Once there was a man who owns my mind. I called it love because I feel powerless without his validation or presence. He owns me by taking away my power. By manipulating me, keeping me in a box. Nothing he does brings me joy, just sense of safety. Loving him feels hard, and draining. I chase him to prove my love. Without physical return, I feel resentful. Sometimes I disguise this resentment with patience and “giving unconditional love” but the truth is I was “investing”. I struggle to grow because I want him to regret leaving me. But I even lied to myself that I was learning to love unconditionally for him.
Now there is a man who owns my mind, heart and soul. I called it love because I feel powerful without his validation or presence. And his presence even just a little bit brings me incredible joy. He owns me by adding so much to my life by just doing anything. By doing nothing. Sense of safety with him is by default. Loving him feels so easy, and empowering. I don’t chase, or do anything, I translate the love I feel for him into action or words. Without physical return, I feel even more powerful that I could love like this. I struggle to grow because I want him to feel he is unconditionally loved. And it feels natural to strive to be love itself. Not for him, but triggered by the sense of wanting to love him. It was for me to heal all wounds and to experience true love within myself.
That’s the difference between attachment and love. It’s hard to distinguish them, but once you have a taste of the true power of love. You will easily recognize what is and what’s not.