2024-05-11|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 27 分鐘

#6解讀孩子們純真畫作中的內心世界 - 運用兒童繪畫心理分析




著名心理學家-里夫‧福伊溝斯基 (Lev Vygotsky)在兒童繪畫心理分析理論中細膩地指出,藝術創作正是孩子們在現實與想像之間架構的溝通橋樑。








#兒童繪畫心理分析 #解讀兒童畫作 #兒童繪畫投射法 #福伊溝斯基兒童繪畫理論 #兒童內心世界探索

6.     Unveiling the Inner World of Children through Their Innocent Artworks - Utilizing Child Drawing Psychological Analysis

The innocence of children shines brightly, as if it were nature's purest gift bestowed upon us. Whenever I closely examine a child's artwork, I am deeply moved and sense an indescribable warmth. This is the precious energy of a child's inner world, flowing through brushstrokes, lines, and colors, materializing into visual poetry.

The renowned psychologist Lev Vygotsky delicately pointed out in his theory of child drawing psychological analysis that artistic creation is the bridge children construct between reality and imagination.

When a child depicts a radiant sun on the canvas, it is not merely a simple imitation of nature but may also reveal their longing for light and warmth.

And a tilted house could be a child's inner cry, reflecting their sense of insecurity within the family environment.

Indeed, as adults, we should not only appreciate the innocence and aesthetic value of children's creations but also reverently unveil the profound implications behind them.

By closely observing the intensity of their brushstrokes, their color preferences, and recurring symbolic elements, we may find clues to interpret their inner worlds through child drawing psychological analysis. At times, we can directly inquire with the children, attentively listening to their interpretations and explanations of their creations, to uncover the underlying metaphors or symbolic meanings.

Vygotsky has bestowed upon us a precious insight: children's artistic creations are not mere play but an essential form of self-expression and self-discovery.

Only by devoutly embracing the pure power emanating from children's artworks can we truly understand their thought processes and emotional realms, fostering a sincere and nurturing environment for their growth, allowing more innocent radiance to blossom in this world.

If you too wish to delve deeper into the inner worlds of children through child drawing psychological analysis, I invite you to continue following my column. You are also welcome to follow my IG: elena_chiang_63


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