正在準備與外國客戶開會的演講報告嗎?知道怎麼樣可以做得更好嗎? 對方沒告訴你的心裡話。

更新於 發佈於 閱讀時間約 27 分鐘
Photo by Kevin Bhagat on Unsplash


外國版 :https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNaPKFA1niUFRgzkVqqhJVg

(1)西方偏好 :口語的演講

常見的演示頁面(PowerPoint) 偏好:
  • 極簡; 很多空白
  • 句子很短; 常常只有一行字
  • 只有一個主標題,有時甚至沒有標題
  • 整張演示頁面只有一張圖片或一個關鍵字
  • 利用下劃線,斜體或粗體來突出顯示關鍵詞
  • 決策符號是:打勾 (= Yes),問號(= Maybe),打叉(= No)

(2)日式偏好 : 閱讀的演講

常見的演示頁面(PowerPoint) 偏好:
  • 大量信息,文本,圖形擠在同一頁
  • 經常一起使用三種標題 ; 主標題,副標題,還有迷你內容來快速解釋文章內容
  • 利用另一種顏色(通常是紅色或藍色)來顯示關鍵詞 ; 文本通常為黑色為主顏色
  • 使用大量卡通人物來描述某些情況或者流程
  • 決策符號是:圓圈(= Yes),三角形(= Maybe),打叉(= No)


語言差異不但會影響句子的長度,也會改變演講的感覺。在日語中,“漢字”的使用會讓句子更變得更短,可是如果試圖用英語來表達同樣的事情時,往往需要重新調整文句的長度還有位置。中文也是如此,中文只需幾個字就可表達很多內容, 然而一旦翻譯成英文,時常導致頁數變多並改變圖形頁面。有幾回,我的日本同事為了想將英文翻譯融入原本的日文版面,開始縮短英文句子。問題是,這不但改變句子的原始含義,我的歐洲同事(包括我自己)也必須猜測這文章到底在講什麼,造成更多的問題還有更多的時間去了解內容 ,也違背了「溝通」的目的。
在歐洲使用圓形和三角形的符號並不是用來做Yes or Maybe的決策。如果使用不同的符號,理論上我們可以通過上下文來理解它的定義。不過當使用人們不習慣的符號時,他們無法快速獲取信息或者了解你想講什麼,好的狀況下他們會確認你的思想,不過有些人可能問都不問,你根本不知道你的訊息是否傳達成功了。我有一位歐洲同事會固定把這些符號改成西方的偏好,他的解釋是,當你利用一些沒有文化意識的符號,客戶會覺得這個公司不了解歐洲思維,也沒有誠意。


English Version
Preparing PowerPoints for your overseas meetings? Do you know how to make it better? Things they are not telling you from the other side.
Let’s say you have a meeting with an overseas client and you are putting a lot of effort into creating a presentation that aims at making an impression. I am sure that you have already thought long and hard about the content to include, what you want to say and how you want to express it but have you ever thought about the presentation preferences of your audiences? Do they prefer more pictures or more words? Which presentation elements should you consider to improve and increase the positive outcome of your meeting?
A while back, I was speaking to a Japanese manager based in Tokyo and he had this exact dilemma. His team had a business collaboration with a university in the UK where he was required to make a virtual presentation. He was feeling a bit nervous about the presentation style and asked me for some pointers from an ‘European’ perspective. When I reflected on the question, I realised that there were definitely some difference and preferences that stood out between the two cultures and definitely could be used as an example to reflect upon.
I am neither a graphic designer nor a business public speaking guru, instead I hope to offer a cultural perspective based on my personal experiences that might be helpful when you are considering about how to best make an in impression with your presentation and boost your chances of success. Below I share an analysis of the Japanese presentation preferences versus ‘the west’ as an example to highlight specific cultural differences and how they could create potential problems. These are insights and feedbacks that you don’t normally hear openly.
Let’s talk about the Differences
First of all, I would like to introduce you to Marie Kondo or KonMari. She is a Japanese organising consultant. She teaches people how to better utilise their limited spaces. Maybe you have heard of her. She is well known in both Japan and in many overseas markets and has her own Netflix show. She also has a Youtube channel in Japan and overseas. However, what is most interesting about her is her strategy on Youtube. She has two versions: one targeted to overseas markets and one to Japan. The overseas video is clean, white and minimal, while her Japanese video had many more colours and longer texts. From thumbnails to makeup, everything looks totally different. You get my point, she’s trying to appeal to specific preferences to capture her target audiences.
The same principle applies to PowerPoint presentations. Below I have summarised the observations and insights on different presentation styles that I have gathered over the years attending hundreds of conferences, events and meetings across different countries. A call out, be aware that I am generalising a little here as PowerPoint presentation styles are also hugely affected by company culture, individual personality and industry background (e.g. design background vs technical background).
(1) Verbal : Western Powerpoint Preference
Generally, only minimal information is included in the presentation slides and typically the presenter tends to rely a lot on the speaking and provides verbal explanations. If in a meeting, the presenter might also be expecting feedback or a discussion so it doesn’t need to have all the presentation on the slides.
Noteworthy preferences:
  • Clean. Lots of spaces
  • Sentences are short or one line long
  • Only one main title;
  • Sometimes not even a title but just a text or picture covering the entire slide
  • Use of Underline, Italic or Bold to highlight/emphasise key words
  • Decision making symbols tends to be a : tick (YES), question mark (Maybe), cross (No)
(2) Reading : Japanese Powerpoint Preference
The Japanese’s theory is that you should make sure that someone can understand what they are trying to say by reading and not relaying on someone else explaining it to them. This is very useful even after the meeting when they send their presentation slides to the their audience.
Noteworthy preferences:
  • A lot of information, text, graphics squeezed on one slide
  • Multipe titles including - a main title, sub-title, mini content
  • Colour of the texts tends to follow the traffic light system. Texts are typically in black; often another colour (usually red or blue) is used to highlight keywords
  • Use many cartoons like figures to describe certain situations or processes
  • Decision making symbols are: Triangle (maybe), Circle (Yes) and Cross (No)

