,我們發明了Amazon Tatkal,它使小型賣家可以在不到60分鐘的時間內開始在網路上銷售商品。Amazon Tatkal是一款經過特殊設計的移動工作室,提供一整套上架服務,包括註冊、拍照和編目服務,以及基本的賣方培訓機制。自2月17日推出Amazon Tatkal後,我們已經觸及25個城市的賣家。

We’re also globalizing Fulfillment by Amazon, adapting the service to local customer needs. In India, we launched a program called Seller Flex to combine Amazon’s logistics capabilities with sellers’ selection at the local neighborhood level. Sellers set aside a part of their warehouse for storing items to be sold on Amazon, and we configure it as a fulfillment center in our network that can receive and fulfill customer orders. Our team provides guidance on warehouse layout, IT and operational infrastructure, and trains the seller on standard operating procedures to be followed onsite. We’ve now launched 25 operational Seller Flex sites across ten cities.

我們也正在將Amazon配送服務全球化,使服務更適應當地消費者的需求。在印度,我們啟動了一個名為Seller Flex的計劃,將Amazon的物流能力與當地賣家的商品品項相結合。賣家空出一部分倉庫,存放要在Amazon上出售的商品,我們會將其配置為Amazon物流網絡中的配送點,可以接收和配送消費者的訂單。我們的團隊提供關於倉庫設計、IT技術和運營的指導,對賣家進行標準操作程序的培訓。現在,我們已經在十個城市裡啟動了25個可運營Seller Flex的站點。

Amazon Web Services


Just over 10 years ago, AWS started in the U.S. with its first major service, a simple storage service. Today, AWS offers more than 70 services for compute, storage, databases, analytics, mobile, Internet of Things, and enterprise applications. We also offer 33 Availability Zones across 12 geographic regions worldwide, with another five regions and 11 Availability Zones in Canada, China, India, the U.S., and the U.K. to be available in the coming year. AWS started with developers and startups, and now is used by more than a million customers from organizations of every size across nearly every industry — companies like Pinterest, Airbnb, GE, Enel, Capital One, Intuit, Johnson & Johnson, Philips, Hess, Adobe, McDonald’s, and Time Inc.

就在10年前,AWS開始了在美國的第一項主要業務,即簡單存儲服務(Simole Storage Service)。如今,AWS提供了計算、儲存、數據庫、分析、移動端、物聯網和企業應用等超過70種服務。明年,我們將在全球12個區域提供33個服務點,其中包含加拿大、中國、印度、美國和英國的11個服務點。AWS從開發人員和新創公司開始,如今服務超過100萬名客戶,涵蓋幾乎各行各業不同規模的組織,包括Pinterest、Airbnb、GE、Enel、Capital One、Intuit、Johnson&Johnson、Philips、Hess、Adobe、McDonald’s和Time。

AWS is bigger than Amazon.com was at 10 years old, growing at a faster rate, and — most noteworthy in my view — the pace of innovation continues to accelerate — we announced 722 significant new features and services in 2015, a 40% increase over 2014.


Many characterized AWS as a bold — and unusual — bet when we started. “What does this have to do with selling books?” We could have stuck to the knitting. I’m glad we didn’t. Or did we? Maybe the knitting has as much to do with our approach as the arena. AWS is customer obsessed, inventive and experimental, long-term oriented, and cares deeply about operational excellence.


Given 10 years and many iterations, that approach has allowed AWS to rapidly expand into the world’s most comprehensive, widely adopted cloud service. As with our retail business, AWS is made up of many small teams with single-threaded owners, enabling rapid innovation. The team rolls out new functionality almost daily across 70 services, and that new functionality just “shows up” for customers — there’s no upgrading.


