Students of Color Feel Less Welcome Under New US State Laws

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Lawmakers in several U.S. states have passed limits on discussions of race, gender, and sexuality in classrooms. Some students say the measures targeting parts of their identity have made them feel less welcome in American schools.
sexuality (n.) 性取向
Accepting and embracing different sexualities is an important step towards building an inclusive society.
target (v.) 著將某事物作為目標或對象,通常是指對某個特定的事物或群體進行行動、控制或限制。
在句子中,「targeting parts of their identity」表示將針對學生的身份的某些方面進行行動或控制,暗示立法者通過限制課堂中關於種族、性別和性取向的討論,將這些特定主題作為目標,以限制相關討論或教學的範圍。
The first time Tennessee student Harmony Kennedy remembered experiencing racism was in elementary school. On a playground, a girl picked up a leaf and said she wanted to "clean the dirt" from Harmony's skin.
racism (n.) 種族主義;種族歧視
She's experienced a lot of racism growing up, and it's really shaped her perspective.
In 2021, Tennessee started passing legislation that could limit the discussion and teaching of Black history, gender identity, and race in the classroom. To Harmony, the law's possible effects are crushing.
pass legislation 通過立法;制定法律
legislation [U] 法律;立法
enact legislation 制定法律 / implement legislation 實施法律 / repeal legislation 廢除法律
“When I heard they were removing African American history, banning LGBTQ, I almost started crying,” said Harmony, who is 16. LGBTQ is short for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer.
Conservative leaders in some states have strongly pushed for the new restrictions. Those lawmakers say the restrictions are necessary to fight against liberal ideas in schools. Activists and school boards have pushed for such moves, too. They say teachers need more oversight to make sure learning materials are appropriate.
liberal (adj.) 自由開放的
The school I go to is pretty liberal, and we have open discussions about sensitive topics.
oversight [U] 監督;監察;監管
We need more oversight to keep an eye on how things are being handled.
Books have been removed from some school libraries. Some schools have continued to call transgender students by the name they had before they changed to a different gender.
transgender 跨性別
Some teachers are worried about breaking new rules. As a result, they have avoided discussions related to race, gender, and other divisive issues.
divisive issues 引起分歧、不合的議題或問題
Gun control is one of the most divisive issues in the country, with strong opinions on both sides.
"Neutrality" policy impacts
Leo Burchell goes to a school outside Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In late 2020, during the pandemic school closures, he started using different pronouns. He started wearing different clothes. He cut his hair shorter, too. The changes, he said, felt right.
pronoun (n.) 代名詞
First, he asked teachers to use they/them pronouns instead of she/her. Then he asked that they use he/him pronouns when talking to him.
"I changed my name to Leo, and for a while it was tough," he said. “I told the people close to me, but I wasn't ready to come out to everybody yet…”
Leo's school is part of the Central Bucks School District. Over the last year, the board has barred employees from using students' chosen names or pronouns without parental permission.
bar someone from something
They barred him from participating in the competition due to his previous misconduct.
parental permission 家屬允許
The board passed what it called a "neutrality" policy. The policy is meant to prevent social and political advocacy in classrooms. But opponents say the measure targets LGBTQ students.
neutrality [U] 中立
political neutrality 政治中立 / maintain neutrality 保持中立
advocacy [U] 支持、擁護或提倡特定的觀點、理念、政策
I'm really passionate about animal rights, so I've been doing advocacy work to raise awareness about animal cruelty.
One man told the school board in a meeting that transgender people presented a risk of violence in bathrooms. Leo expected another adult in the room to intervene in what felt to him like hate speech. But no one did.
So, at the next board meeting, Leo spoke up. "Attacking students based on who they are or who they love is wrong," he said. Leo has spoken up at other meetings since then.
Leo said he worries about what school will be like for younger transgender students.
“It really just breaks my heart to know that some of my friends, you know, might not want to go to school anymore,” he said.
Students face backlash after speaking up
In Harmony"s freshman-year English class, a boy started playing with his face mask and joked, "I can't breathe, just like George Floyd," Harmony remembered. Floyd, a Black man, was murdered in 2020 by policemen in Minnesota. His death led to nationwide and worldwide protests.
backlash (n.) 對某種觀點、行動或政策的強烈反對或反彈反應
The company faced a major backlash when they announced layoffs just weeks after reporting record profits.
Harmony told her teacher, who said she was sorry it happened but there was not much she could do.
