元亨,利貞。至於八月有凶。-- 土地豐收本來是使人精神飽滿、興致高昂的事,但是到了接近農曆八月十五日中秋月圓前後期間,遠離故鄉開墾土地的人卻可能陷入思鄉情緒的困擾、心情在喜悅和憂愁間擺盪。此時如果能品嚐到家鄉的口味,也許能稍微減輕思念的焦慮感呢!品嚐不是大口吞吃,因為人體口中的味蕾或味覺接受器就分佈在舌的表面或邊緣,找到重點、點到為止,這就是品味,這就是「臨」。 初九:咸臨,貞吉。/變卦地水師 -- 品味著重的是實際接觸的感受及邊緣效應,並且能偵測出明顯的結果。如同一大池混在一起的水,局部淺嚐就大約能偵測全部;又如同品嚐一大杯酒,沾一小口就大約能偵測一整杯。 九二:咸臨,吉,无不利。/ 變卦地雷復 -- 品味著重的是實際接觸的感受及邊緣效應,但是要經過一再重複的偵測都得到相同的結果,纔能加以確定。一般飲食以鹹味居多,因為鹽可以減緩新鮮食物腐化的速度,高濃度的鹽甚至可以醃漬食物、長期保存食物,只要是帶有一點點鹹味的食物多半沒有太大的問題。 六三:甘臨,无攸利。既憂之,无咎。/ 變卦地天泰 -- 品嚐甜味的食物,雖然滋味甘甜可口,但是卻不能掉以輕心,尤其不要一下子吃太多。甜味的食品熱量較高,嚐了容易有飽足感,似乎可以緩解心情空虛引起的憂鬱、寬鬆情緒。但是,如果長期大量嗜甜成癮,卻可能過度福泰或肥胖,這有什麼好意外的呢? 六四:至臨,无咎。/ 變卦雷澤歸妹 -- 為了某種嚮往的美好品味,就會不斷的去提煉、研發、追求極致的境界,這有什麼好奇怪的呢?寄希望於燦爛豐富的美好未來,不就是人心歸屬的方向嗎? 六五:智臨,大君之宜吉。/ 變卦水澤節 -- 對於知識和智慧的品味,往往反映了一位大君的心境,這通常可以從他結交的友誼和喜好的事物看得出來。誰會漫無節制、沒有選擇的攬盡一切呢? 上六:敦臨,吉,无咎。/ 變卦山澤損 -- 品味不一定是天生和固定的,是可以慢慢轉化和交融、醞釀出獨特的品味,這有什好奇怪的呢?就好像山林和湖澤互相浸漬交流,久而久之就產生新的物種,彼此雖然有些微耗損,卻得以造就新的生命。 "Tasting is based on sense, then you might feel salty, sweet, bitter, acid, hot, cool, and the other spices,.........and so on." "Close to meal and sense it on the edge. Look, smell, slightly touch or lick by tongue to feel it,......this is so called 臨,......this is so called marginal effect." "A little part of all might reveal the whole information to you, especially when you taste blended drink, juice, wine and single material food, such like rice, flour products, noodle......." "An ancient Hanese legend told me, there was a mysterious agricultural work-team named 神農氏, they had ever tasted and chosen many kinds of vegetable for people, even became the first medical doctors in humankind's civilization......." "So, 臨 is also related to choosing, choose by tasting......." "Then you might think, what about testing? Did the standard principle of tasting build the testing with some methods or formulas for examining?......" "That's why the last words in the last qua 蠱 revealed those mountains-agricultural farmers chose some of the plants or trees to cultivate. They might try to plant by more purifying ways for food supplying during the second quarter of humankind's civilization." "Do you mean......the first quarter of humankind's civilization was corrupted by some kind of severe pollution?........That's horrible enough!......" "No matter what, as you trying to link with something, you might search, find, know, slightly connect with it at first,...... and then you might feel good and eager to lean on it......That's why 臨 sounded like 'lín' in Hanese. It might involve the meaning of 'link'....." "Not just linking, it's also some kind of lapping......As you are tasting something, something is also testing the reactions of your body and mind......" "What you appreciate or prefer will become a part of your circumstance, even overlap with your body, overlap with your mind. And after a period of time, it might become a part of your habits." "It's the subjective observation and reaction in your body and mind, but indeed less to consider the other objective feelings." "It might become a grammar in your cultivation, in your cultural contexts,......construct your consistency, your county, country, even continent by your conquering mind,......continually extending to everywhere you are until you give up the subjective way and try to consider the other objective factors....."
對於事物的觀察不是只有品味而已,品味通常僅僅反映了個人主觀的嗜好,沒有兼顧其他不同的觀點。既然觀察不只是主觀的嗜好,那麼客觀的觀察又是怎麼一回事呢? "Objective factors are based on objective observation, that's why next qua 觀 was going to talk about the guarding observation." "觀 sounded like 'guan' in Hanese, its pictogram looked like an owl bird with big eyes was just carefully watching its aimed object from a side. It also seemed like a guard with the guarantee of observational detecting. That's so called 觀察." Sometimes the changes of the great natural were out of our minds, but many scientists kept paying attention to observe everything and tried to find the natural laws.We couldn't get the information which out of our observations, that's why we were always afraid of a strange little planet might coincidentally rush to the earth and destroy the civilizations in our world. But the atmosphere above earth might be the wonderful covering and protective shelter on the earth's edge.The atmosphere might follow the edge-effecting to taste and lap the strange little planet at first as it moving closer to earth. And then, its some parts will become exhausted dusts, some parts will become living factors,........flow in the winds, flow in the water, flow in our bodies and minds.............For the name of living beings, we just seem like the earth,.......linked and linked, ran and ran, kept detecting and observing everything from each angle........P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.