2022-03-26|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 5 分鐘

金剛經 Conze 英譯中文 (10)

The Lord asked: What do you think, Subhuti, is there any dharma which the Tathagata has learned from Dipankara, the Tathagata, the Arhat, the Fully Enlightened One?
世尊問:「你認為如何呢?須菩提!有沒有任何 (現象界的) 意旨,是如來從燃燈如來、無垢者、正遍知者那裡,用他的思維義解所領會到的呢?」
Subhuti replied: Not so, O Lord, there is not.
須菩提回答:「沒有的,世尊!沒有任何 (現象界的) 意旨,是如來從燃燈如來、無垢者、正遍知者那裡,用他的思維義解所領會到的。」
The Lord said: If any Bodhisattva would say,  'I will create harmonious Buddhafields', he would speak falsely.
And why? 'The harmonies of Buddhafields, the harmonies of Buddhafields', Subhuti, as no-harmonies have they been taught by the Tathagata. Therefore he spoke of 'harmonious Buddhafields'.
Therefore then, Subhuti, the Bodhisattva, the great being, should produce an unsupported thought, i.e. a thought which is nowhere supported, a thought unsupported by sights, sounds, smells, tastes, touchables or mind-objects.
因此,須菩提!菩薩應該生起不佇足停留、不被繫絆、不受束縛的心:應該生起不佇足停留於任何視覺對象的心,應該生起不被聲音、氣味、味道、可觸摸的東西、或任何心中的想法所繫絆的心,應該生起 (空無一物的) 不受任何概念認知所束縛的心。
Suppose, Subhuti, there were a man endowed with a body, a huge body, so that he had a personal existence like Sumeru, king of mountains. Would that, Subhuti, be a huge personal existence?
Subhuti replied: Yes, huge, O Lord, huge, O Well-Gone, would his personal existence be. And why so? 'Personal existence, personal existence', as no-existence has that been taught by the Tathagata; for not, O Lord, is that existence or non-existence. Therefore is it called 'personal existence'.
須菩提答:「巨大,世尊!巨大,善逝者!他的身體存在很巨大。為什麼呢? 因為,『身體身體』,世尊!如來說它就是『非身體』,正因如此,才稱它為『身體』;因為,它的存在就是『非身體』,也正因為如此,才稱它為『身體』。

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