Humanistic approach: Existentialist, Person-Centered & Gestalt Therapy

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This blog is part of the series for my reflections on studying different therapy theories. For any citing or quotation, please email
If the existential theory is the wise-old-man, who has seen it all, done it all, and share his experience in the philosophical, and sometimes abstract ways, Person-centered therapy is everyone’s best friend — who always encourage, support, and believe in you before you believe in yourself. Both therapeutic approaches are less strategic, organized, or directional, but believing that every person can achieve their best version of self; the internal imbalance comes from the unmatched reality and their ideal version. Both therapeutic approaches suggest that the quality of the therapist-client relationship is key to successful therapy. However, these two theories also share a limitation: both theories emphasize less on technique and strategy. As a beginning therapist, I would imagine that these two approaches become challenging to apply in a real therapeutic session without years of experience in life and work.
On the other hand, Gestalt Therapy provides a similar philosophical background with more structured techniques. Gestalt Therapeutic approach holds the belief that clients know themselves the best, and therapists’ job is to provide the environment and guidance to increase clients’ self-awareness. Similar to Person-Centered therapy, Gestalt therapy also emphasize on the authentic self; the more authentic an individual is to his- or herself, the less stress or anxiety the individual would experience.
In other words, by increasing self-awareness and self-acceptance, therapists can help clients to face and solve their problems. This theory also emphasizes on assessing individuals in the holistic view, including thoughts, feelings, behaviors, interactions with environments (field theory and contact), body language, and dreams (Corey, 2017, p. 201). Resistance to Contacts is the phenomena Gestalt therapists describe the disturbance occurs when an individual interacts with the environment (Corey, 2017, p. 202), which is similar to the defense mechanism in Psychoanalytic theory.
My friends and colleagues always describe me as patient, empathetic, and non-judgemental, and the go-to person for any questions. When I exam the style of our conversations, many characteristics of humanistic therapy applied naturally: empathetic, holism (recent sickness, sleeping issue, or relationship with other people), and mild confrontations (“why not try this?” “what is your concern for not doing this?”); also, I rarely give any direction but encourage them to figure out answers by themselves. I agree with the fundamental idea that people can only achieve internal congruence by being more aware of the self and the present, and the idea that we are only victims of our own and change can only happen with self-acceptance. Also, by blending the confrontation and other techniques in Gestalt Therapy, it will overcome the limitation of too non-directional and lose focus in Person-Center Therapy for a new beginning therapist. However, when assessing multicultural clients, some methods in Gestalt Therapy have to be applied cautiously. For example, confrontation is not natural in some cultures and considered rude. To package the same question in the culturally acceptable way is one thing Gestalt Therapists should have in mind. The other example is the “It” talk. In some cultures, for instance, Taiwanese and Japanese, when a person uses too many “I” in a sentence are culturally disapproved; hence it will be awkward to force the patient from these cultural backgrounds to replace “It” to “I.”
To summarize, both existential and humanistic approaches are focused on the positivity and possibility of every individual naturally equipped. The role of the therapist is to assist clients in increasing self-awareness and self-acceptance, hence, to achieve their potential. Moreover, the holism concept in Gestalt Therapy closed the mind-body gap, which allows therapists and clients to see and understand themselves as a complete organism. Even with a few limitations, I firmly believe the humanistic approach is a good and positive method in counseling, which not only providing the tool for clients to follow but also empowers them.