Many companies describe themselves as customer-focused, but few walk the walk. Most big technology companies are competitor focused. They see what others are doing, and then work to fast follow. In contrast, 90 to 95% of what we build in AWS is driven by what customers tell us they want. A good example is our new database engine, Amazon Aurora. Customers have been frustrated by the proprietary nature, high cost, and licensing terms of traditional, commercial-grade database providers. And while many companies have started moving toward more open engines like MySQL and Postgres, they often struggle to get the performance they need. Customers asked us if we could eliminate that inconvenient trade-off, and that’s why we built Aurora. It has commercial-grade durability and availability, is fully compatible with MySQL, has up to 5 times better performance than the typical MySQL implementation, but is 1/10th the price of the traditional, commercial-grade database engines. This has struck a resonant chord with customers, and Aurora is the fastest-growing service in the history of AWS. Nearly this same story could be told about Redshift, our managed data warehouse service, which is the second fastest growing service in AWS history — both small and large companies are moving their data warehouses to Redshift.

許多公司說自己是以客戶為中心,但很少公司真正實行。多數大型科技公司都以競爭對手為關注核心。他們看到別人在做什麼,然後努力迅速跟進。相較之下,AWS有超過9成的功能是由客戶告訴我們他們想要什麼,進而驅動我們實現。一個絕佳的例子是我們的新數據庫引擎Amazon Aurora。出於專用性、高成本和授權條款等特性,傳統的商業級數據庫並不能讓客戶滿意。儘管許多公司開始轉向MySQL和Postgres這類更開放的數據庫引擎,但它們通常很難達到客戶所需的效能。客戶問我們是否能解決折衷帶來的不便,於是我們建構了Aurora。Aurora兼具商業級的耐用性和可用性,與MySQL兼容,性能比一般的MySQL高5倍,但價格只有傳統商業數據庫引擎的十分之一。這引起了客戶的好感,Aurora是AWS歷史上增長最快的服務。我們幾乎可以用同樣的故事套用在數據庫托管服務Redshift,它是AWS歷史上增長第二快的服務-大大小小的公司正將數據庫遷移到Redshift。

Our approach to pricing is also driven by our customer-centric culture — we’ve dropped prices 51 times, in many cases before there was any competitive pressure to do so. In addition to price reductions, we’ve also continued to launch new lower cost services like Aurora, Redshift, QuickSight (our new Business Intelligence service), EC2 Container Service (our new compute container service), and Lambda (our pioneering server-less computing capability), while extending our services to offer a range of highly cost-effective options for running just about every type of application or IT use case imaginable. We even roll out and continuously improve services like Trusted Advisor, which alerts customers when they can save money — resulting in hundreds of millions of dollars in savings for our customers. I’m pretty sure we’re the only IT vendor telling customers how to stop spending money with us.

我們以客戶為中心的文化決定了我們的定價方式-在眾多競爭壓力面前,我們將價格降低了51倍。除了降價外,我們還繼續推出低成本的新服務,例如Aurora、Redshift、QuickSight(新的商業智能服務)、EC2 Container Service(新的計算容器服務)和Lambda(我們的無伺服器運算服務),同時也擴展我們的服務,提供一系列極具成本效益的功能。我們推出並不斷改進Trusted Advisor,它會在客戶應該省錢時提醒他們,這項服務為我們的客戶節省了數億美元。我敢肯定,我們是唯一一家會告訴客戶不要再付錢給我們的IT系統供應商。

Whether you are a startup founded yesterday or a business that has been around for 140 years, the cloud is providing all of us with unbelievable opportunities to reinvent our businesses, add new customer experiences, redeploy capital to fuel growth, increase security, and do all of this so much faster than before. MLB Advanced Media is an example of an AWS customer that is constantly reinventing the customer experience. MLB’s Statcast tracking technology is a new feature for baseball fans that measures the position of each player, the baserunners, and the ball as they move during every play on the field, giving viewers on any screen access to empirical data that answers age-old questions like “what could have happened if…” while also bringing new questions to life. Turning baseball into rocket science, Statcast uses a missile radar system to measure every pitched ball’s movements more than 2,000 times per second, streams and collects data in real-time through Amazon Kinesis (our service for processing real-time streaming data), stores the data on Amazon S3, and then performs analytics in Amazon EC2. The suite of services will generate nearly 7 TB of raw statistical data per game and up to 17 PB per season, shedding quantitative light on age-old, but never verified, baseball pearls of wisdom like “never slide into first.”

