Psychotherapy and Counseling

更新於 2024/12/02閱讀時間約 10 分鐘
This blog is part of the series for my reflections on studying different therapy theories. For any citing or quotation, please email
Counseling is not merely the process or toolkit for a therapist to share to make the client feel better. Rather, it is an organic, unique and personal explorative journey that requires much authenticity from both the therapist and client. The article from Messer & Wampold (2002) summarized that various research supports that the efficacy of the therapist lies heavily on whether the therapist and the client believe in the session, rather than the theory of school or the methodology of the therapy they were engaged. Furthermore, the paper of DeFife & Hilsenroth (2011) also summarizes the study that establishing a positive expectation for the session can increase the effectiveness of the therapy session. Hence, it is crucial for therapists to develop their therapeutic process from the technique and theories that he or she believes in. Also, therapists should look into his or her socio-cultural background and identity because every theory of psychotherapy develops from a different cultural background.
According to the sorting table in Halbur & Halbur (2014), the top three theories that my theoretical orientation are Gestalt, Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), and person-centered therapy. Gestalt and person-centered therapies are both under the experimental and relationship-oriented therapies, and I agree with them on the emphasis on the humanistic approach, as well as using a different technique to guide and assist the client in exploring their emotions and feelings (Corey, 2017, p.8). However, it is arguable that people need direction from time to time, and therapists should be more actively engaging in examining the choices the clients make and helping them make the right choices. Also, some mental disorders, especially when developed since adolescence, or when it involves physiological change, might be difficult to be solved by the humanistic and experimental approach, because the client might not have the motive or awareness to change. On the contrary, Cognitive Behavior Approaches, including Behavior theory, cognitive behavior theory and choice theory/reality theory, emphasize on ‘translating one’s insights into behavioral action (Corey, 2017, p. 8) and developing new patterns of actions to change the inaccurate assumptions. This approach is similar to the saying “fake it until you make it,” and it is effective for patients suffering trauma.
Lastly, I want to point out how the cultural background affects my view of feminist therapy, and as a new beginning therapist, I should be mindful for the cultural differences. The feminist therapy stresses on the sociopolitical status and the psychological oppression of women. I agree with the concept that a person’s surroundings, family, and socio-gender role would be significant. However, growing up in the culture that does not emphasize on gender differences and value more feminist than masculine characteristics, it is not intuitive for me to consider the gender-role socialization influences on one’s mental status or well-being. As a multi-cultural therapist, it is important to be sensitive to cultural differences and aware of the socio-cultural influences.
Also published on Notion
Corey, G. (2017). /Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy: Student Manual (10th edition)./ Boston: Cengage Learning
DeFife, J. A., & Hilsenroth, M. J. (2011). Starting off on the right foot: Common factor elements in early psychotherapy process. /Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 21/(2), 172–191.
Halbur, D. A., & Halbur, K. V. (2014). /Developing Your Theoretical Orientation in Counseling and Psychotherapy (3rd Edition)/. NY: Pearson.
Messer, S. B., & Wampold, B. E. (2002). Let’s face facts: Common factors are more potent than specific therapy ingredients. /Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice/, /9/, 21–25.
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*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
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Andacillo Nuvali by Ayala Land Premier is a prestigious residential development nestled in the heart of Nuvali, a sprawling eco-city in Laguna, Philip
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本課程學習如何建立 Android Wear (Wear OS by Google) 智慧穿戴式手錶專案的步驟。詳細說明了如何在 Android Studio 中建立 Wear OS 專案,包括選擇專案範本、設定專案屬性、建立手錶模擬器等步驟。最後,示範了運行專案並在模擬器上修改顯示文字的過程。