民不畏死,奈何以死懼之?肥仔對未知嘅恐懼,甚至大過對死亡威脅嘅恐懼,落得悲慘嘅結局。然而佢大聲呼喊出自己同其他人嘅心聲,自有存在意義。相信同路人或多或少都經歷過民不畏死嘅狀態,甚至想「戰死沙場」,覺得咁先有存在價值。只不過,越來越壓抑嘅現狀以至前景之下,我開始明白人知有死嘅重要性。正如蝙蝠俠電影 Dark Knight Rises 所講:
Doctor: You do not fear death. You think this makes you strong. It makes you weak. Bruce: Why? Doctor: How can you move faster then possible, fight longer then possible, without the most powerful impulse of the spirit? The fear of death. Bruce: I do fear death. I fear dying in here while my city burns. And there’s no one there to save it. Doctor: Then make the climb. Bruce: How? Doctor: As the child did — without the rope. Then fear will find you again.
《月黑高飛》入面 Red 話,希望係危險嘅。本身都幾認同呢個說法,對希望抱持懷疑態度,覺得假希望害人不淺,而要有「實際希望」(亦即理想結果嘅徵兆甚至證據) 先去行動又太過輸打贏要。希臘神話都話,潘多拉係打開個缸放走曬所有窮凶極惡嘅事物,只留低希望係入面。咁係咪即係證明,至少係神話嘅角度,希望都係其中一樣醜惡嘅事物?
《月黑高飛》主角Andy本身係銀行家,有社會普遍認同並需要嘅專業技能,亦都有驚人嘅意志同手段。咁出色嘅人可以得到真正嘅自由同救贖,或者一啲都唔出奇。但又有幾多人可以做到佢咁? 我估大部分人都唔會係Andy,而係近似 Red 嘅狀態,需要好似Andy咁嘅人幫佢一把。Andy離開監獄之後,留左封信比Red,佢咁樣回應:
Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.