無論你是昨天創立的新創公司,還是有140年歷史的企業,雲技術都為我們所有人提供了難以置信的機會。有了雲技術,重塑業務的速度比以前更快,可以更快提升客戶體驗、調整資金促進增長、提升安全性。在AWS的客戶中,MLB Advanced Media就是不斷重塑客戶體驗的一個例子。美國職業棒球大聯盟的Statcast追蹤技術是球迷可使用的一項新功能,它可以測量每位球員、跑壘球員和球在每次比賽中移動時的位置,使球迷可以在任何電子裝置上查找歷史數據,球迷可以從中找到「如果……將會發生怎樣?」的答案。同時也帶來了新的問題,Statcast將棒球變得像火箭科學,Statcast採用導彈的雷達系統,以每秒採樣2000次的速度測量每顆球的運動,並透過Amazon Kinesis(我們用於處理實時數據的服務)收集數據。數據會儲存在Amazon S3上,然後在Amazon EC2中進行分析。每場球賽產生將近7 TB的原始統計數據,每個賽季最多可產生17 PB。於是,從此以後我們可以定量研究「跑一壘時別滑壘」這樣的古老智慧是否正確。

About seven years ago, Netflix announced that they were going to move all their applications to the cloud. Netflix chose AWS because it provided them with the greatest scale and the broadest set of services and features. Netflix recently completed their cloud migration, and stories like theirs are becoming increasingly common as companies like Infor, Intuit, and Time Inc., have made plans to move all of their applications to AWS.

大約在七年前,Netflix宣布將把所有應用程序遷移到AWS。Netflix之所以選擇AWS,是因為AWS提供了最大的規模、最豐富的服務和功能。近期,Netflix完成了遷移工作。隨著Infor、Intuit和Time Inc.等公司計劃將其所有應用程序遷移至AWS,這樣的事情正變得越來越普遍。

AWS is already good enough today to attract more than 1 million customers, and the service is only going to get better from here. As the team continues their rapid pace of innovation, we’ll offer more and more capabilities to let builders build unfettered, it will get easier and easier to collect, store and analyze data, we’ll continue to add more geographic locations, and we’ll continue to see growth in mobile and “connected” device applications. Over time, it’s likely that most companies will choose not to run their own data centers, opting for the cloud instead.


Invention Machine


We want to be a large company that’s also an invention machine. We want to combine the extraordinary customer-serving capabilities that are enabled by size with the speed of movement, nimbleness, and riskacceptance mentality normally associated with entrepreneurial start-ups.


Can we do it? I’m optimistic. We have a good start on it, and I think our culture puts us in a position to achieve the goal. But I don’t think it’ll be easy. There are some subtle traps that even high-performing large organizations can fall into as a matter of course, and we’ll have to learn as an institution how to guard against them. One common pitfall for large organizations — one that hurts speed and inventiveness — is “one-size-fits-all” decision making.


Some decisions are consequential and irreversible or nearly irreversible — one-way doors — and these decisions must be made methodically, carefully, slowly, with great deliberation and consultation. If you walk through and don’t like what you see on the other side, you can’t get back to where you were before. We can call these Type 1 decisions. But most decisions aren’t like that — they are changeable, reversible — they’re two-way doors. If you’ve made a suboptimal Type 2 decision, you don’t have to live with the consequences for that long. You can reopen the door and go back through. Type 2 decisions can and should be made quickly by high judgment individuals or small groups.


As organizations get larger, there seems to be a tendency to use the heavy-weight Type 1 decision-making process on most decisions, including many Type 2 decisions. The end result of this is slowness, unthoughtful risk aversion, failure to experiment sufficiently, and consequently diminished invention.1 We’ll have to figure out how to fight that tendency.


And one-size-fits-all thinking will turn out to be only one of the pitfalls. We’ll work hard to avoid it… and any other large organization maladies we can identify.


Sustainability and Social Invention


Our growth has happened fast. Twenty years ago, I was driving boxes to the post office in my Chevy Blazer and dreaming of a forklift. In absolute numbers (as opposed to percentages), the past few years have been especially significant. We’ve grown from 30,000 employees in 2010 to more than 230,000 now. We’re a bit like parents who look around one day and realize their kids are grown — you blink and it happens.


