Reaching Six Figures, But Feeling Lost About What’s Next

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When I graduated college and started job hunting, my monthly salary was only about USD$850, but I always dreamed of one day making six figures a year. Fast forward to now—at 29, I’ve actually hit that goal. I should feel excited, right? Instead, I feel dazed.

While I was still budgeting and managing my finances, I suddenly realized I’d reached what once seemed like an unattainable target. But looking at myself, still just part of the regular workforce, I feel miles away from the confident, successful people I see in Netflix. When I ask myself what I want for my career next, my mind just goes blank, like I’m walking through a fog.

After some reflection, I’ve realized why I feel so lost.

Even though the pay is good, I know this job isn’t something I can do forever. The more I get wrapped up in this role, the more I feel like I’m getting stuck in a rut, and this fear of stagnation became even more real in my next job. Office life, with its fixed hours and routines, started to feel robotic, and I knew I didn’t want that kind of lifestyle long-term.

While the pay was stable, the trade war and the pandemic made me realize this stability was fragile. Companies can be hit hard by external factors, and not all are equipped to adapt. What if the company collapses or lays people off? That sense of helplessness started creeping in. This isn't the future I want, but what can I do about it? Figuring that out takes time.

Since I still need to earn a living, I had to balance work with exploring my interests and building my skills. It took four or five years of trial and error to rethink my career path.


Your Career Plan Shouldn’t Just Be About Your Job

In recent years, AI has revolutionized tools and reshaped the job market. Planning for the next ten years isn't just about managing your finances; it's about saving time for yourself to keep expanding your interests and skills. The real question is: What jobs won’t be replaced in the future?

In this video I watched, professionals talk about what makes their careers irreplaceable. It helped me think more deeply about the core values and direction of different jobs.

When planning my career, I had to consider that my energy and stamina will decrease every decade. So, if I want to switch fields, I need to evaluate not just the job's hours, but also the work style and salary. Of course, the experience I’ve accumulated still has value. I’ve worked in design, product engineering, development, sales, and marketing, and when I pivot to a new field, I know I’ll find ways to use those skills to stand out.

As a full-time worker, I used to need lots of time to unwind after work, which left little room to develop other interests. To avoid becoming too focused on work, I started joining clubs and activities to add more richness to my life.


Switching Careers is Risky, But Stick With It and You’ll See Results

When I was transitioning jobs, I applied for positions completely different from what I had done before, even roles that required new skills. For example, I once took a job that involved both social media management and graphic design. Sure, it took longer to adjust, but it helped me broaden my professional expertise.

If you’re thinking about switching fields, trying out different types of work can help you figure out how adaptable you are, and whether you’re truly suited for the new role. Working in different industries also broadens your perspective. I’ve worked in the upstream, midstream, and downstream sectors of the supply chain, and this has given me a clearer, more holistic understanding of products, costs, and planning.

At first, I constantly doubted whether I had enough value or the right skills to succeed in a new field. When I moved into my second industry, there were still times when finding a job wasn’t easy, but gradually, my cross-industry experience became my advantage. By the third or fourth time I switched fields, being versatile turned into a selling point for me.

If you’re thinking about switching fields, I encourage you to give it a try! At first, it might just be a small step, but the more you try, the easier it gets.

「在轉型路上的斜槓人,探索心理學與多元職涯的邊界。」 我是一位正在向諮商心理師邁進的探索者,曾經在服裝設計、品牌產品開發與海外工作的經歷都懷抱著不斷學習和自我成長的熱情。從不同領域的視角看世界,結合心理學、設計、品牌策略等多重面向,探索事物的不同層次與深度。 歡迎訂閱追蹤,包含品牌行銷分析、心理學、商業等

