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I feel so relieved to return to Adelaide. It is so good to be able to be back in Adelaide, to be with my wife, my son and my dear dog, and then be able to meet my friends again.

I deeply regretted that I resigned immediately when I received the offer. Had I been cautious, I should have asked for one month's leave, to leave time to observe, to compare, to make a correct decision.

This was exactly what my wife had suggested to me before, but I bluntly rejected it. Now I regret my burning the boat after crossing the river, casting away the old things that had helped me.

I admitted that I acted  as a rush man, did things on impulse and then looked back and regretted, sighing and criticizing myself.

The Medicare job shone to be good and comfortable now, while my new one is really a nightmare, that drove me to the brink of my nerve breakdown.

I had described the job at the Medicare call centre as walking in the long dark tunnel. Now, I regretted having made such a statement, and I took back what I had said.

If l had successfully located an exit out of the tunnel, then now, I fell into a pit, the Super Pit where I landed, when I did the site visit at Kalgoorlie, the mining town in Western Australia.

I was like a driver, as if in a dream, ran into the pit inadvertently, and in a minute, the truck, where I was in, turned upside down, rolled like a stone, rushed to the bottom, and finished the trip in five minutes, though the pit was deep and wide.

I had long lost my consciousness from the vertigo on my head, when I lost control of my truck and fell into this pit.

That was what I experienced when I arrived at the workshop at my new employer's office.

The woman who I feared so much was my supervisor, the admin manager. She was an excellent woman that showed her people skills and management talents everywhere.

At the very beginning, she seemed open-minded and easy- going, but very shortly, she showed me another face, easily got upset, easily offended, and then sternly asked me more questions, demanding immediate answers.

For many occasions, I could not give her a correct answer, and then she pressed me harder and harder, demanded me to do this and to do that, which generated so much stress and anxiety, that I lost confidence and struggled to know what I should do next. I felt so bewildered, that I simply looked like an idiot.

Each day in the office, I felt isolated and lost, I just wanted to tell her, sorry, this is not the job for me, I am packing up and going to the airport, I want to go home.

But alas, it took me nearly two years to find this new job. It is so difficult to find a new job in Adelaide. I had bad memories before, should I renew that memory again.

How can I face my wife, that I'll quit again? What can I say to her, that I can not work for a woman who seems unfriendly, and then I decide to leave the new job? Isn’t it ridiculous? It sounds more like a child’s play, a game for kids only.

I had been born with tender nerves and a weak vibrating heart. How I admire that I can grow with a stone heart with steel nerves, that can withhold storms.

This admin manager kept on testing me, kept on keeping me busy, and in the end, I lost my patience. I said to her, “Look, you are pushing me too hard, I am overwhelmed, and I feel stressed now. I can not remember all these details in such a short time.”

At that time, she was testing me on all the fourteen visa holders’ visa plans, after we met with them one by one, face to face, in the meeting room.

She retorted that you should have kept a good note. But after my protest, she backed down a little, and I went on reporting to her, each person with each different immigration plan, as some of them are welders, and some are fitters and other occupations, with different age range and English language skills, and for each difference, I shall report to me the different visa streams to tailor for them, for which I did, and she was satisfied and gave me the praise.

The company could not afford losing these Philippine workers. I understand that, but this admin should not exert unnecessary stress and pressure on my shoulder. I am not a strong man, I need extra time, moderation and walk with burden gradually, not just all the heavy things once for all, put on my shoulders, then I would collapse.

Released from this woman’s grip, I felt liberated, and graceful that I saw the bright sunshine in Adelaide. That mining town, I never wish to visit again.

It is remote work at home, I can temporarily accommodate this harsh woman. I disliked her  way of acting like a teacher, and treated me as her primary school student, always finding time and occasion to test me, to find faults over my work, and then blame me, and then push and push me, that trains my nerves to grow sharper and sharper. This is not good for life, isn’t it?

I shall again set on the difficult journey to eye in the pond for another opportunity, while keeping this fish to feed me to survive. Such a difficult woman to get along with, I sighed again.


