
2024/02/15閱讀時間約 10 分鐘

Story Title: "The Wise Owl's Lesson"

Introduction of the Story:

  • Characters: In a peaceful forest, there are several animal characters, including Sammy the Squirrel, Benny the Bunny, and Olivia the Owl.
  • Background: The story is set in a dense forest filled with tall trees and a clear, flowing stream.
  • Plot (Beginning, Middle, End): The story unfolds as Sammy and Benny get into a quarrel about sharing their food. They seek the guidance of Olivia, the wise owl.
  • Conflict or Problem, Events: The conflict arises when Sammy and Benny have a disagreement about sharing their food. They have a series of events, including misunderstandings and hurt feelings.
  • Solution: Olivia, the wise owl, imparts valuable lessons on effective communication, empathy, and problem-solving to help Sammy and Benny resolve their issues and strengthen their friendship.
  • Lesson: The story teaches the importance of effective communication, understanding others' perspectives, and finding peaceful solutions to conflicts.

Teaching Objectives:

  • To understand the characters and plot of the story.
  • To explore the themes of effective communication and empathy.
  • To encourage students to share their perspectives and feelings.
  • To inspire critical thinking about lessons learned from the story.

Activities (Adapted to your previous teaching plan):

  1. Reading and Comprehension:
    • Read the story aloud and understand the plot and main events.
    • Discuss emotions and values in the story, such as effective communication and empathy.
    • Encourage students to share their perspectives and feelings about the story.
    • Inspire students to think about the lessons learned.
  2. Oral Expression:
    • Learn how to engage in character dialogues, imitating scenes from the story.
    • Practice dialogue scenes from the story, encouraging students to express character emotions and intentions.
    • Pose questions to prompt student thinking.
  3. Pronunciation:
    • Discuss the use of organs (mouth, throat, tongue, and lips) for clear pronunciation.
    • Teach linking between words and within sentences for fluent pronunciation.
    • Guide students in correct syllable division in words and sentences.
    • Introduce the Echo Method for improved pronunciation.(Echo Method: Don't immediately pronounce after listening; instead, repeat what you heard in your mind before speaking it aloud (Echo method, invented by Professor Karen Chung of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures at National Taiwan University)
  4. English Writing:
    • Teach the structure of a letter.
    • Encourage students to choose a character from the story and write a letter, expressing their feelings or sharing experiences.
    • Guide students through drafting, revising, and editing the letter.
    • Promote peer discussion and feedback.
  5. Vocabulary Learning:
    • Select key words from the story.
    • Use various methods (stress, allusions, phonemic awareness, repetition, associations) to help students memorize these words.
    • Promote sentence construction to understand word usage in context.
    • Encourage proper review for long-term retention.
  6. Self-Assessment and Feedback:
    • Allow students to self-assess their skills.
    • Provide constructive feedback and suggestions.
    • Discuss students' growth and improvements, reinforcing their progress.




  • 人物:在一個寧靜的森林中,有幾個動物角色,包括賽米松松鼠、班尼兔子和奧莉維亞貓頭鷹。
  • 背景:故事背景設定在一片樹林叢生、清流潺潺的森林中。
  • 情節(開始、中間、結尾):故事逐漸展開,當賽米和班尼在分享食物上發生爭吵時,他們尋求奧莉維亞貓頭鷹的指導。
  • 衝突或問題,事件:當賽米和班尼在分享食物上出現分歧時,產生了衝突。他們經歷了一系列事件,包括誤解和情感受傷。
  • 解決方案:智慧的貓頭鷹奧莉維亞傳授有價值的教訓,關於有效溝通、同理心,幫助賽米和班尼解決問題,並加強他們的友誼。
  • 學到的教訓:故事教導了有效溝通、理解他人觀點和尋找和平解決衝突的重要性。


  • 理解故事的角色和情節。
  • 探索有效溝通和同理心。
  • 鼓勵學生分享他們的觀點和情感。
  • 激發批判性思考。


  1. 閱讀和理解
    • 朗讀故事,理解情節和主要事件。
    • 討論故事中的情感和價值觀,如有效溝通和同理心。
    • 鼓勵學生分享他們對故事的觀點和情感。
    • 從故事中學到的教訓。
  2. 英文口語表達
    • 學習如何進行角色對話,模仿故事情節。
    • 演練故事中的對話場景,鼓勵學生表達角色的情感和意圖。
    • 提出問題以激勵學生的思考。
  3. 發音
    • 討論使用器官(口腔、喉嚨、舌頭和唇部)進行清晰發音。
    • 教導詞語之間和句子內的連音,以實現流利的發音。
    • 引導學生正確劃分單字和句子的音節。
    • 介紹回音法以改善發音。(回音法:聽完不要馬上念出來,先在心裡重複一次剛聽到的聲音、再念出來。台大外文系史嘉琳教授 Karen Chung 所倡導的方法)
  4. 英文寫作
    • 教授 信的結構。
    • 鼓勵學生選擇故事中的一個角色,給他們寫一封信,表達情感或分享經歷。
    • 引導學生進行草擬、修改和編輯信件。
    • 促進同學間的討論和反饋。
  5. 單字學習
    • 選擇故事中的關鍵詞語。
    • 使用各種方法(重音、典故、音韻意識、重複、聯想)來幫助學生記憶這些單字。
    • 促使學生在上下文中了解詞語的使用,透過句子構建。
    • 鼓勵適當的復習以增進長期記憶。
  6. 自我評估和反饋
    • 允許學生自我評估他們的技能。
    • 提供建設性的反饋和建議。
    • 討論學生的成長和改進,強化他們的進步。