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John Piper的不要浪費你的生命演講

以下是John Piper的"不要浪費你的生命"演講在YouTube上的內容摘要,提供中英對照:

1. **十七歲的關鍵覺醒(Pivotal Awakening at Seventeen):**

- Piper回憶高中時期的一個重要時刻,當時他深刻意識到生命的有限性。這次覺醒發生在一堂由Clanton女士教授的英語課上,讓他意識到過一個有意義的生活的重要性,並促使他在高中的文學雜誌上發表了一首反思詩。

- Piper recalls a significant moment during his high school years that instilled a deep realization about the importance of life's finite nature. This awakening occurred during an English class taught by Mrs. Clanton, where he became acutely aware of the weight of living a meaningful life, leading him to publish a reflective poem in his high school's literary magazine.

2. **有目的的生活(Purposeful Living):**

- 強調以目的生活的概念,Piper談到他持續尋求生命意義的過程,不僅關注我們來自何處,更重要的是我們的最終目的和目標。他強調集中注意力在真正重要的事情上,以避免在生命終結時感到後悔。

- Emphasizing the idea of living with purpose, Piper discusses his ongoing quest to understand life's meaning, not just where we come from but more importantly, our ultimate purpose and destination. He stresses the importance of focusing on what truly matters in life to avoid regret at life’s end.

3. **上帝的主權設計(God’s Sovereign Design):**

- 回顧他在惠頓學院和富勒神學院的學習經歷,Piper強調了一些關鍵神學見解如何形塑他對上帝為他的生命和宇宙設計的目的的理解。這種啟示圍繞著以上帝為中心的觀點,其中上帝的榮耀至高無上。

- Reflecting on his educational journey at Wheaton College and Fuller Seminary, Piper highlights how crucial theological insights shaped his understanding of God's purpose for his life and the universe. This revelation revolves around a God-centric view where the glorification of God is paramount.

4. **十字架和基督的救贖影響(Impact of the Cross and Christ’s Redemption):**

- Piper將上帝為人類的目的和耶穌基督的核心角色連接起來,強調基督的救贖是與上帝的榮耀保持一致生活的基礎。他詳述了基督的犧牲如何讓信徒克服罪惡,過一生榮耀上帝。

- Piper connects the dots between God’s purpose for humanity and the central role of Jesus Christ, emphasizing the redemption through Christ as the foundation for living a life aligned with God's glory. He elaborates on how Christ's sacrifice allows believers to overcome sin and live a life that glorifies God.

5. **快樂苦難和服務(Joyful Suffering and Service):**

- Piper的信息的最後一個重點是以"快樂的苦難"服務他人的生活方式,他認為這最有效地展示了上帝的榮耀。他將這視為不浪費我們存在的寶貴機會的終極表達。

- The final takeaway from Piper’s message is the concept of living a life characterized by "joy

ful suffering" in the service of others, which he argues most effectively displays the glory of God. He presents this as the ultimate expression of a life that does not waste the precious opportunity provided by our existence.

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