风中的沙龍 的其他內容
这是我在Medicare 上班的最后一周。前三天的班表,给我排的是从上午十一点半到下午四点半。这样也好,我很喜欢上午的空闲时间,那是我状态最好的时刻。 于是上午我依然早早坐公交到city,然后在商业步行街的一个Food Court 那里坐下来,看书。 在那里看书,是一种奇异的感觉,如同梦幻一般,
《仲夏夜之梦》中有一段台词,我读完后,觉得滋滋有味,难以忘怀,想引用如下,并做简要分析。 Lovers and madmen have such seething brains, Such shaping fantasies, that apprehend  More than cool reas
在三十多部的莎士比亚剧本中,我以前阅读的时候,总是不大看中《仲夏夜之梦》。觉得这个剧本搞笑成分多,有点结构单薄,戏剧冲突没有纵深感。有点像一个简单的魔法剧,逗小孩子开心。 最近重新捧起这本书,竟然爱不惜手,到图书馆还了,又借。 在Act 3 Scene 2 中,在魔法 Love-potion 影
我感觉在澳洲,整天都是很忙碌,总有各种各样的琐碎的事情,很难有大量的空闲时间。就拿昨天来说,我昨天的班表排的是上午五个小时。等接完最后一个电话后,脑子里已经是黏糊糊的了,匆匆吃过午饭后,就直接去州政府登记处那里,去办理出租房的Bond。 我以前在网上办理过三次,每次都莫名其妙地被拒,扣我提供的银行
昨天是离职前的倒数第二周,我必须正式提出辞职报告了。本来想上周五就发邮件的,可是我们又换了主管。 在公共医疗部工作两年,都不知换了多少次主管,就如同我们新办公楼前的那个旋转门,里面的人出去,外面的人进来。 昨天上午,我等我们平时一刻钟的小会结束后,主动走进新主管和旧主管那里,当时她俩在会议结束后
这是我在Medicare 上班的最后一周。前三天的班表,给我排的是从上午十一点半到下午四点半。这样也好,我很喜欢上午的空闲时间,那是我状态最好的时刻。 于是上午我依然早早坐公交到city,然后在商业步行街的一个Food Court 那里坐下来,看书。 在那里看书,是一种奇异的感觉,如同梦幻一般,
《仲夏夜之梦》中有一段台词,我读完后,觉得滋滋有味,难以忘怀,想引用如下,并做简要分析。 Lovers and madmen have such seething brains, Such shaping fantasies, that apprehend  More than cool reas
在三十多部的莎士比亚剧本中,我以前阅读的时候,总是不大看中《仲夏夜之梦》。觉得这个剧本搞笑成分多,有点结构单薄,戏剧冲突没有纵深感。有点像一个简单的魔法剧,逗小孩子开心。 最近重新捧起这本书,竟然爱不惜手,到图书馆还了,又借。 在Act 3 Scene 2 中,在魔法 Love-potion 影
我感觉在澳洲,整天都是很忙碌,总有各种各样的琐碎的事情,很难有大量的空闲时间。就拿昨天来说,我昨天的班表排的是上午五个小时。等接完最后一个电话后,脑子里已经是黏糊糊的了,匆匆吃过午饭后,就直接去州政府登记处那里,去办理出租房的Bond。 我以前在网上办理过三次,每次都莫名其妙地被拒,扣我提供的银行
昨天是离职前的倒数第二周,我必须正式提出辞职报告了。本来想上周五就发邮件的,可是我们又换了主管。 在公共医疗部工作两年,都不知换了多少次主管,就如同我们新办公楼前的那个旋转门,里面的人出去,外面的人进来。 昨天上午,我等我们平时一刻钟的小会结束后,主动走进新主管和旧主管那里,当时她俩在会议结束后
