take 某人 for a spin / take 某人 for a ride [teɪk 某人 fɔr ə ˈspɪn / teɪk 某人 fɔr ə ˈraɪd]
spin是轉動,特別是指像地球儀一樣,沿著中心軸自轉,但是在這裡是比喻輪胎的轉動,所以「take 某人 for a spin」是把某人帶(take)上路,讓輪胎轉一轉(for a spin),其實是載某人兜風。
ride當作動詞時是搭乘,當作名詞時是坐一趟交通工具的旅程,所以a ride就是一趟。所以「take 某人 for a ride」是帶上某人,讓他坐一趟兜兜風。
(把妹專用) Hey, can I take you for a spin (ride) in my car?
If you are bored, buddy, I can take you for a ride.
for a spin也可能是指試車
注意喔,如果你是買新車要試車(試駕)的話,可以說take it for a spin,其中的it可以替換成the new car(新車)。這裡的spin是指讓新的輪胎轉一轉,試試看新車跑起來的性能怎麼樣。
I got a new car for my birthday(生日) and I want to take it for a spin.
Do you mind if I take it for a spin?
不可貌相的for a ride
雖然「take 某人 for a ride」是載人兜風,但它還有一個完全讓人料想不到的意思:「詐騙某人」。原來是因為流氓要抓人時會把受害者抓到或誘騙到車上,然後載他兜一兜,去隱密的地方把他做掉。所以「take 某人 for a ride」在幫派術語中是殺掉、幹掉某人,在一般的口語中則有欺騙或詐欺某人,騙人家上你的當的意思。
I ordered a product online but it never arrived. I think I had been taken for a ride.
Don’t let that car salesman take you for a ride.
His new girlfriend is taking him for a ride. She is only swindling(詐財) him (= ripping him off,敲他竹槓).
另外,如果只是要說去開車兜風,沒有強調一定要誰載誰的話,可以直接說go for a ride。
Let’s go for a ride!
Hey, I’m going to my friend’s place. Do you want to go for a ride with me?