學生在選擇大學科系時受到熱門職業及收入的影響,對比2010年與2024年熱門科系的變化。儘管文科學群對應職業較少,但它培養的批判性思維和文化敏感度有重要價值。 持續的學習與探索,讓我們在職業生涯中理解自己的優劣並提升適應能力。最終,成功的職業之路不應受到科系的限制,而是源自於對知識的掌握與靈活應用。
學生在選擇大學科系時受到熱門職業及收入的影響,對比2010年與2024年熱門科系的變化。儘管文科學群對應職業較少,但它培養的批判性思維和文化敏感度有重要價值。 持續的學習與探索,讓我們在職業生涯中理解自己的優劣並提升適應能力。最終,成功的職業之路不應受到科系的限制,而是源自於對知識的掌握與靈活應用。
Google News 追蹤
三十九歲那年,離開工作了十多年的地方,放下一份穩定的薪水,投入相對不穩定的領域,可以說是人生中第一個最重大的決定。   猶記得學生時期,曾覺得在同一個崗位工作超過五年是很可怕的事,心想自己不可能,也不想如此。誰知,時間轉眼間就過去了。驀然回首,才發現自己在那個地方投注了十多年的青春歲月。
出社會到現在大概也將近8年以上的時間了,常常在夜深人靜的時候回頭看看自己這幾年達到了什麼樣的成就? 答案是:一事無成。(苦笑) 太多太多想做的事情,但偏偏都不是自己拿手的事,若要說什麼是我拿手的,坦白說,我自己也不是很清楚! 還記得大學剛畢業的時候想經營YouTube,甚至也拍了一些影片,後續就是
我們很常在工作經驗或職涯分享的文章中看到,文中人物提到自己的職涯目標,因而採取某些行動,最後達到現在的成就,或是經歷多少精彩的旅程。此外,近年來也有人規劃著財務獨立,提早退休。 這些看起來好像都有完善的目標設定、規劃與執行。 但如果自己現在就是沒有職涯目標,該怎麼辦?
說到最近畢業季,我好像距離那個圈子已經好一段時間了, 飄飄浮浮,找工作也沒太順利的, 至今換了3個工作,只怕在來找工作時會被說到年紀, 這麼多社會新鮮人,肯定不會用我這個老人, 當初的社會新鮮人也覺得是拿肝換來的工作, 薪水一樣不高,而現在則是不曉得用什麼吃穿, 空有著一些技術也不曉得哪
為了一日三餐而找一份工作,並𣎴困難;為了理想、興趣、還能養家的,可能會有一定的難度。但是所謂的興趣理想是不是來自你所學的科系呢?當初不也是聯考分數被選擇的結果嗎?又如何能驗證那真的是興趣! 在一年十個月的兵役期間,最後六個月,我拼命的翻閱報紙的求職欄,想要找到社會的走向和那些工作比較缺人。在退役
三十九歲那年,離開工作了十多年的地方,放下一份穩定的薪水,投入相對不穩定的領域,可以說是人生中第一個最重大的決定。   猶記得學生時期,曾覺得在同一個崗位工作超過五年是很可怕的事,心想自己不可能,也不想如此。誰知,時間轉眼間就過去了。驀然回首,才發現自己在那個地方投注了十多年的青春歲月。
出社會到現在大概也將近8年以上的時間了,常常在夜深人靜的時候回頭看看自己這幾年達到了什麼樣的成就? 答案是:一事無成。(苦笑) 太多太多想做的事情,但偏偏都不是自己拿手的事,若要說什麼是我拿手的,坦白說,我自己也不是很清楚! 還記得大學剛畢業的時候想經營YouTube,甚至也拍了一些影片,後續就是
我們很常在工作經驗或職涯分享的文章中看到,文中人物提到自己的職涯目標,因而採取某些行動,最後達到現在的成就,或是經歷多少精彩的旅程。此外,近年來也有人規劃著財務獨立,提早退休。 這些看起來好像都有完善的目標設定、規劃與執行。 但如果自己現在就是沒有職涯目標,該怎麼辦?
說到最近畢業季,我好像距離那個圈子已經好一段時間了, 飄飄浮浮,找工作也沒太順利的, 至今換了3個工作,只怕在來找工作時會被說到年紀, 這麼多社會新鮮人,肯定不會用我這個老人, 當初的社會新鮮人也覺得是拿肝換來的工作, 薪水一樣不高,而現在則是不曉得用什麼吃穿, 空有著一些技術也不曉得哪
為了一日三餐而找一份工作,並𣎴困難;為了理想、興趣、還能養家的,可能會有一定的難度。但是所謂的興趣理想是不是來自你所學的科系呢?當初不也是聯考分數被選擇的結果嗎?又如何能驗證那真的是興趣! 在一年十個月的兵役期間,最後六個月,我拼命的翻閱報紙的求職欄,想要找到社會的走向和那些工作比較缺人。在退役