2021-08-13|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 3 分鐘

#27- 善用「認知殘像」訓練聚焦

曾經有一位俄羅斯方塊重度上癮者在《費城城市週報 / Philadelphia City Paper》分享自己的經驗:
“Walking through the aisles at the local Acme, trying to decide between Honey Nut or the new Frosted Cheerios, I notice how perfectly one set of cereal boxes would fit in with the gap on the row below it. Running doggedly around the track at the Y, bored out of my mind, I find myself focusing on the brick wall and calculating which direction I'd have to rotate those slightly darker bricks to make them fit in with the uneven row of dark bricks a few feet lower down the wall. Going out to get some fresh air after hours of work, I rub my watery, stinging eyes, look up at the Philadelphia skyline, and wonder, "If I flip the Victory Building on its side, would it fit into the gap between Liberties One and Two?" ” (註1)

這個現象就是《俄羅斯方塊效應 / The Tetris Effect》
我個人很懂這是什麼樣的體驗,我玩Candy Crush時就是如此。
曾經在我非常中毒Candy Crush時,只要看見一樣顏色的東西就會很執著地想把它們擺在一起,眼睛閉上都能看見遊戲畫面。甚至在工作排版時,每樣商品在我眼裡都會自動成了遊戲裡面的那些糖果,在給同事建議的時候還曾經說出── 你把這個和那個組合在一起才會積分啊!── 這種很令人感到匪夷所思的話。


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