One thing that’s exciting about our current scale is that we can put our inventive culture to work on moving the needle on sustainability and social issues.


Two years ago we set a long-term goal to use 100% renewable energy across our global AWS infrastructure. We’ve since announced four significant wind and solar farms that will deliver 1.6 million megawatt hours per year of additional renewable energy into the electric grids that supply AWS data centers. Amazon Wind Farm Fowler Ridge has already come online. We reached 25% sustainable energy use across AWS last year, are on track to reach 40% this year, and are working on goals that will cover all of Amazon’s facilities around the world, including our fulfillment centers.


後來,我們啟動建造四座風力發電場和太陽能發電場,它們每年將為AWS數據中心的電網提供160萬兆瓦的可再生能源。Amazon位於Fowler Ridge的風力發電場已開始運作。去年,AWS的可再生能源使用率達25%,今年有望達到40%。我們正努力實現在所有Amazon設施中(包括配送中心)完全使用可再生能源的的目標。

We’ll keep expanding our efforts in areas like packaging, where our culture of invention led to a big winner — the Frustration-Free Packaging program. Seven years ago we introduced the initiative with 19 products. Today, there are more than 400,000 globally. In 2015, the program eliminated tens of millions of pounds of excess packaging material. Frustration-Free Packaging is a customer delighter because the packages are easier to open. It’s good for the planet because it creates less waste. And it’s good for shareholders because, with tighter packaging, we ship less “air” and save on transportation costs.



We also continue to pioneer new programs for employees — like Career Choice, Leave Share, and Ramp Back. Career Choice pre-pays 95% of tuition for courses that teach in-demand skills, regardless of whether those skills are relevant to a career at Amazon. We’ll pay for nursing certifications, airplane mechanic courses, and many others. We’re building classrooms with glass walls right in our fulfillment centers as a way to encourage employees to participate in the program and to make it easy. We see the impact through stories like Sharie Warmack — a single mother of eight who worked in one of our Phoenix fulfillment centers. Career Choice paid for Sharie to get licensed to drive an 18-wheeler. Sharie worked hard, passed her tests, and she’s now a long-haul driver for Schneider Trucking — and loving it. This coming year, we’re launching a program to teach other interested companies the benefits of Career Choice and how to implement it.

我們也持續為員工啟動新的計劃,例如職業選擇計畫(Career Choice)、假期共享(Leave Share)計畫和重返工作計畫(Ramp Back)。職業選擇計畫會為員工預付課程的95%學費,而且不用考慮這些課程教授的技能是否與員工在公司的職位相關。我們將支付護理課程、飛機修護課程和許多其他費用。我們正在配送中心建造新教室,鼓勵員工參加此計劃,並讓計畫進行得更順利。Sharie Warmack等人的故事,讓我們看到這個計劃帶來的影響力。Sharie Warmack是八個孩子的媽媽,在Amazon鳳凰城配送中心工作。職業選擇計畫為Sharie支付了取得半掛式卡車駕駛執照的費用。Sharie努力工作,並通過了測試,現在她是Schneider卡車公司的長途司機-這是一份她熱愛的工作。我們將啟動計劃,向其他對此感興趣的公司傳授職業選擇計畫的好處,以及如何實施職業選擇計畫。

Leave Share and Ramp Back are programs that give new parents flexibility with their growing families. Leave Share lets employees share their Amazon paid leave with their spouse or domestic partner if their spouse’s employer doesn’t offer paid leave. Ramp Back gives birth mothers additional control over the pace at which they return to work. Just as with our health care plan, these benefits are egalitarian — they’re the same for our fulfillment center and customer service employees as they are for our most senior executives.


Renewable energy, Frustration-Free Packaging, Career Choice, Leave Share, and Ramp Back are examples of a culture that embraces invention and long-term thinking. It’s very energizing to think that our scale provides opportunities to create impact in these areas.


I can tell you it’s a great joy for me to get to work every day with a team of such smart, imaginative, and passionate people. On behalf of all of us at Amazon, thank you for your support as shareholders. As always, I attach a copy of our original 1997 letter. Our approach remains the same, and it’s still Day 1.

