The lesson is, if you're gonna be a criminal, do your homework. Wait. I'm not a bad guy. I didn't say you were a bad guy. I said you're a criminal. What's the difference ? I've known good criminals and bad cops. Bad priests. Honorable thieves. You can be on one side of the law or the other. But if you make a deal with somebody, you keep your word. You can go home today with your money and never do this again. But you took something that wasn't yours. And you sold it for a profit. You're now a criminal. Good one, bad one? That's up to you. 犯罪的本質是,你拿了不應該屬於你的東西,並且從中獲益,從那刻開始,你就是一名罪犯。 儘管如此,究竟是想當個好人還是壞人,還是取決在你自己身上,但不要否認和逃避自己成為罪犯的事實。 這段對話,個人認為也貫穿著《絕命毒師》及《絕命毒師》有些事情,有些領域,不是你覺得稍微碰一下,沒有傷害到其他人,就不是罪犯。 「有些事情,一旦踏入,就無法回頭了!」