更新於 2024/02/07閱讀時間約 4 分鐘

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感謝最支持台灣人講母語的台灣教會公報新聞網 TCNN邀稿

"My mom says I'm a fake indigenous person." A youth i met said.

Sometimes we are considered "fake indigenous."

If you don't live in the mountains, if you don't grow up in the indigenous hood, you're not qualified to call yourself indigenous."

We've all faced some form of criticism: "Urban indigenous people are fake," "Without living in the mountains, you can't claim to be indigenous," and so on. As a child who grew up scattered between the city and the tribal community, as an indigenous child with parents from different ethnic groups, please gently embrace the familiar image of yourself.

Many indigenous youths like us may not have had the opportunity to learn the tribal language or traditional culture during their upbringing. However, they are still making efforts in various ways to understand themselves. Starting with using tribal names, gradually learning the language, exploring history and culture, or visiting their ancestral tribes to gain a deeper understanding of their community.

In recent years, the issue of "speaking the mother language" has gained increasing attention in the indigenous communiyies. With the rise of local awareness and the consolidation of ethnic identity, more and more young people are recognizing the importance and significance of speaking indigenous language.

For me, the most crucial starting point in learning the native language is identification. Pursuing indigenous identity, I began to feel less lonely and found companions to share the journey with.

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