Corey, G. (2017). /Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy: Student Manual (10th edition)./ Boston: Cengage Learning
Psychoanalytic or psychoanalysis theory, developed by Sigmund Freud, is the most well-known psychotherapy theory. Like other psychotherapy theory, psy
Counseling is not merely the process or toolkit for a therapist to share to make the client feel better. Rather, it is an organic, unique and personal
Psychoanalytic or psychoanalysis theory, developed by Sigmund Freud, is the most well-known psychotherapy theory. Like other psychotherapy theory, psy
Counseling is not merely the process or toolkit for a therapist to share to make the client feel better. Rather, it is an organic, unique and personal
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前陣子閱讀人本主義大師Carl Rogers的著作《成為一個人》,這本書主要分享他當治療師的經驗及對人的觀察。在眾多心理學派中,人本主義的觀點我蠻有共鳴,因為它強調人都有自我實現的潛能,以及無論外在表現如何,每個人都擁有價值,是一個對人性持正向態度的學派。
對於關係,有許多理論致力於「如何提供正確的概念與方法」給需要的人。但敘事治療努力的方向則不同,不在於提供「正確的答案與做法」,而是把焦點放在「如何透過對話,讓人得以理解自己與他人,並藉此發展出個人較喜歡的方式來進入關係」。 會有這樣的想法,係源自於敘事治療認為每個人所處的環境背景皆不同,
P;121 ●與有機體自身合而為一   以上的材料是沿著一條主題線而逐次呈現的。那條主題線就是:心理治療(至少以案主為中心的治療法是如此)乃是使人成為有機體自身的一種過程—這個過程使人放棄自我欺騙,也避免扭曲。我這樣說,究竟是什麼意思呢?   我想,我們在此所談的,乃是立基於「體驗」的層次
p.94 ●對情感關係的完整體驗   心理治療含有另一個重要的因素,這個因素應該這樣說:心理治療乃是案主的一種學習—學習接納另一個人的積極感覺,完整且自由地接納,而不帶恐懼。這種現象並不盡然會清楚地發生於每一個個案上。   p.95 案主讓治療者帶著溫暖的興趣一起進入她的生活之中,這一點
p.77 ▓主觀的圖像˙˙˙˙˙ 講到這裡,我所說的都是以客觀的角度陳述諮商興心理治療的過程。我強調的是我們所獲得的知識,而且也設法將各個條件彙集為一,寫成了一個初步的、嘗試性的方程式。現在,我要用換用內在體驗的角度來重新理解上述的方程式。在不忽略事實知識的情況下,我試試看能否將此方程式在治療者
/ 大家現在出門買東西還會帶錢包嗎 鴨鴨發現自己好像快一個禮拜沒帶錢包出門 還是可以天天買滿買好回家(? 因此為了記錄手機消費跟各種紅利優惠 鴨鴨都會特別注意銀行的App好不好用! 像是介面設計就是會很在意的地方 很多銀行通常會為了要滿足不同客群 會推出很多App讓使用者下載 每次
前陣子閱讀人本主義大師Carl Rogers的著作《成為一個人》,這本書主要分享他當治療師的經驗及對人的觀察。在眾多心理學派中,人本主義的觀點我蠻有共鳴,因為它強調人都有自我實現的潛能,以及無論外在表現如何,每個人都擁有價值,是一個對人性持正向態度的學派。
對於關係,有許多理論致力於「如何提供正確的概念與方法」給需要的人。但敘事治療努力的方向則不同,不在於提供「正確的答案與做法」,而是把焦點放在「如何透過對話,讓人得以理解自己與他人,並藉此發展出個人較喜歡的方式來進入關係」。 會有這樣的想法,係源自於敘事治療認為每個人所處的環境背景皆不同,
P;121 ●與有機體自身合而為一   以上的材料是沿著一條主題線而逐次呈現的。那條主題線就是:心理治療(至少以案主為中心的治療法是如此)乃是使人成為有機體自身的一種過程—這個過程使人放棄自我欺騙,也避免扭曲。我這樣說,究竟是什麼意思呢?   我想,我們在此所談的,乃是立基於「體驗」的層次
p.94 ●對情感關係的完整體驗   心理治療含有另一個重要的因素,這個因素應該這樣說:心理治療乃是案主的一種學習—學習接納另一個人的積極感覺,完整且自由地接納,而不帶恐懼。這種現象並不盡然會清楚地發生於每一個個案上。   p.95 案主讓治療者帶著溫暖的興趣一起進入她的生活之中,這一點
p.77 ▓主觀的圖像˙˙˙˙˙ 講到這裡,我所說的都是以客觀的角度陳述諮商興心理治療的過程。我強調的是我們所獲得的知識,而且也設法將各個條件彙集為一,寫成了一個初步的、嘗試性的方程式。現在,我要用換用內在體驗的角度來重新理解上述的方程式。在不忽略事實知識的情況下,我試試看能否將此方程式在治療者