我可以告訴你,每天與如此聰明、富於想像力和熱情的團隊一起工作,對我來說是一種極大的快樂。我代表Amazon的所有員工,感謝你作為股東的支持。如同往常,我把我們在1997年寫的致股東信附在文末。我們的價值觀依然不變,今天依舊是Day 1。

Jeffrey P. Bezos

Founder and Chief Executive Officer

Amazon.com, Inc.




想看隔年的Amazon致股東信,請至《2016年Amazon致股東信:一直在談Day 1,這次來聊聊Day 2》

想看全系列導讀目錄,請至《Amazon 1997–2019年致股東信導讀目錄》

關於產品,關於生產力。 Here we talk about product and productivity.
產品人沙龍 的其他內容
今年到了尾聲之時,我總算把自己的桌面調整至比較滿意的狀態,讓我萌生了分享給更多人參考的念頭。如同我從互聯網獲得有用資訊一樣,我也希望能為這個生態做出一些貢獻。 我會帶大家來看一下我的生產力工具有哪些,更重要的是為什麼我會選擇它,希望這篇文章可以帶給你一些啟發。
擔任產品經理迄今早已超過1000個日子,離「入門」有了一段時間的距離之後,正是回顧過程,好好梳理的時間點。 回過頭來看看這段旅程經歷了什麼,寫下親歷的故事和方法,分享給對產品經理一職感興趣的朋友。
我的2021年度回顧:在變化中持續進步. 又到了新的一年的開始,我照例會回顧自己過去一年過得怎麼樣,反思其中的得失,然後再根據過去一年的學習來制定接下來的計畫。對我來說,2021年是變化與挑戰接踵而至的一年,這一年我的課題是:學習應對變化,快速做出調整。
今年到了尾聲之時,我總算把自己的桌面調整至比較滿意的狀態,讓我萌生了分享給更多人參考的念頭。如同我從互聯網獲得有用資訊一樣,我也希望能為這個生態做出一些貢獻。 我會帶大家來看一下我的生產力工具有哪些,更重要的是為什麼我會選擇它,希望這篇文章可以帶給你一些啟發。
擔任產品經理迄今早已超過1000個日子,離「入門」有了一段時間的距離之後,正是回顧過程,好好梳理的時間點。 回過頭來看看這段旅程經歷了什麼,寫下親歷的故事和方法,分享給對產品經理一職感興趣的朋友。
我的2021年度回顧:在變化中持續進步. 又到了新的一年的開始,我照例會回顧自己過去一年過得怎麼樣,反思其中的得失,然後再根據過去一年的學習來制定接下來的計畫。對我來說,2021年是變化與挑戰接踵而至的一年,這一年我的課題是:學習應對變化,快速做出調整。
Google News 追蹤
嘿,大家新年快樂~ 新年大家都在做什麼呢? 跨年夜的我趕工製作某個外包設計案,在工作告一段落時趕上倒數。 然後和兩個小孩過了一個忙亂的元旦。在深夜時刻,看到朋友傳來的解籤網站,興致勃勃熬夜體驗了一下,覺得非常好玩,或許有人玩過了,但還是想寫上來分享紀錄一下~
你聽說了嗎?亞馬遜的 Prime Day 2024 再次刷新了銷售紀錄!這不僅僅是數字的遊戲,更反映了消費者行為的重大轉變。讓我們一起深入探討這次活動的亮點,看看它對電子商務的未來意味著什麼
本專欄將提供給您最新的市場資訊、產業研究、交易心法、精選公司介紹,以上內容並非個股分析,還請各位依據自身狀況作出交易決策。歡迎訂閱支持我,獲得相關內容,也祝您的投資之路順遂! 每年 $990 訂閱方案👉 https://reurl.cc/VNYVxZ 每月 $99 訂閱方案👉https://re
除現有已知的 AI 硬體建構廠商外,本篇並列出作者對於下一波 AI 應用興起時之潛力企業觀察清單,包含網路服務、網路安全、行業運用方案解決業者、與 AI 軟體開發商等。