Cultural Gap Considerations

Based on the above and on my experience of attending meetings with Japanese and with the Europeans, I wanted to highlight some of the most common feedback that I have heard over the years.
1.Information Overload
Many Europeans who have sat through a Japanese presentation tend to tell me that they get overwhelmed by the amount of visual elements and data information in their presentation slides. It takes a lot of time for people to process the information especially if they are not familiar with the content. To be honest, it is a bit of a catch-22 situation. If the presenter was confident with their English, they might not needed all the heavy text and could rely on more visual instead. At the end of the day, how to find the right balance still comes down to the capability of the individual.
2. Symbol references
In Europe at least, the use of symbols like the Circle (=Yes) and Triangle (=Maybe) are not typically used for decision making. Although it isn’t hard to decipher the intended message based on context but when using symbols that people can’t understand in that context, they can’t pick up the information as quickly. One of my workmate would also make sure he change the symbols into the western preferences and his reasoning is, when you use ‘foreign symbols’ that doesn’t have the same context, the reader could mistake that either you don’t understand the local culture or you might have no interests to understand their culture. These are detrimental to doing international business.
3. Lost in Translation
Language differences may contribute to the length of a sentence, as well as change the feel of a presentation. In Japanese, the use of ‘Kanji’ makes the sentences shorter, in comparison, the same sentence becomes far longer when expressed in English. This is similar in Chinese. In Chinese, you may be able to express something in just a few words and could squeeze a lot of content into a page. However, the English translation might take us more space causing changes to the visual layout and the amount of words on a page. I remember sometimes my Japanese colleagues wanted to fit the translation into the Japanese layout and started to change the meaning of sentences by shorting them. My European colleagues (including myself) was scratching our head because we either couldn’t understand the context or the sentence just lost it’s original meaning.
4. Cartoons are too Comical
The Japanese likes to use graphic and manga to illustrate their point. I remember hearing a lot of Europeans making jokes about how the Japanese cartoons make a presentation look ‘childish’. A lot of people in the European team don’t find this style professional and I knew some people even chosen to take them out and opt for verbal explanations instead. The European perspective is understandable but in defence of the cartoons, in some contexts, I think that they are very clear and useful in communicating and explaining certain procedures.

Consideration Points

The above are just some example to help you consider about the other elements that will improve your presentation further and drive success. Given the amount of time that you have dedicated to make this opportunity happen, we sometimes forget the cultural elements that could potentially make it better. There is no right or wrong but you need to find the right approach based on your own situation and skillsets. For example, if you don't have confidence in your presentation skills or English-speaking skills, then you may want to rely more on visual elements and on writing more detailed presentations rather than using verbal explanations. Only you know where that trade-off needs to be.

