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在這封信裡,Jeff Bezos提到Amazon開拓新市場的成績。Amazon不只著眼美國,更放眼世界,在歐洲開啟英國站和德國站的新業務。











To our shareholders, customers, and employees:


The last 3½ years have been exciting. We’ve served a cumulative 6.2 million customers, exited 1998 with a $1 billion revenue run rate, launched music, video, and gift stores in the U.S., opened shop in the U.K. and Germany, and, just recently, launched Amazon.com Auctions.


We predict the next 3½ years will be even more exciting. We are working to build a place where tens of millions of customers can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online. It is truly Day 1 for the Internet and, if we execute our business plan well, it remains Day 1 for Amazon.com. Given what’s happened, it may be difficult to conceive, but we think the opportunities and risks ahead of us are even greater than those behind us. We will have to make many conscious and deliberate choices, some of which will be bold and unconventional. Hopefully, some will turn out to be winners. Certainly, some will turn out to be mistakes.


A Recap of 1998


Heads-down focus on customers helped us make substantial progress in 1998:


  • Sales grew from $148 million in 1997 to $610 million — a 313% increase.
  • 銷售額增長313%,從1997年的1億4800萬提升至6.1億。
  • Cumulative customer accounts grew from 1.5 million at the end of 1997 to 6.2 million at the end of 1998 — an increase of over 300%.
  • 消費者帳戶數增長超過300%,從1997年年底的150萬,提升至1998年年底的620萬。
  • Despite this strong new customer growth, the percentage of orders placed on the Amazon.com Web site by repeat customers grew from over 58% in the fourth quarter of 1997 to over 64% in the same period in 1998
  • 新用戶增長迅猛,而舊用戶的再消費訂單也有所提升。1997年年底,由舊用戶重複購買產生的訂單比例為58%,1998年同一時間,此比例提升至超過64%。
  • Our first major product expansion, the Amazon.com music store, became the leading online music retailer in its first full quarter.
  • 我們的主力產品,Amazon音樂商店,完整上線一季後在音樂零售市場取得領先
  • Following their October launch under the Amazon brand and with Amazon.com technology, the combined fourth-quarter sales in the U.K. and German stores nearly quadrupled over the third quarter, establishing Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.de as the leading online booksellers in their markets.
  • 自十月啟動後,Amazon在英國和德國的第四季度銷售額,相較於第三季度增長4倍。在英國和德國市場,Amazon成為線上書店的市場領先者。
  • The addition of music was followed by the addition of video and gifts in November, and we became the leading online video retailer in only 6 weeks.
  • 在音樂加入服務之後,錄影帶和禮物也在11月加入。隨之而來的結果是,我們在6周之後成為線上錄影帶零售的市場領先者。
  • 25% of our fourth-quarter 1998 sales was derived from Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.de, and music, video, and gift sales on Amazon.com, all very new businesses.
  • 第四季度的銷售額中,有25%是來自全新業務,分別是新開的英國站、德國站帶來的銷售額,以及新的Amazon服務,音樂、錄影帶和禮物銷售。
  • We significantly improved the customer experience, with innovations like 1- ClickSM shopping, Gift Click, store-wide sales rank, and instant recommendations.
  • 我們大幅改進消費體驗,提供一鍵購物、禮物卡和全站銷售排行和推薦功能。

1998’s revenue and customer growth and achievement of continued growth in 1999 were and are dependent on expansion of our infrastructure. Some highlights:


  • In 1998 our employee base grew from approximately 600 to over 2,100, and we significantly strengthened our management team.
  • 1998年,我們的員工人數從600人提升到2100人,顯著的強化我們的管理團隊。
  • We opened distribution and customer service centers in the U.K. and Germany, and in early 1999, announced the lease of a highly-mechanized distribution center of approximately 323,000 square feet in Fernley, Nevada. This latest addition will more than double our total distribution capacity and allows us to even further improve time-to-mailbox for customers.
  • 我們設立了英國和德國的配送與客服中心。明年初,將在內華達州弗恩利(Fernley)租用一間高度機械化的配送中心,佔地32.3萬平方英尺。這將使我們的配送能力提升兩倍以上,進一步縮短貨物寄送時間。
  • Inventories rose from $9 million at the beginning of the year to $30 million by year end, enabling us to improve product availability for our customers and improve product costs through direct purchasing from manufacturers.
  • 庫存數量從年初的900萬,將於年底進一步提升到3000萬。這將使消費者更容易買到他們要的東西,同時由於直接向製造商購買,能進一步壓低價錢。
  • Our cash and investment balances, following our May 1998 high yield debt offering and early 1999 convertible debt offering, now stand at well over $1.5 billion (on a pro forma basis), affording us substantial financial strength and strategic flexibility.
  • 1998年5月,我們發行了高收益債券。1999年初,我們發行可轉換債券。因此,我們的現金和投資餘額現已超過15億美元,為我們提供了充裕的財務實力和戰略靈活性。

We’re fortunate to benefit from a business model that is cash-favored and capital efficient. As we do not need to build physical stores or stock those stores with inventory, our centralized distribution model has allowed us to build our business to a billion-dollar sales rate with just $30 million in inventory and $30 million in net plant and equipment. In 1998, we generated $31 million in operating cash flow which more than offset net fixed asset additions of $28 million.

