高二開學了 The new school year has begun

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The Day I Broke the Rules

We've kicked off the sophomore year, and our first lesson was "The Day I Broke the Rules."

As we opened the textbook, we encountered a section called "Thinking Ahead" right before the lesson content.

Topic: The Teddy Boy (3:08)

After watching the video, we dove into an English speaking exercise together.

Speaking Exercise

Please answer the following questions.

Part 1

  1. In what way does Campbell provide support to children in the hospital?
  2. What gift did Campbell offer to the child?
  3. What is Project 365?

Part 2: Let's Reflect

Campbell finds joy in creating teddy bears and gifting them to others, believing that this act of kindness brings happiness. He aspires to inspire more people to contribute in their own small ways to assist others globally.

In Taiwan, high school students are encouraged to engage in volunteer work. Share your personal experience as a volunteer.

  • What specific tasks or activities did you participate in as a volunteer?
  • How did your volunteer work impact your emotions and overall well-being?

In-Class Moments

(What happened during the class - Behind-the-Scenes During the Lesson)

"Not only are you quick to chuckle at jokes, but you also have a tendency to get teary-eyed while watching videos."one student quipped. I blushed, feeling somewhat self-conscious.

"Well, the world needs more love and more individuals like Campbell," I responded, choked up with emotion. "Whenever I see people like him, it deeply moves me, which is why I can't help but cry."

"Alright, alright, feel free to keep shedding those tears. I'll strive to become someone like Campbell too," one student said.

"Oh, that's fantastic! Why do you want to be like him?" I inquired.

"Because I want to see you cry a hundred times,"

the student replied with a mischievous grin.

Looking at the students' smiling faces, I truly didn't know what to say. I wiped away my tears and continued with the lesson.

"Alright, enough joking around. Let's focus on the textbook and complete our worksheets. Pay attention in class," I said with a serious expression.


高二開學了,我們上了第一課The Day I Broke the Rules

課本打開,課文前面有一個Thinking Ahead的環節

Topic: The Teddy Boy(3:08)


Please answer the following questions.(請回答以下問題)

Part 1(第一部分 )

  1. In what way does Campbell provide support to children in the hospital?(Campbell 以什麼方式去幫助醫院裡的兒童?)
  2. What gift did Campbell offer to the child? (Campbell 送給孩子什麼禮物?)
  3. What is Project 365? (什麼是「365計畫」?)

Part 2: Let's Reflect (反思)

Campbell finds joy in creating teddy bears and gifting them to others, believing that this act of kindness brings happiness. He aspires to inspire more people to contribute in their own small ways to assist others globally. (Campbell 發現製作泰迪熊然後贈送給他人能帶來快樂,並相信這種善舉會帶來幸福。他期望能激勵更多人以自己的方式協助他人。)

In Taiwan, high school students are encouraged to engage in volunteer work. Share your personal experience as a volunteer. (在台灣,高中生被鼓勵參與志工 工作。請分享您作為志願者的個人經驗。)

What specific tasks or activities did you participate in as a volunteer? (您參與了哪些具體的任務或活動?)

How did your volunteer work impact your emotions and overall well-being? (您的志工經驗如何影響您的情緒和整體幸福感?)


看著The Teddy Boy的影片,我又哭了一次












  • He creates one toy every day and gives it to someone who could use it. (他每天製作一個玩具,送給需要的人。)
  • Campbell gave the child a teddy bear. (Campbell送給孩子一隻泰迪熊。 )
  • The 365 plan entails him creating a toy every day and gifting it to those in need. (「365計畫」─ 他每天製作一個玩具,送給有需要的人。)
  • In the 8th grade, I participated in park cleaning activities. Many park-goers were appreciative of our efforts. I felt a sense of usefulness and pride because I had shown that even a young boy can help improve the environment and make the world a better place. (在八年級時,我參加了公園打掃活動。許多遊客對我們的努力表示感激。我感到被重視和自豪。即使是一個年輕男孩也可以幫助改善環境,讓世界變得更美好。)
  • During my seventh-grade year, I volunteered to organize books at the library. Many library visitors expressed their appreciation for the organized shelves. I felt a strong sense of fulfillment and pride because I had demonstrated that even a young boy can contribute to creating a more orderly and accessible space for learning and reading. (在我七年級的時候,我志願去整理圖書館的書籍。許多訪客對我們整齊的書架表示讚賞。我感到充實和自豪,因為我證明了即使年紀還小,也有能力整理出一個更有秩序和便於使用的空間。)


