Thirteen Diary

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12:49 noon
Lord, I’m afraid that I will be useless like a normal person in the world. How could I arrange my life to follow up those successful and learn their progressive process that I can mimic them step by step? I’m so feeble; moreover, when I suddenly glance my photo with my father in the childhood, I feel so plaintive that I can’t have good prospect to reward my family.
Besides, I still too lazy to finish every things. Lord, please give me strength to overcome those grievous. I thought that common people often considered that Christian were weak enough; nevertheless, That was truly our christian responsibility that we don’t play a good role in this position. For example, why I can’t determine to sign up TOEFL test because I’m afraid that I get a bad score. Why I can’t make decision to find a job right now because I also fear of failure… The cause of all the matters is inferiority complex. Maybe I can use prayer to get over it however I still need to confront my weakness.

1:41 in the afternoon
cost time: 1 hr

  1. 成功的 successful
  2. animate v.賦予生命,使活潑,激勵,驅動,繪製(影片)
  3. 模仿 to imitate, to copy, to ape, to mimic, to simulate, to act (or play) the ape, to make like; to model (or pattern) oneself (or sth) on; to take a leaf out of sb.’s boos; to take sb. off.
  4. sorrowful doleful, penitent, wretched, grievous, melancholy, sympathetic, sad, afflictive, unhappy, elegiac (輓歌的)
  5. Plaintive a.悲傷的,憂鬱的,哀愁的
    e.g. a plaintive wail
  6. Wail v,n. 慟哭,哀訴,悲嘆,嗚咽
    e.g. They are still wailing over their defeat.
    e.g. Newborn babies begin their life with a wail.
  7. 前途 the future, prospects, promise
  8. 顯露 to manifest, to show; to display
    e.g. Fear was manifest on his face.
    e.g. Her worry showed in her eyes.
  9. Grievous a.嚴重的,劇烈的,使人痛苦的,令人悲傷的
    e.g. Her death is a grievous loss to the whole of the community.
    e.g. grievous wounds
  10. wound n.傷口
  11. Moreover adv.並且,此外,除此之外
    (Synonym) besides, also, furthermore, too, as well
  12. But conj. 但是
    (Synonym) nevertheless (adv.), yet, except, save, notwithstanding, however, unless
  13. 報名 sign up, enter one’s name
  14. Because conj. 因為
    (Synonym) whereas, while, as ,for
  15. Whereas conj. 鑑於,反之,卻,而
    e.g. Whereas the following incidents have occurred..
    e.g. Some people like fatty meat, whereas others hate it.
    (Synonym) because, since, as, inasmuch as, while, although, though, even though
  16. 害怕 to fear, to dread, to be scared, to be afraid, to be alarmed to be frightened, to be in dread (or fear) of, to lose courage
  17. Fear v,n. 害怕,恐懼,可能性,擔心,憂慮,敬畏
  18. 自卑感 the inferiority complex, a sense (or felling) of inferiority
  19. Superiority complex ph. 優越感,自傲心裡
  20. 克服 to overcome, to conquer, to surmount, to get over, to get a(round); to smooth away, to tide over, to break through, to fetch through, to bridge over, to weather out
Mime的沙龍 的其他內容
Starting time: 5:20 afternoon   I’ve a plan that I need to accomplish to write 300 words in diary in twenty-five minutes. Can I achieve the goal? Ha!
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5:41    I felt graceful and peaceful in the coffee shop because I had been losing the warming love inside my heart for a long time after reading bibl