Harmony said the incident was a reminder of why it is important to teach a full version of American history. A law passed by Tennessee in 2021 banned schools from teaching several ideas on race and racism. Because of the law, many teachers now avoid discussions related to race.
After the incident, Harmony decided to join the Forward Club. The group works to support cultural and racial inclusion at her mostly white high school. The club's members come from diverse backgrounds.
inclusion (n.) 融合;包容
The school has a strong culture of inclusion of students with special needs.
At times, students who speak out against new policies have been targeted. In Williamson County, Tennessee, where Harmony goes to school, a political action committee (PAC) accused another high school's Black student union of promoting segregation. The PAC posted the time and place of the student group's meeting on social media. Elsewhere, transgender students who have spoken up about bullying have faced insults on social media.
segregation [U] 隔離並差別對待
racial segregation / gender segregation / school segregation
Harmony said she has had to go outside of school to learn about Black culture and history. Her experience in high school has led her to want to attend a historically Black college.
Harmony said she wants to be able to go to school like any other teenager and focus on learning. But she said she will continue to speak out for what she believes in.
“My sister is going to be an incoming freshman this year," she said, “and I want her to have a safe learning environment where she doesn't have to really deal with all the ignorance and things.”
incoming (adj.) 正來臨的
ignorance [U] 對知識、事實或信息的缺乏或無知
His ignorance of basic mathematics caused him to struggle with the calculations.
小珉讀書中 的其他內容
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在創作的路上真的很多人問我說 到底要怎麼做出符合自己期待 但又可以表現得很有美感的作品?🥹 這個問題真的應該是每個創作者都一直在學習的課題吧!
國立虎尾科技大學性別議題融入大學課程教師社群線上會議 時間2024/08/02星期五晚上2100-2230 主題-校園性別事件-學生之間性別事件司法實務研討 參與虎科大教師-李玉璽教授、蔣俊岳教授、林誠孝助理教授、趙育隆專案助理教授 主持-李玉璽教授(通識教育中心) 參與律師-鐘儀婷律師、
小孩的確與大人不同,本身的想法就是多元且發散的存在,所以在社會上提倡多元,只是希望大人們返璞歸真,能回到莫忘初衷的赤子之心,此一舉措,恰恰好是在保護未成年人。 成年人接受多元,恰好能保護未成年人的多元思維,而若將同性戀等非人類繁衍的事實,寫進教科書,就好像是在認同人類,不應該是天生自然的樣貌。
This article tells the story of a teacher's internal struggle after a student made homophobic remarks during a lesson.
一直以來我覺得學校是一個在孩子成長過程中,最先接觸到的小社會,還有適應社會的環境,這個小社會裡面有老師還有學校的總總行政人員跟教學人員去規範學生的行為。 看到一名高中代課老師被特教學生毆打的新聞 詳見→老師被高中生狂毆! 台灣自民國一○三年起實施十二年國民基本教育,將原來的九年國教延長至十二年,
在創作的路上真的很多人問我說 到底要怎麼做出符合自己期待 但又可以表現得很有美感的作品?🥹 這個問題真的應該是每個創作者都一直在學習的課題吧!
國立虎尾科技大學性別議題融入大學課程教師社群線上會議 時間2024/08/02星期五晚上2100-2230 主題-校園性別事件-學生之間性別事件司法實務研討 參與虎科大教師-李玉璽教授、蔣俊岳教授、林誠孝助理教授、趙育隆專案助理教授 主持-李玉璽教授(通識教育中心) 參與律師-鐘儀婷律師、
小孩的確與大人不同,本身的想法就是多元且發散的存在,所以在社會上提倡多元,只是希望大人們返璞歸真,能回到莫忘初衷的赤子之心,此一舉措,恰恰好是在保護未成年人。 成年人接受多元,恰好能保護未成年人的多元思維,而若將同性戀等非人類繁衍的事實,寫進教科書,就好像是在認同人類,不應該是天生自然的樣貌。
This article tells the story of a teacher's internal struggle after a student made homophobic remarks during a lesson.
一直以來我覺得學校是一個在孩子成長過程中,最先接觸到的小社會,還有適應社會的環境,這個小社會裡面有老師還有學校的總總行政人員跟教學人員去規範學生的行為。 看到一名高中代課老師被特教學生毆打的新聞 詳見→老師被高中生狂毆! 台灣自民國一○三年起實施十二年國民基本教育,將原來的九年國教延長至十二年,