Google News 追蹤
你試過在一個地方待了很久,每天都透不過氣,像是被幾條繩子勒著頸,快要窒息死亡卻又無力自救,只能眼睜睜看著自己一天天衰亡,看著精力逐點逐點流逝,並對所有事物均失去了希望,失去了動力嗎? 你試過每天都面對極大精神壓力,每天無緣無故被罵,一人在做不知多少人做的事,沒有任何休息時間,沒有任何私人空間,24
我的上一份工作,也是我人生第二個正職工作,當時滿懷熱情的加入覺得自己可以闖出一片天?最後沒想到摔的這麼慘(心靈層面的摔倒,不是物理層面的xd) 我的主管是一個極度有能力但也極度鑽牛角尖的人,對每個問題不挖到極致誓死不罷休,因為對完美的追求,每個人在她眼裡似乎都是有缺陷的,她也似乎覺得只有自己是最優
很難受........ 離開職場好長好長一段時間了,因緣際會兩個月前回歸職場。 印象中,年輕時的自己,職場中總不會令自己與長官失望。重回職場,雖不是熟悉的領域,但也還算上手。 也不知是自己或是長官的因素,兩個月的時間,長官的不信任是如此的明顯,這份工作,真是讓自己感受到從未有過的失落與挫敗。
我的新加坡工作經驗,所以那麼刻骨銘心,是一路走下來,它有著很多職業生涯的“第一次”。 首先,那是我第一個外調海外的工作。先不說對公司能否交得了差,就從家族角度來看,這樣的榮調海外,要是敗了,而且是一年不到的時間,我是要如何“面對江東父老”? 再就是,我當時近十年跨國機構的工作, 經歷過無數的困難
依約定去找執行長說明我的“移居新加坡”計畫一事,經過幾個小時‘’反芻‘’,我越想越覺得這事有點棘手。 總的來說,我認清想離職的事已經說出,就像潑出去的水。而;他已經接招又回應了,所以, 我已經處於沒路可退的狀態。 至於;往前怎麼做,若是我一味自己瞎編,看起來像是勇於任事,但是;內容出格的機率非常
你試過在一個地方待了很久,每天都透不過氣,像是被幾條繩子勒著頸,快要窒息死亡卻又無力自救,只能眼睜睜看著自己一天天衰亡,看著精力逐點逐點流逝,並對所有事物均失去了希望,失去了動力嗎? 你試過每天都面對極大精神壓力,每天無緣無故被罵,一人在做不知多少人做的事,沒有任何休息時間,沒有任何私人空間,24
我的上一份工作,也是我人生第二個正職工作,當時滿懷熱情的加入覺得自己可以闖出一片天?最後沒想到摔的這麼慘(心靈層面的摔倒,不是物理層面的xd) 我的主管是一個極度有能力但也極度鑽牛角尖的人,對每個問題不挖到極致誓死不罷休,因為對完美的追求,每個人在她眼裡似乎都是有缺陷的,她也似乎覺得只有自己是最優
很難受........ 離開職場好長好長一段時間了,因緣際會兩個月前回歸職場。 印象中,年輕時的自己,職場中總不會令自己與長官失望。重回職場,雖不是熟悉的領域,但也還算上手。 也不知是自己或是長官的因素,兩個月的時間,長官的不信任是如此的明顯,這份工作,真是讓自己感受到從未有過的失落與挫敗。
我的新加坡工作經驗,所以那麼刻骨銘心,是一路走下來,它有著很多職業生涯的“第一次”。 首先,那是我第一個外調海外的工作。先不說對公司能否交得了差,就從家族角度來看,這樣的榮調海外,要是敗了,而且是一年不到的時間,我是要如何“面對江東父老”? 再就是,我當時近十年跨國機構的工作, 經歷過無數的困難
依約定去找執行長說明我的“移居新加坡”計畫一事,經過幾個小時‘’反芻‘’,我越想越覺得這事有點棘手。 總的來說,我認清想離職的事已經說出,就像潑出去的水。而;他已經接招又回應了,所以, 我已經處於沒路可退的狀態。 至於;往前怎麼做,若是我一味自己瞎編,看起來像是勇於任事,但是;內容出格的機率非常