Netfliex財報利多跳空大漲10.7%、收544.87美元,創2022年1月6日以來收盤新高,S&P500 資訊服務類股板塊也上漲1.2%,S&P500連續第四個交易日收盤創下歷史新高,同類族群中META及Microsoft股價也連袂創下新高,....
四大指數僅NQ收盤未創歷史新高,DJ收盤站上38000整數關卡之上,SOX則在Nvidia股價創歷史新高的推升下同步創高,科技股除了AI外,APPLE新發行首款空間運算設備Vision Pro 1月19日才剛開放預購一小時即全數預訂一空,APPLE收漲1.22%市值再度超越Microsoft成為第一
1/18 今日加權指數開高走高在9:20左右遇到賣壓下殺,震盪。外資賣超87億,投信買超33億,季線附近反彈收紅K。臺積電法說:AI繼續衝,3nm營收佔比增加三倍。工業電腦大廠樺漢以44億元買下德商股權。三星與Google Cloud合作。這是個人研究看法整理,投資風險自負。
▌Hollywood Reporter:Amazon 即將吞噬整個電視內容宇宙 ▌ #葉郎每日讀報 20240112 過去24小時出現了兩則關於 Amazon 串流事業卻似乎互相矛盾的新聞: 首先是 Amazon 針對旗下的影視和影音串流業務進行了大裁員,除了直播平台 Twitch 一口氣
嘿,大家新年快樂~ 新年大家都在做什麼呢? 跨年夜的我趕工製作某個外包設計案,在工作告一段落時趕上倒數。 然後和兩個小孩過了一個忙亂的元旦。在深夜時刻,看到朋友傳來的解籤網站,興致勃勃熬夜體驗了一下,覺得非常好玩,或許有人玩過了,但還是想寫上來分享紀錄一下~
你聽說了嗎?亞馬遜的 Prime Day 2024 再次刷新了銷售紀錄!這不僅僅是數字的遊戲,更反映了消費者行為的重大轉變。讓我們一起深入探討這次活動的亮點,看看它對電子商務的未來意味著什麼
本專欄將提供給您最新的市場資訊、產業研究、交易心法、精選公司介紹,以上內容並非個股分析,還請各位依據自身狀況作出交易決策。歡迎訂閱支持我,獲得相關內容,也祝您的投資之路順遂! 每年 $990 訂閱方案👉 https://reurl.cc/VNYVxZ 每月 $99 訂閱方案👉https://re
除現有已知的 AI 硬體建構廠商外,本篇並列出作者對於下一波 AI 應用興起時之潛力企業觀察清單,包含網路服務、網路安全、行業運用方案解決業者、與 AI 軟體開發商等。
Netfliex財報利多跳空大漲10.7%、收544.87美元,創2022年1月6日以來收盤新高,S&P500 資訊服務類股板塊也上漲1.2%,S&P500連續第四個交易日收盤創下歷史新高,同類族群中META及Microsoft股價也連袂創下新高,....
四大指數僅NQ收盤未創歷史新高,DJ收盤站上38000整數關卡之上,SOX則在Nvidia股價創歷史新高的推升下同步創高,科技股除了AI外,APPLE新發行首款空間運算設備Vision Pro 1月19日才剛開放預購一小時即全數預訂一空,APPLE收漲1.22%市值再度超越Microsoft成為第一
1/18 今日加權指數開高走高在9:20左右遇到賣壓下殺,震盪。外資賣超87億,投信買超33億,季線附近反彈收紅K。臺積電法說:AI繼續衝,3nm營收佔比增加三倍。工業電腦大廠樺漢以44億元買下德商股權。三星與Google Cloud合作。這是個人研究看法整理,投資風險自負。
▌Hollywood Reporter:Amazon 即將吞噬整個電視內容宇宙 ▌ #葉郎每日讀報 20240112 過去24小時出現了兩則關於 Amazon 串流事業卻似乎互相矛盾的新聞: 首先是 Amazon 針對旗下的影視和影音串流業務進行了大裁員,除了直播平台 Twitch 一口氣