更新於 2023/03/28閱讀時間約 6 分鐘

What's Next

    上周四(03/16) 下午與主管 1:1 meeting with Rex (Subject: PIP and next step). 一進0702 meeting room, 主管便告知高層主管(B) 決定要叫我走人...我聽到, 心裡居然沒有一絲絲的驚訝, 倒是想著, 該來的, 終於來了. 但, 這是枱面上的說詞, 主管還是要傳達高層主管(B)的決定. 畢竟已經在PIP考核結束, 結果送交至HR之後, 基本上的談判事宜, 已經不管主管的事了. 就是我跟HR之間的資遣或者其他的談判了...
    枱面上傳達完之後, 再來就是枱面下的討論了, 枱面下的討論屬於主管私下對我的建議, 這建議, 只能由我自己向HR提出我的想法, 看HR 跟我的HQ的高層主管如何提我的 option. 我主管是建議我可以提出降職等降薪的方案, 因為目前外面工作不好找 (對於我目前的薪資), 各公司幾乎都人事凍結, 且我年紀已快接近50 year了, 這對我這種中年大叔來講, 二次求職, 可說是難上加難... 後來跟幾位同事細聊的結果, 決定採取降職等降薪的策略, 若沒機會一定要走人的話, 至少我有表達我想留下來的強烈意願, 且我已經提出我的想法了, 但公司不同意我的方案的話, 至少可以為自己做為談判資遣費的籌碼. 底下是我回覆我主管, 並請他寄給HR 關於我想留下來的強強烈意願.
    上星期二 (03.21)把自己的想法轉成英文並寄給主管, 並請主管轉寄給HR知悉. 到目前為止 (03.27) 都還沒有任何消息. 不過, 我並不擔心...總之, 兵來將擋 水來土掩, 關關難過 關關過. Good luck to my-self.
    ----- CharGPT 果然很強大 -------------------------------------------
    我喜歡NVIDIA的工作文化及內容,並一直致力於為公司的成功做出貢獻。我相信我的技能和經驗可以繼續為公司做出有價值的貢獻,並且感激有機會這樣做。從MCP開始, 我就一路陪伴著公司的各種成長歷程, 也經歷市場上的種種的考驗, 但公司就是有勇於挑戰能力, 也造就了我們也具有這樣的能力.
    我知道我是因為工作職等無法達成IC4的 level 而考績被打FCCRI, 進而走向被資遣的這條路. 我了解公司部門也面臨著挑戰,可能需要做出艱難的決定。然而,在做出最終決定之前,我希望能夠是否有任何其他的替代方案, 在不違反勞基法的前提下, 例如: 降職等或者降薪…
    ----- CharGPT 果然很強大 ----------------------------------------------
    Hi Manager,
    Sorry to bother you and please help to pass on my opinion to HR.
    I understand that I have been informed of the company's plan to terminate my employment, but I would like to take this opportunity to express my strong desire to continue working for the company and look for any possible options to maintain our employment relationship.
    I enjoy the work culture and content at NVIDIA and have been committed to contributing to the company's success. I believe my skills and experiences can continue to make valuable contributions to the company, and I appreciate the opportunity to do so. From MCP onwards, I have been with the company through various growth processes and have also experienced various challenges in the market. However, the company has the ability to take on challenges, which has also enabled us to possess this ability.
    I understand that I am being terminated due to my inability to achieve the IC4 level in my job grade, resulting in an FCCàRI performance rating. I understand that the department is also facing challenges and may need to make difficult decisions. However, before making a final decision, I would like to know if there are any alternative solutions, such as demotion or pay cuts, that can be explored without violating labor laws.
    I would appreciate the opportunity to further discuss this matter and explore any possible options.
    Thanks a lot.
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