我們很幸運地受益於一個以現金流和資本效率為導向的商業模式。由於我們沒有建立實體商店,因此不用受制於商店裡的存貨。集中化分銷模式使我們能夠以3000萬元的存貨、3000萬元的廠房和設備,建立一個10億元的業務。 1998年,我們的經營活動一共產生了3100萬元的現金流,足以抵銷固定資產增加額2800萬。

Our Customers


We intend to build the world’s most customer-centric company. We hold as axiomatic that customers are perceptive and smart, and that brand image follows reality and not the other way around. Our customers tell us that they choose Amazon.com and tell their friends about us because of the selection, ease-of-use, low prices, and service that we deliver.


But there is no rest for the weary. I constantly remind our employees to be afraid, to wake up every morning terrified. Not of our competition, but of our customers. Our customers have made our business what it is, they are the ones with whom we have a relationship, and they are the ones to whom we owe a great obligation. And we consider them to be loyal to us — right up until the second that someone else offers them a better service.


We must be committed to constant improvement, experimentation, and innovation in every initiative. We love to be pioneers, it’s in the DNA of the company, and it’s a good thing, too, because we’ll need that pioneering spirit to succeed. We’re proud of the differentiation we’ve built through constant innovation and relentless focus on customer experience, and we believe our initiatives in 1998 reflect it: our music, video, U.K. and German stores, like our U.S. bookstore, are best of breed.


Work Hard, Have Fun, Make History


It would be impossible to produce results in an environment as dynamic as the Internet without extraordinary people. Working to create a little bit of history isn’t supposed to be easy, and, well, we’re finding that things are as they’re supposed to be! We now have a team of 2,100 smart, hard-working, passionate folks who put customers first. Setting the bar high in our approach to hiring has been, and will continue to be, the single most important element of Amazon.com’s success.


During our hiring meetings, we ask people to consider three questions before making a decision:


  • Will you admire this person? If you think about the people you’ve admired in your life, they are probably people you’ve been able to learn from or take an example from. For myself, I’ve always tried hard to work only with people I admire, and I encourage folks here to be just as demanding. Life is definitely too short to do otherwise.
  • 你會敬佩這個人嗎?如果你回想自己生活敬佩的人,他們往往是那些你可以學習或借鑑的人。就我自己而言,我總是爭取只和我敬佩的人共事,我鼓勵員工和我一樣高標準。
  • Will this person raise the average level of effectiveness of the group they’re entering? We want to fight entropy. The bar has to continuously go up. I ask people to visualize the company 5 years from now. At that point, each of us should look around and say, “The standards are so high now — boy, I’m glad I got in when I did!”
  • 這個人會提升整個團隊的效率嗎?熵(Entropy)總是傾向增加,而我們想要與之對抗。為了達到這個標準,我們的門檻會持續提高。我會請公司成員想像五年之後的入職門檻,我希望我們所有人在五年後都會說:「門檻現在也太高了吧!兄弟,好險我五年就進入Amazon!」
  • Along what dimension might this person be a superstar? Many people have unique skills, interests, and perspectives that enrich the work environment for all of us. It’s often something that’s not even related to their jobs. One person here is a National Spelling Bee champion (1978, I believe). I suspect it doesn’t help her in her everyday work, but it does make working here more fun if you can occasionally snag her in the hall with a quick challenge: “onomatopoeia!”
  • 這個人可能會在多大程度上成為明星員工?許多人有獨一無二的技能、興趣和觀點,這讓我們的工作環境更加豐富。有時候,這跟他們的工作無關。我還記得1978年我曾和一名全國拼字比賽冠軍共事,我想這對她的日常工作沒有直接幫助,但卻讓我們工作環境更有趣了!尤其是當我們在大廳遇到她,突然給她一個拼音挑戰:「狀聲詞(onomatopoeia)怎麼拚?」

Goals for 1999


As we look forward, we believe that the overall e-commerce opportunity is enormous, and 1999 will be an important year. Although Amazon.com has established a strong leadership position, it is certain that competition will even further accelerate. We plan to invest aggressively to build the foundation for a multi-billion-dollar revenue company serving tens of millions of customers with operational excellence and high efficiency. Although this level of forward investment is costly and carries many inherent risks, we believe it will provide the best end-to-end experience for customers, and actually offer the least risky long-term value creation approach for investors.