Lina 的沙龍 的其他內容
大部分的亞洲國家是以加班而聞名,但與此同時,歐洲的工作時間感覺比較短。可是, 較短的工作時間並不代表歐洲人不努力 。工作時間受到很多的因素影響,例如文化背景,法律還有個人因素。我們需要意識到這些驅動因素和國家之間的差異,才能在商場上具備靈活度應對和調整態度適應。
由於新冠肺炎病例不斷增加,造成歐洲的失業率創下歷史新高,各種各類的公司不是申請破產就是大量裁員,情況非常不理想。雖然失業率統計數據是很高,但是在黑暗籠罩中,我也看到了另一面光明。我發現在我的人際圈內,不但有很多人換工作, 還越換越好,許多人甚至升到更高的職位。他們的秘密是什麼? 他們怎麼辦到的?
「閑談」是一種常見的破冰法。商場上它通常用於在會議開始之前,還有跟新認識的人建立關係的時候。很多銷售或談判的書籍裡面會討論到[閒聊]能幫助建立融洽的關係 (rapport)。 但是如果你曾在跟外國人開會或者社交場合中,不知道要跟人家聊什麼而體驗到尷尬的沉默的話,以下是一些我建議的主題。
對很多沒出過國工作或在國外長期居住的人, 到底如何跟外國人建立人脈?去哪裡建立呢?人又在亞洲,怎麼打入社交圈? 隨著科技的進步,有很多種管道可以去參與社交和建立人脈, 甚至不離開客廳就可以達成。 想藉此機會建議一些管道。至於怎麼利用這些管道取於你的目的、時間彈性、興趣、還有地點。
如果你這輩子從來沒有出過國或住過英文系國家,出國做生意到底英文能力要多好呢?總是要有個程度的門檻吧? 答案當然是英文程度越高越好。但是,英文程度雖然非常重要、卻不代表全部。與其用一個「標準答案」來看這個問題,我們不如用另外一個角度來討論。
大部分的亞洲國家是以加班而聞名,但與此同時,歐洲的工作時間感覺比較短。可是, 較短的工作時間並不代表歐洲人不努力 。工作時間受到很多的因素影響,例如文化背景,法律還有個人因素。我們需要意識到這些驅動因素和國家之間的差異,才能在商場上具備靈活度應對和調整態度適應。
由於新冠肺炎病例不斷增加,造成歐洲的失業率創下歷史新高,各種各類的公司不是申請破產就是大量裁員,情況非常不理想。雖然失業率統計數據是很高,但是在黑暗籠罩中,我也看到了另一面光明。我發現在我的人際圈內,不但有很多人換工作, 還越換越好,許多人甚至升到更高的職位。他們的秘密是什麼? 他們怎麼辦到的?
「閑談」是一種常見的破冰法。商場上它通常用於在會議開始之前,還有跟新認識的人建立關係的時候。很多銷售或談判的書籍裡面會討論到[閒聊]能幫助建立融洽的關係 (rapport)。 但是如果你曾在跟外國人開會或者社交場合中,不知道要跟人家聊什麼而體驗到尷尬的沉默的話,以下是一些我建議的主題。
對很多沒出過國工作或在國外長期居住的人, 到底如何跟外國人建立人脈?去哪裡建立呢?人又在亞洲,怎麼打入社交圈? 隨著科技的進步,有很多種管道可以去參與社交和建立人脈, 甚至不離開客廳就可以達成。 想藉此機會建議一些管道。至於怎麼利用這些管道取於你的目的、時間彈性、興趣、還有地點。
如果你這輩子從來沒有出過國或住過英文系國家,出國做生意到底英文能力要多好呢?總是要有個程度的門檻吧? 答案當然是英文程度越高越好。但是,英文程度雖然非常重要、卻不代表全部。與其用一個「標準答案」來看這個問題,我們不如用另外一個角度來討論。
Google News 追蹤
你是客語初學者嗎?想試試看初級認證卻不知道該如何準備?那這篇文章非常適合你! 這篇文章主要會介紹4個客語自學資源網站, 如果你剛好也在準備考試或是正在學客語,就接著看下去吧~
↑多關心家裡正在準備大考的孩子 . 在「未來Family」臉書的某篇文章裡,我看到這句話:「多關心家裡正在準備大考的孩子。」 心頭一震,對啊!下個月——2025年1月,就是大學學測的日子了。 . 這場考試,對於許多高中生來說,無疑是一場人生中最重要的戰役之一。它不僅關乎未來的升學,
