更新於 2023/04/06閱讀時間約 5 分鐘


一樣在努力爬格子中 哈哈

最近看了一篇TED自信動畫 很有感觸


而是在於挫折後 仍然沒來由的繼續往前

雖然還沒到想要的最終目的地 或者


一路走來 有人嘲笑 也 有人鼓勵


不開心的偶爾當作激勵 不再把太多時間用於難過

也許 這就是這些年最大的收穫了

沒辦法決定每個人都要喜歡我們 不喜歡和喜歡都是自由

但我可以決定至少我要如何走和選擇 加油囉

prospects distinction revealed accused
Monsanto is another huge company that’s been
accused of monopolistic practices.
The corporation will be subjected to close scrutiny on suspicion of tax evasion and money laundering.
hey refused to allow the new leader to take part in the project, shutting him out of every discussion.
The team is on the cusp of making a major discovery that could totally alter our understanding of the universe.
It's an organization that has complete control in the market, to the point of excluding all other viable competitors.
Monopolies can often harm the prospects for new businesses and force customers to pay higher prices.
ex Google’s conduct resulted in "real harm to consumers and to innovation in the online search and advertising markets.”
mega corporation
They have a huge amount of financial and lobbing power.
These are companies which have grown so large that their dominating influence on the market pushes out competition from smaller rivals.
grazing  grass
He has been addicted to alcohol for years, and the doctors told him to cut down on his liquor.
As the manager of this department,It’s down to me find a suitable person for the job.
We have one TV channel completely dedicated to news and another dedicated to sport.
protection and environmental care
banana apples corianders
yes and we also waste lots of food
Computer viruses replicate themselves and are passed along from user to user.
Our aim is to build a durable and profitable business.
My schedule is flexible
How did the recipe turn out?
We have gone one step further for success.
The secret to spider silk's strength is its structure.Extremely rigid nanocrystals that make the silk sturdy and stretchy, elastic polymers that make it pliable.
He might be using carbon nanotubes to provide the strength and rigidity.
The most unrealistic thing about Peter Parker's homemade webbing is that a high schooler figured out how to make it in his chem class.

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