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January 28, 2025
Celebrate Lunar New Year with 7 Snake Facts
In honor of the Year of the Snake, let’s appreciate the strange anatomy and evolution of these slithery reptiles
作者By Allison Parshall
編輯者edited by Dean Visser
As the new moon rises this week, it ushers in a new year on the lunar calendar used by many cultures across East and Southeast Asia. On the Chinese zodiac’s 12-year lunar cycle, 2025 is the Year of the Snake—an animal that symbolizes wisdom and change. (本週新月升起之際,標誌著東亞和東南亞許多文化所使用的農曆新年的開始。在中國生肖十二年循環中,2025年是蛇年——蛇象徵著智慧和變化。)
These limbless reptiles can be found on every populated continent, thanks to an evolutionary “big bang” some 125 million years ago. There are more than 3,000 snake species, with incredible variation among them. Some of the animals are smaller than an earthworm, while others are longer than a pickup truck. Some are harmless to humans, whereas others are venomous. And the ecological roles they play as critical pest controllers and nutrient cyclers are often underappreciated. So as we look to the year ahead, let’s give our odd, wriggly friends some appreciation.(這些無肢的爬行動物可以在每個有人類居住的大陸上找到,這要歸功於大約1.25億年前的演化「大霹靂」。全世界有超過3,000種蛇類,它們之間存在著令人難以置信的差異。有些蛇比蚯蚓還小,而有些則比一輛小貨車還長。有些對人類無害,而有些則具有劇毒。而且,它們作為重要的害蟲控制者和營養循環者所扮演的生態角色往往被低估。因此,在展望新的一年之際,讓我們好好欣賞這些奇特、蜿蜒的朋友吧。)
1. **celebrate (verb) 慶祝**
People around the world **celebrate** New Year's Eve with fireworks and parties.
2. **in honor of (phrase) 為了紀念**
The school held a special assembly **in honor of ** their retiring principal.
3. **appreciate (verb) 感謝**
I really **appreciate** all the help you've given me with this project.
4. **anatomy (noun) 解剖學**
She studied **anatomy** in college to understand the structure of the human body better.
5. **evolution (noun) 進化,演化**
Darwin's **theory of evolution** revolutionized our understanding of biological diversity.
6. **slithery (adjective) 滑溜的**
The children were fascinated by the **slithery** movements of the snake in the zoo.
7. **lunar (adjective) 月亮的**
The Chinese New Year is based on the **lunar** calendar.
8. **zodiac (noun) 黃道十二宮**
Each sign of the **zodiac** has its own unique characteristics and traits.
9. **symbolize (verb) 象徵**
In many cultures, doves **symbolize** peace and harmony.