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英文面試遇到更困難的提問?不藏私的高階版答案| Joyce的職場視界#1020

延續上週面試提問話題,“What is your salary range expectation?” 關於你所期望的薪資,是很多求職者必答的問題。如果沒有透過獵人頭公司仲介,自己絕對會被問到; 即使有獵頭顧問居中協調,面試官仍會當面詢問你的期待薪資。因此,事前確認期待的薪資範圍變得很重要,而這個範圍得符合該公司職位的平均值,並且巧妙地帶出願意進一步協調的空間。或者,更聰明的方式是,間接的回答該問題,讓這個問題可以留待下次,或者由獵人頭顧問來代你回覆。
Before I answer, I’d like to get a better idea of what the position entails. That way, I can provide a more realistic expectation. 在我回答之前,我想更清楚地了解這個職位需要些什麼。這樣,我可以提供一個更實際的期望。
While I am certainly flexible, I am looking to receive between XX and XX annually. Due to my skill set and experience level, I feel that this is a comfortable and appropriate range for my work. 這部分我當然是有彈性的,我希望每年能收到XX到XX之間,由於我的技能和過往經驗,我覺得這是一個舒適和合適的範圍。
Thank you for asking. I feel that an annual salary between XX and XX is in line with the industry average and reflects my skills and experience level well. I am, however, flexible and open to hearing about the company’s compensation expectations for this position. 謝謝您的詢問。我覺得年薪在XX至XX之間符合這個行業平均值,也恰當地反映我的技能和經驗,不過,我對這個職位的薪資期望,也是持開放彈性的空間。
My salary expectation is between XXX and XXX, which is the average salary for a candidate with my level of experience in this city. However, I am flexible and willing to discuss. 我的薪資期望值在XXX至XXX之間,這是這個地區像我這樣經驗背景的應聘者平均薪資。不過,這是有彈性空間的,我也願意討論。
另外,當被問到 "Why do you want to work here?” 為何想在這間公司工作時? 這個問題的回答關鍵,必須從工作職責,公司網站,企業價值和公司文化中找出符合事實的合適答案。以下提供幾種回答這個問題的範例以及商業常用片語:
I’ve expanded my experience in marketing field, and I’m ready to apply that expertise with a company that is committed to its clients. 我已經拓展了在行銷領域的經驗,而我也準備將這些專業,應用到一家致力於客戶的公司。
The company has always been forward-focused and used technology to help improve customer experience. You’ve won some of the most prestigious awards in the industry year after year. 貴公司一直以來都是以前瞻性的眼光,利用技術來幫助改善客戶體驗。貴公司也年復一年地獲得了一些業內最權威的獎項。
I’m consistently impressed by the cutting edge technology and great user experience it provides. 貴公司所提供的頂尖技術和絕佳的客戶經驗一直給我留下深刻印象。
This position fits perfectly with my skill set and also this is a company at which I would be honored to grow my career. 這個職位完全符合我的技能,同時這也是一家我很榮幸能在這裡發展事業的公司。
"Why do you want to work here?” 為何想在這間公司工作時?
還有,“Why are you leaving your current job?” 對於目前工作離職的理由,往往需要小心說明。除了將重點放在個人技能和發展,回答的態度也絕對要正面樂觀,畢竟,這個問題往往是面試官要聽出有無潛在瑕疵麻煩之處。

I’ve learned a lot in my current role, but I’m looking for the next step where I can use the skills I’ve honed at a company I love, and this opportunity seems to be a great fit. 我在目前的職位上學到了很多東西,但我正在尋找下一步的機會,在那裡我可以使用我在我喜歡的公司磨練的技能,這個機會似乎非常合適。
This opportunity seems like a perfect fit to use my data strategy background in a more sales-oriented environment. 這個機會更適合我,在這樣一個更注重銷售的環境中使用我的數據分析背景。
This company has a reputation for challenging tasks and problem-solving strategy, and I’m excited at the prospect of having a hand in that. 這家公司以具有挑戰性的任務和解決問題的策略而著稱,我對能在這方面發揮作用的前景感到興奮。
I was excited to learn that this position has a heavy focus on management growth and training. 我很高興得知這個職位非常注重管理成長和培訓。
最後呢,“Would you be willing to work nights and weekends?” 像這種問題也是個大地雷,一個不小心就會被炸掉。試著用簡單漂亮,四兩撥千斤的方式,回覆這個問題:
At the moment, I don't have any scheduling conflicts that could prevent me from completing any working hours. If something does come up, I will be sure to notify you. 目前,我沒有任何行程衝突,可能會妨礙我的上班時間安排。如果真的有什麼事情發生,我一定會通知你。
Yes, I am comfortable working nights and mornings. I personally enjoy alternating working hours because it gives me the chance to change up my routine, maintain my productivity levels. 是的,我可以在晚上和早上工作。我個人喜歡交替工作時間,因為這讓我有機會轉換一下我的日常工作時間,保持我的工作效率和產能。
九宮格學英文 - 3月履歷面試高階回答
版權所有 © 2021 Deborah Chiang Copyright © 2021 Deborah Chiang
作者介紹 黛芭拉Deborah 英國牛津大學TESOL 高階認證 美國教師協會 TESOL 高階認證 多益 TOEIC 近滿分 曾擔任知名外商行銷主管十多年 出版過商用英文書籍與相關文章 現從事商業英語教學

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