The elements of our 1999 plan may not surprise you:


Distribution capacity − We intend to build out a significant distribution infrastructure to ensure that we can support all the sales our customers demand, with speedy access to a deep product inventory.


Systems capacity − We’ll be expanding our systems capacity to support similar growth levels. The systems group has a significant task: expand to meet near term growth, restructure systems for multi-billion dollar scale and tens of millions of customers, build out features and systems for new initiatives and new innovations, and increase operational excellence and efficiency. All while keeping a billion dollar, 8 million customer store up and available on a 24x7 basis.


Brand promise − Amazon.com is still a small and young company relative to the major offline retailers, and we must ensure that we build wide, strong customer relationships during this critical period.


Expanded product and service offerings − In 1999, we will continue to enhance the scope of our current product and service offerings, as well as add new initiatives. Amazon.com Auctions is our most recent addition. If any of you have not tried this new service, I encourage you to run — not walk — to www.amazon.com and click on the Auctions tab. As an Amazon.com customer, you are pre-registered to both bid and sell. As a seller, you have access to Amazon.com’s 8 million experienced online shoppers.


Bench strength and processes − We’ve complicated our business dramatically with new products, services, geographies, acquisitions and additions to our business model. We intend to invest in teams, processes, communication and people development practices. Scaling in this way is among the most challenging and difficult elements of our plan.


Amazon.com has made a number of strides forward in the past year, but there is still an enormous amount to learn and to do. We remain optimistic, but we also know we must remain vigilant and maintain a sense of urgency. We face many challenges and hurdles. Among them, aggressive, capable and well-funded competition; the growth challenges and execution risk associated with our own expansion; and the need for large continuing investments to meet an expanding market opportunity.


The most important thing I could say in this letter was said in last years’ letter, which detailed our long-term investment approach. Because we have so many new shareholders (this year we’re printing more than 200,000 of these letters — last year we printed about 13,000), we’ve appended last year’s letter immediately after this year’s. I invite you to please read the section entitled It’s All About the Long Term. You might want to read it twice to make sure we’re the kind of company you want to be invested in. As it says there, we don’t claim it’s the right philosophy, we just claim it’s ours!


All the best and sincere thanks once again to our customers and shareholders and all the folks here who are working passionately every day to build an important and lasting company.


Jeffrey P. Bezos

Founder and Chief Executive Officer

Amazon.com, Inc.





