2022-03-25|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 10 分鐘

金剛經 Conze 英譯中文 (9)

The Lord asked: What do you think, Subhuti, does it occur to the Streamwinner, 'by me has the fruit of a Streamwinner been attained'?:
Subhuti replied: No indeed, O Lord. And why? Because, O Lord, he has not won any dharma. Therefore is he called a Streamwinner. No sight-object has been won, no sounds, smells, tastes, touchables, or objects of mind. That is why he is called a 'Streamwinner'.
If, O Lord, it would occur to a Streamwinner, 'by me has a streamwinner's fruit been attained', then that would be in him a seizing on a self, seizing on a being, seizing on a soul, seizing on a person.
如果,世尊!他有『我得到了入流果位』的認知 (滯留在心中),代表他的心裡,還緊緊地抓著『梵我』、『眾生』、『耆婆』、或『補特伽羅』的認知,而不肯放捨。」
The Lord asked: What do you think, Subhuti, does it then occur to the Once-Returner, 'by me has the fruit of a Once-Returner been attained'?
Subhuti replied: No indeed, O Lord. And why? Because there is not any dharma that has won Once-Returnership. That is why he is called a 'Once-Returner'.
The Lord asked: What do you think, Subhuti, does it then occur to the Never-Returner 'by me has the fruit of a Never-Returner been attained'?
Subhuti replied: No indeed, O Lord. And why? Because there is not any dharma that has won Never Returnership. Therefore is he called a 'Never-Returner'
The Lord asked: What do you think, Subhuti, does it then occur to the Arhat, 'by me has Arhatship been attained'? What do you think, Subhuti.
Subhuti: No indeed, O Lord. And why? Because no dharma is called 'Arhat'. That is why he is called an Arhat. 'by me has Arhatship been attained', then that would be in him a seizing on a self, seizing on a being, seizing on a soul, seizing on a person.
須菩提答:「沒有,世尊!他,(從真實的佛性觀點看來),沒有『我得到了阿羅漢果位』的這麼一件事情。為什麼呢?因為,(從真實的佛性觀點看來),根本沒有任何阿羅漢的境界或果位可以脫離六道輪迴,因此,才稱他為『阿羅漢』。如果,世尊!他有『我得到了阿羅漢果位』的認知 (滯留在心中),代表他的心裡,還緊緊地抓著『梵我』、『眾生』、『耆婆』、或『補特伽羅』的認知,而不肯放捨。
And why? I am, O Lord, the one whom the Tathagata, the Arhat, the Fully Enlightened One has pointed out as the foremost of those who dwell in Peace. I am, O Lord, an Arhat free from greed. And yet, O Lord, it does not occur to me, 'an Arhat am I and free from greed'.
為什麼呢?因為,世尊!我是您、如來、無垢者、正遍知者所稱許的第一寂靜行者;世尊!我是全然地脫離了貪欲的阿羅漢;因而,世尊!我更不會有『我是全然地脫離了貪欲的阿羅漢』的認知 (滯留在心中)。
If, O Lord, it could occur to me that I have attained Arhatship, then the Tathagata would not have declared of me that 'Subhuti, this son of good family, who is the foremost of those who dwell in Peace, does not dwell anywhere; that is why he is called "a dweller in Peace, a dweller in Peace"'.
如果,世尊!我有『我是全然地脫離了貪欲的阿羅漢』的認知 (滯留在心中),那麼,您、如來就不會懸記未來,說:『善家子須菩提是第一寂靜行者,因為,(從真實的佛性觀點看來),根本沒有任何的寂靜行,以這個緣故,才稱他為寂靜行寂靜行者。』」
「吾心似秋月,碧潭清皎潔,無物堪比倫,教我如何說。」— 寒山子詩吾心中圈圈,為吾心中礙膺之物。參無,乃即心即佛,一心向前,有色、無色、有想、無想,入流、一來、不來、阿羅漢、辟支佛等境界,皆不懸念駐留,除去心中礙膺之物,直至「桶底穿」,「吾心」成「悟」,契接佛心,一枚了事凡夫。
「吾心似秋月,碧潭清皎潔,無物堪比倫,教我如何說。」— 寒山子詩 吾心中圈圈,為吾心中礙膺之物。參無,乃即心即佛,一心向前,有色、無色、有想、無想,入流、一來、不來、阿羅漢、辟支佛等境界,皆不懸念駐留,除去心中礙膺之物,直至「桶底穿」,「吾心」成「悟」,契接佛心,一枚了事凡夫。

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