03:20 p.m. 04/05    I’m not a patient man who can continuously insist on self thought that can’t be influenced by others, even self… I’m often defeat
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Starting time: 5:20 afternoon   I’ve a plan that I need to accomplish to write 300 words in diary in twenty-five minutes. Can I achieve the goal? Ha!
5:32 afternoon   Friend told that my father worked till 4:00 in the morning to me. I reminded myself and meditate with my current state. How should I
1:07 p.m.   Today, I accepted an interview about iOS Engineer in the nan-gang exhibition building. I finally confront my fear about my weakness. Alth
5:41    I felt graceful and peaceful in the coffee shop because I had been losing the warming love inside my heart for a long time after reading bibl
03:20 p.m. 04/05    I’m not a patient man who can continuously insist on self thought that can’t be influenced by others, even self… I’m often defeat
11:54 a.m.    I slightly arrived at Starbucks late today. I waked up more late day after day gradually. It seems like that I’ve a little tired about
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/ 大家現在出門買東西還會帶錢包嗎 鴨鴨發現自己好像快一個禮拜沒帶錢包出門 還是可以天天買滿買好回家(? 因此為了記錄手機消費跟各種紅利優惠 鴨鴨都會特別注意銀行的App好不好用! 像是介面設計就是會很在意的地方 很多銀行通常會為了要滿足不同客群 會推出很多App讓使用者下載 每次
從小到大,遇到困難或挑戰,總會想到最壞的結果,這讓我變得害怕挑戰,害怕嘗試新事物。 就算真的嘗試了新事物,我也會陷入深深的焦慮和害怕之中,腦中總是想到失敗的畫面。於是,我會先跟爸媽訴苦,跟他們說我想要放棄,並且說服他們支持我,我才會放棄。一直以來似乎都是這樣,我也不覺得有什麼奇怪,畢竟我還沒有經濟獨
在學著深入剖析這世界的每一個角落面貌時,我發現...許多人的脆弱都來自於〔自卑的心理〕。其中也許包含了自己、家人、親朋好友,或是身邊任何一個你所熟悉的人。 當自卑心發作時,會造就人易怒的性格,也很容易惱羞成怒。當你對人釋出好意而對方合理拒絕時,你卻感覺對方刻意給你難堪而生氣或難過,其實是自己自
當一個人接連不斷受到挫折,無論付出再多努力都無法避免失敗,因而表現出消極、抑鬱的內心狀態,這在心理學上,稱為「習得性無助」。 比如說,如果一個小孩在成長過程中不斷被否定:「你怎麼什麼事都做不好,笨死了!」那麼,當他長大後遇到相似的困境,便只能被絕望的感覺支配著。 你是否經常有無助感呢?當
我是一個很沒自信,遇到困難就想逃避的人。 很多時候明明很簡單的事情,總會自己想得很複雜,越想越害怕,導致一步都邁不出去。我看到了自己的缺點,知道現在遇到什麼障礙,然後就沒有然後了。就是思想的巨人行動的矮人。明明有很清晰的目標,卻一直質疑自己是不是做錯,接著原地打轉。難道我是喜歡這種焦慮的感覺嗎?也
█節錄自《我們為什麼存在》第十三章 驚恐患難全在為私身..... 自卑和自信也並非天生,而是來源於寵辱。如果環境總是激起我陰面情緒,說我這不好那不好,嘲笑我的缺陷或者數落我的缺點,我並沒有因自愛而反抗,反而內心承認了別人的話,自然就會自卑,尤其是來自親人的數落與打擊最具有殺傷力。如果環境總是給予
從小我自認為腦袋瓜裡總是充滿五花八門的想法, 如何提升自己如何做大事如何賺很多很多的錢 但 總是遲遲無法開始, 或許 更準確的說 是害怕開始。 害怕開始的原因有許多種而是我屬於還沒開始,就害怕失敗那種。
/ 大家現在出門買東西還會帶錢包嗎 鴨鴨發現自己好像快一個禮拜沒帶錢包出門 還是可以天天買滿買好回家(? 因此為了記錄手機消費跟各種紅利優惠 鴨鴨都會特別注意銀行的App好不好用! 像是介面設計就是會很在意的地方 很多銀行通常會為了要滿足不同客群 會推出很多App讓使用者下載 每次
從小到大,遇到困難或挑戰,總會想到最壞的結果,這讓我變得害怕挑戰,害怕嘗試新事物。 就算真的嘗試了新事物,我也會陷入深深的焦慮和害怕之中,腦中總是想到失敗的畫面。於是,我會先跟爸媽訴苦,跟他們說我想要放棄,並且說服他們支持我,我才會放棄。一直以來似乎都是這樣,我也不覺得有什麼奇怪,畢竟我還沒有經濟獨
在學著深入剖析這世界的每一個角落面貌時,我發現...許多人的脆弱都來自於〔自卑的心理〕。其中也許包含了自己、家人、親朋好友,或是身邊任何一個你所熟悉的人。 當自卑心發作時,會造就人易怒的性格,也很容易惱羞成怒。當你對人釋出好意而對方合理拒絕時,你卻感覺對方刻意給你難堪而生氣或難過,其實是自己自
當一個人接連不斷受到挫折,無論付出再多努力都無法避免失敗,因而表現出消極、抑鬱的內心狀態,這在心理學上,稱為「習得性無助」。 比如說,如果一個小孩在成長過程中不斷被否定:「你怎麼什麼事都做不好,笨死了!」那麼,當他長大後遇到相似的困境,便只能被絕望的感覺支配著。 你是否經常有無助感呢?當
我是一個很沒自信,遇到困難就想逃避的人。 很多時候明明很簡單的事情,總會自己想得很複雜,越想越害怕,導致一步都邁不出去。我看到了自己的缺點,知道現在遇到什麼障礙,然後就沒有然後了。就是思想的巨人行動的矮人。明明有很清晰的目標,卻一直質疑自己是不是做錯,接著原地打轉。難道我是喜歡這種焦慮的感覺嗎?也
█節錄自《我們為什麼存在》第十三章 驚恐患難全在為私身..... 自卑和自信也並非天生,而是來源於寵辱。如果環境總是激起我陰面情緒,說我這不好那不好,嘲笑我的缺陷或者數落我的缺點,我並沒有因自愛而反抗,反而內心承認了別人的話,自然就會自卑,尤其是來自親人的數落與打擊最具有殺傷力。如果環境總是給予
從小我自認為腦袋瓜裡總是充滿五花八門的想法, 如何提升自己如何做大事如何賺很多很多的錢 但 總是遲遲無法開始, 或許 更準確的說 是害怕開始。 害怕開始的原因有許多種而是我屬於還沒開始,就害怕失敗那種。