這篇報導作者是 Noah Smith,他是著名的彭博(Bloomberg)資訊專欄作家,紐約州立石溪大學(Stony Brook University)助理教授,並自己經營著 Noahpinion 部落格。本文專訪對象是知名的風險投資機構 a16z 創辦人 Marc Andreessen,他也是我們現在使用的很習慣的網路瀏覽器的先鋒 - Mosaic 共同開發者,並創立了知名的 Netscape 公司。
電子報大半都描述著 Marc Andreessen 對許多創業投資、未來趨勢、科技產業......等的對談,若對此有興趣,當然也很推薦去看看這位傳奇人物是怎麼看待未來的。但讓自己看到的是一段給「年輕人」的所謂"非雞湯"忠告。
Noah Smith: If you could give some advice -- career advice, or otherwise -- to a smart 23-year-old American today, what would it be?
Marc Andreessen: Don’t follow your passion. Seriously. Don’t follow your passion. Your passion is likely more dumb and useless than anything else. Your passion should be your hobby, not your work. Do it in your spare time.
Instead, at work, seek to contribute. Find the hottest, most vibrant part of the economy you can and figure out how you can contribute best and most. Make yourself of value to the people around you, to your customers and coworkers, and try to increase that value every day.
It can sometimes feel that all the exciting things have already happened, that the frontier is closed, that we’re at the end of technological history and there’s nothing left to do but maintain what already exists. This is just a failure of imagination. In fact, the opposite is true. We’re surrounding by rotting incumbents that will all need to be replaced by new technologies. Let’s get on it.
Marc Andreessen 的回覆實在太有意思了。尤其是劃了底線的這句話「Don’t follow your passion」。Follow your passion 基本上在這個時代背景下,應該算是頗為「政治正確」的一段宣言。但往往也越來越被商業運用成潛台詞中的「我們的商品設計的如此精美誘人,快點追尋你的渴望,下單買吧!」(是不是非常適合套用在汽車廣告?尤其美式那種狂放風格的廣告......)