清月的沙龍 的其他內容
小劉是一位高三男生,留著清爽的短髮,183公分。 今天小劉的爸爸找了個家教林老師來家裡上英文課。 小劉:「老師,我同學桌上有一本高三7000單字書。」 林老師:「然後?」 小劉:「然後我就打開看,看到了第一個單字。」 林老師:「第一個單字是什麼?」 小劉:「第一個單字叫做abandon。」
Lesson Plan: Exploring Character Development in Fiction Objective: Students will analyze character development in fiction stories. Students will pr
我有個國二生朋友叫小永,他說他一個月零用錢一萬元。 小永:「嘿,我超級聰明。」 小明:「怎麼了?」 小永:「我用錢交了很多很好用的朋友。」 小明:「什麼意思?」 小永:「我請同學吃東西喝飲料,然後叫他們幫我寫功課。」 小明:「震驚!」 小明:「怎麼會有人這麼蠢!」 小永:「怎麼會?我覺得我超級聰明,
介紹IB IBO官方網站 International high schools primarily offer two curriculum tracks: one is the AP (Advanced Placement) program, which lasts for one year,
小劉是一位高三男生,留著清爽的短髮,183公分。 今天小劉的爸爸找了個家教林老師來家裡上英文課。 小劉:「老師,我同學桌上有一本高三7000單字書。」 林老師:「然後?」 小劉:「然後我就打開看,看到了第一個單字。」 林老師:「第一個單字是什麼?」 小劉:「第一個單字叫做abandon。」
Lesson Plan: Exploring Character Development in Fiction Objective: Students will analyze character development in fiction stories. Students will pr
我有個國二生朋友叫小永,他說他一個月零用錢一萬元。 小永:「嘿,我超級聰明。」 小明:「怎麼了?」 小永:「我用錢交了很多很好用的朋友。」 小明:「什麼意思?」 小永:「我請同學吃東西喝飲料,然後叫他們幫我寫功課。」 小明:「震驚!」 小明:「怎麼會有人這麼蠢!」 小永:「怎麼會?我覺得我超級聰明,
介紹IB IBO官方網站 International high schools primarily offer two curriculum tracks: one is the AP (Advanced Placement) program, which lasts for one year,
Google News 追蹤
自從國小三年級起,就下定決心收起筆、橡皮擦,不在寫功課,直到國中二年級下 學期。 也許,這就是造就日後我注定「投筆從戎」的結局吧! 其實,我在任何一個學習階段的上課時間,是很認真的,課本上密密麻麻的註記, 可以證明這一切。 唯獨,作業本是新的,學期一開始它本來就是新的,學期末它還是新的!
經過幾年的社會洗禮後,可以回到學校當學生真的是很開心 第一天帶著期待又興奮的心情去到學校, 整個心態想法都完全不一樣,畢竟是自己選擇要來到這裡 再次可以當學生的寶貴,也知道賺錢很辛苦() 一開始先去做分級測驗,之後就發課表自己去找教室上課 聽說讀寫的老師都不一樣,同學也不太一樣 所以
開學的第二週,啟動也適應了學習模式。 寒假期間,沒有將自己放得太鬆,也沒有把自己逼得很緊,我想這也是讓自己開學進入狀況的方式。 這週才算真正上課,在新的課堂上遇到一位很棒的老師,在第一堂課就對我有很多的啟發。 早上起來回想過往的學習,尤其是在助人專業的路上,早期的學習著重在探索自己
像風像海水的我,上課前,知道心裡在湧動。做著晨間運動、洗澡,讓自己回穩,但深知對於上課,面對學生,我仍然是浮躁不確定的,仍然會突然發出:我真的有東西可以帶給學生嗎?常常這樣懷疑自己,但也真的沒有太多技術性的方法,像螺絲起子那樣拴緊我那咨意的擾動和想到什麼就丟什麼的言語。 我給自己這學期一個操練,就
寒假終於來了🎉🎉🎉 距離我升上高中轉瞬間已半年了, 跟國中比起來真的發現差異好多, 那麼接下來我就來探討一下我這學期的高中生活。
學期即將結束, 小高一生也不再是"新生"了! 同學之間、師生之間,也日漸熟悉。 每個人都有自己的罩門或強項, 每個人都有自己在意的點…… 就算私下約談, 也是一種"招搖"! 乾脆一口氣把各式各樣的叮嚀與期許, 混搭起來變成一盎佛跳牆吧! 然後, 歡迎全班同學自行解讀、自行
自從國小三年級起,就下定決心收起筆、橡皮擦,不在寫功課,直到國中二年級下 學期。 也許,這就是造就日後我注定「投筆從戎」的結局吧! 其實,我在任何一個學習階段的上課時間,是很認真的,課本上密密麻麻的註記, 可以證明這一切。 唯獨,作業本是新的,學期一開始它本來就是新的,學期末它還是新的!
經過幾年的社會洗禮後,可以回到學校當學生真的是很開心 第一天帶著期待又興奮的心情去到學校, 整個心態想法都完全不一樣,畢竟是自己選擇要來到這裡 再次可以當學生的寶貴,也知道賺錢很辛苦() 一開始先去做分級測驗,之後就發課表自己去找教室上課 聽說讀寫的老師都不一樣,同學也不太一樣 所以
開學的第二週,啟動也適應了學習模式。 寒假期間,沒有將自己放得太鬆,也沒有把自己逼得很緊,我想這也是讓自己開學進入狀況的方式。 這週才算真正上課,在新的課堂上遇到一位很棒的老師,在第一堂課就對我有很多的啟發。 早上起來回想過往的學習,尤其是在助人專業的路上,早期的學習著重在探索自己
像風像海水的我,上課前,知道心裡在湧動。做著晨間運動、洗澡,讓自己回穩,但深知對於上課,面對學生,我仍然是浮躁不確定的,仍然會突然發出:我真的有東西可以帶給學生嗎?常常這樣懷疑自己,但也真的沒有太多技術性的方法,像螺絲起子那樣拴緊我那咨意的擾動和想到什麼就丟什麼的言語。 我給自己這學期一個操練,就
寒假終於來了🎉🎉🎉 距離我升上高中轉瞬間已半年了, 跟國中比起來真的發現差異好多, 那麼接下來我就來探討一下我這學期的高中生活。
學期即將結束, 小高一生也不再是"新生"了! 同學之間、師生之間,也日漸熟悉。 每個人都有自己的罩門或強項, 每個人都有自己在意的點…… 就算私下約談, 也是一種"招搖"! 乾脆一口氣把各式各樣的叮嚀與期許, 混搭起來變成一盎佛跳牆吧! 然後, 歡迎全班同學自行解讀、自行