想看全系列導讀目錄,請至《Amazon 1997–2019年致股東信導讀目錄》

關於產品,關於生產力。 Here we talk about product and productivity.
產品人沙龍 的其他內容
今年到了尾聲之時,我總算把自己的桌面調整至比較滿意的狀態,讓我萌生了分享給更多人參考的念頭。如同我從互聯網獲得有用資訊一樣,我也希望能為這個生態做出一些貢獻。 我會帶大家來看一下我的生產力工具有哪些,更重要的是為什麼我會選擇它,希望這篇文章可以帶給你一些啟發。
擔任產品經理迄今早已超過1000個日子,離「入門」有了一段時間的距離之後,正是回顧過程,好好梳理的時間點。 回過頭來看看這段旅程經歷了什麼,寫下親歷的故事和方法,分享給對產品經理一職感興趣的朋友。
我的2021年度回顧:在變化中持續進步. 又到了新的一年的開始,我照例會回顧自己過去一年過得怎麼樣,反思其中的得失,然後再根據過去一年的學習來制定接下來的計畫。對我來說,2021年是變化與挑戰接踵而至的一年,這一年我的課題是:學習應對變化,快速做出調整。
今年到了尾聲之時,我總算把自己的桌面調整至比較滿意的狀態,讓我萌生了分享給更多人參考的念頭。如同我從互聯網獲得有用資訊一樣,我也希望能為這個生態做出一些貢獻。 我會帶大家來看一下我的生產力工具有哪些,更重要的是為什麼我會選擇它,希望這篇文章可以帶給你一些啟發。
擔任產品經理迄今早已超過1000個日子,離「入門」有了一段時間的距離之後,正是回顧過程,好好梳理的時間點。 回過頭來看看這段旅程經歷了什麼,寫下親歷的故事和方法,分享給對產品經理一職感興趣的朋友。
我的2021年度回顧:在變化中持續進步. 又到了新的一年的開始,我照例會回顧自己過去一年過得怎麼樣,反思其中的得失,然後再根據過去一年的學習來制定接下來的計畫。對我來說,2021年是變化與挑戰接踵而至的一年,這一年我的課題是:學習應對變化,快速做出調整。
Google News 追蹤
最近國泰世華CUBE App推出的「美股定期定額」功能,讓使用者可以方便地進行跨境理財(但讀者仍需根據自身需求審慎考量),除了享有美股定期定額的新功能,也同時享有台股定期定額的功能,可以一站滿足我們理財的需求! 透過國泰世華CUBE App線上開台股證券戶+複委託戶,流程最快僅需要5分鐘。
嘿,大家新年快樂~ 新年大家都在做什麼呢? 跨年夜的我趕工製作某個外包設計案,在工作告一段落時趕上倒數。 然後和兩個小孩過了一個忙亂的元旦。在深夜時刻,看到朋友傳來的解籤網站,興致勃勃熬夜體驗了一下,覺得非常好玩,或許有人玩過了,但還是想寫上來分享紀錄一下~
劇情概述: 開頭以微軟和蘋果競爭的世代不停歇,直到在一場波士頓的演講會上,蘋果創辦人賈伯斯宣布競爭已經結束,但這一切,到底是如何發生的 ?
你聽說了嗎?亞馬遜的 Prime Day 2024 再次刷新了銷售紀錄!這不僅僅是數字的遊戲,更反映了消費者行為的重大轉變。讓我們一起深入探討這次活動的亮點,看看它對電子商務的未來意味著什麼
本專欄將提供給您最新的市場資訊、產業研究、交易心法、精選公司介紹,以上內容並非個股分析,還請各位依據自身狀況作出交易決策。歡迎訂閱支持我,獲得相關內容,也祝您的投資之路順遂! 每年 $990 訂閱方案👉 https://reurl.cc/VNYVxZ 每月 $99 訂閱方案👉https://re
特斯拉股東會後市場反應、Omniverse 應用前景和未來的軟硬體整合。文章提供了有助於投資者理智冷靜地應對市場變化的建議。 不過這篇文章的SEO表現需要改善。想要進行SEO優化的關鍵字將針對文章的投資相關主題展開。
除現有已知的 AI 硬體建構廠商外,本篇並列出作者對於下一波 AI 應用興起時之潛力企業觀察清單,包含網路服務、網路安全、行業運用方案解決業者、與 AI 軟體開發商等。
1/18 今日加權指數開高走高在9:20左右遇到賣壓下殺,震盪。外資賣超87億,投信買超33億,季線附近反彈收紅K。臺積電法說:AI繼續衝,3nm營收佔比增加三倍。工業電腦大廠樺漢以44億元買下德商股權。三星與Google Cloud合作。這是個人研究看法整理,投資風險自負。
最近國泰世華CUBE App推出的「美股定期定額」功能,讓使用者可以方便地進行跨境理財(但讀者仍需根據自身需求審慎考量),除了享有美股定期定額的新功能,也同時享有台股定期定額的功能,可以一站滿足我們理財的需求! 透過國泰世華CUBE App線上開台股證券戶+複委託戶,流程最快僅需要5分鐘。
嘿,大家新年快樂~ 新年大家都在做什麼呢? 跨年夜的我趕工製作某個外包設計案,在工作告一段落時趕上倒數。 然後和兩個小孩過了一個忙亂的元旦。在深夜時刻,看到朋友傳來的解籤網站,興致勃勃熬夜體驗了一下,覺得非常好玩,或許有人玩過了,但還是想寫上來分享紀錄一下~
劇情概述: 開頭以微軟和蘋果競爭的世代不停歇,直到在一場波士頓的演講會上,蘋果創辦人賈伯斯宣布競爭已經結束,但這一切,到底是如何發生的 ?
你聽說了嗎?亞馬遜的 Prime Day 2024 再次刷新了銷售紀錄!這不僅僅是數字的遊戲,更反映了消費者行為的重大轉變。讓我們一起深入探討這次活動的亮點,看看它對電子商務的未來意味著什麼
本專欄將提供給您最新的市場資訊、產業研究、交易心法、精選公司介紹,以上內容並非個股分析,還請各位依據自身狀況作出交易決策。歡迎訂閱支持我,獲得相關內容,也祝您的投資之路順遂! 每年 $990 訂閱方案👉 https://reurl.cc/VNYVxZ 每月 $99 訂閱方案👉https://re
特斯拉股東會後市場反應、Omniverse 應用前景和未來的軟硬體整合。文章提供了有助於投資者理智冷靜地應對市場變化的建議。 不過這篇文章的SEO表現需要改善。想要進行SEO優化的關鍵字將針對文章的投資相關主題展開。
除現有已知的 AI 硬體建構廠商外,本篇並列出作者對於下一波 AI 應用興起時之潛力企業觀察清單,包含網路服務、網路安全、行業運用方案解決業者、與 AI 軟體開發商等。
1/18 今日加權指數開高走高在9:20左右遇到賣壓下殺,震盪。外資賣超87億,投信買超33億,季線附近反彈收紅K。臺積電法說:AI繼續衝,3nm營收佔比增加三倍。工業電腦大廠樺漢以44億元買下德商股權。三星與Google Cloud合作。這是個人研究看法整理,投資風險自負。