1981年3月30日,華盛頓特區希爾頓酒店外響起槍聲。剛上任69天的美國總統羅納德·里根遭到槍擊,子彈擦過他的肋骨,距離心臟僅一英寸。這一刻,美國政壇陷入短暫的混亂。 當時的國務卿亞歷山大·海格將軍站了出來。他在白宮新聞發布會上宣布:「依據憲法,我現在掌控大局。」這句話引發了巨大爭議。按照美國
前陣子在準備三個報告跟三個作品集(類似論文) 內容有:1.語言學中語言景觀的研究與觀察,2.選一家歐洲的公司並觀察它如何進行內外溝通,3.跨文化的產品or廣告or文字使用比較 可能由於溝通上或學習環境上的文化差異,及內容可呈現的範圍很大,儘管找教授確認題目方向後,還是有點怕怕的,怕離題,怕內容不
六月底,應「不務正業的超能力」podcast主持人William的邀請,到高雄HPX讀書會的小聚會分享有關日本留學的心路歷程和點點滴滴。這次的日本留學分享性質蠻特別的,主要分享的對象不是學生,而是讀書會的成員,所以也一定程度的調整了分享的內容。 少談「如何準備留學」,多談了「為什麼要去留學」 如
觀光客拿著產品圖來表示要買,如果你是銷售員會怎麼做? 拿出客人要的產品結帳 從客人要的產品建議組合 邀請客人體驗說明商品使用​ 我在去年和今年分別去了東京和大阪,每次都會去百貨某專櫃買保養品。不同的地點的專櫃,隔一年銷售會發生什麼事? ​👩‍🏫東京教流行 去年流行個人色彩,我到東京
特斯拉(Tesla)這個名字在科技界已經成為創新和改變的代名詞,而Elon Musk,這位充滿爭議且雄心勃勃的CEO,無疑是推動這家公司不斷向前的重要力量。然而,最近關於Elon Musk 2018年CEO薪酬方案的法律訴訟,不僅挑戰了Musk的領導地位,也揭示了背後可能潛藏的複雜政治動機。
你是客語初學者嗎?想試試看初級認證卻不知道該如何準備?那這篇文章非常適合你! 這篇文章主要會介紹4個客語自學資源網站, 如果你剛好也在準備考試或是正在學客語,就接著看下去吧~
↑多關心家裡正在準備大考的孩子 . 在「未來Family」臉書的某篇文章裡,我看到這句話:「多關心家裡正在準備大考的孩子。」 心頭一震,對啊!下個月——2025年1月,就是大學學測的日子了。 . 這場考試,對於許多高中生來說,無疑是一場人生中最重要的戰役之一。它不僅關乎未來的升學,
1981年3月30日,華盛頓特區希爾頓酒店外響起槍聲。剛上任69天的美國總統羅納德·里根遭到槍擊,子彈擦過他的肋骨,距離心臟僅一英寸。這一刻,美國政壇陷入短暫的混亂。 當時的國務卿亞歷山大·海格將軍站了出來。他在白宮新聞發布會上宣布:「依據憲法,我現在掌控大局。」這句話引發了巨大爭議。按照美國
前陣子在準備三個報告跟三個作品集(類似論文) 內容有:1.語言學中語言景觀的研究與觀察,2.選一家歐洲的公司並觀察它如何進行內外溝通,3.跨文化的產品or廣告or文字使用比較 可能由於溝通上或學習環境上的文化差異,及內容可呈現的範圍很大,儘管找教授確認題目方向後,還是有點怕怕的,怕離題,怕內容不
六月底,應「不務正業的超能力」podcast主持人William的邀請,到高雄HPX讀書會的小聚會分享有關日本留學的心路歷程和點點滴滴。這次的日本留學分享性質蠻特別的,主要分享的對象不是學生,而是讀書會的成員,所以也一定程度的調整了分享的內容。 少談「如何準備留學」,多談了「為什麼要去留學」 如
觀光客拿著產品圖來表示要買,如果你是銷售員會怎麼做? 拿出客人要的產品結帳 從客人要的產品建議組合 邀請客人體驗說明商品使用​ 我在去年和今年分別去了東京和大阪,每次都會去百貨某專櫃買保養品。不同的地點的專櫃,隔一年銷售會發生什麼事? ​👩‍🏫東京教流行 去年流行個人色彩,我到東京
特斯拉(Tesla)這個名字在科技界已經成為創新和改變的代名詞,而Elon Musk,這位充滿爭議且雄心勃勃的CEO,無疑是推動這家公司不斷向前的重要力量。然而,最近關於Elon Musk 2018年CEO薪酬方案的法律訴訟,不僅挑戰了Musk的領導地位,也揭示了背後可能潛藏的複雜政治動機。