(4)Cause and effect

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 #They all use mechanical translation, and my English is not good.

What cause and effect are, simply put, we should look at the cause (beginning) and effect (end) separately, and what we plant causes and what we do.   But why is there cause and effect, why is there cause and effect, just like you, you grow up and eventually die.   Isn't this the cause (beginning) and the effect (the end)? However, under this cause and effect, I find that there is no "process", only a "beginning" and an "effect".   Perhaps this may explain why death, sickness, and euthanasia end up for the sake of your life. However, when cause and effect are not meant to be "growing," they have different meanings and concepts.   "Karma" When the person gets retribution, he does not realize that "it was because he hurt the person" (it will be like this) such as bullying When the bully is very happy, and then if he is bullied, it is best to think of "retribution" or "I was bullied because I bullied others"   It's like... has been bullying me, bringing me liberation, schizophrenia, and split personality, but the "retribution" she got was scolded by the teacher for a lesson, some people may think it's good, the teacher takes it seriously, but for me, it's unfair.   Retribution is unjust, for both sides, the bully and the bullied. The court's decision is to give retribution to those who commit adultery, but it is often not "fair", and those who are tried have sometimes realized, "I am like this because of what I have committed."   After their "result" came down, I promised them that they would not think so, nor would they think it was their "retribution" but would be "unwilling" sophistry.  Just like the death mentioned earlier, unjust death, torture death, peaceful death, as I said, cause and effect are only the beginning and the end, and the process does not exist. (The cause and effect of human beings are immutable, and the "process" of the consequences of things can change.)   So let's talk about the "process" that if you want to have a good "start", the first thing to change is the "process", but the process doesn't exist?

Because that's like a fork in the road, whether to turn in the next second or not, what to choose in the next second, because the "process is different", the effect will also change.   Because it can be regarded as a fork in the path of actions, actions, and words, and when you make that decision, how you continue to walk is to see the results of your own "process" (choice) being changed.  

From the very beginning, the forked path has been mentioned, and the forked path must be very important, because the formal causes are born, and how we look at those causes depends on the person who chooses them, and the consequences will change.  

Cause begins with goodness, and if the process does not change, change ends with goodness (effect).

 The cause begins with good, and if the process changes, the effect changes (good or evil)

 The cause begins with evil, and if the process does not change, it ends with evil  The cause starts with evil, the process changes, and the effect changes (good or evil)

 Don't die until you repent.  Therefore, it is very important why people must be good, because whether your actions, actions, and words are good beginnings (causes) is very important, but if goodness changes in the middle of the way, I don't know what the consequences will be.

 It's like starting to show affection to the other person you have hated for a long time, so why not be kind in the first place?

People know that he is under his identity and hate him, and when he is high, he is like something, showing favor, pleading,

kneeling, begging, so why not be good in the first place?

  A good beginning, a good experience, the result is bound to be good, a good beginning, a bad experience, the result may be bad.

 A bad beginning, a bad course, the result will be bad, a bad beginning, a good beginning, the result may be good.   A adopted B because he had no parents since he was a child, listened to his needs, and helped him with his plight (which seemed like a good beginning, but it was a bad story), but B heard A say one day, "If I didn't need someone to take care of me, I wouldn't have adopted him," and B left home.

 If... Good is carried out throughout, and cause and effect must be good. But why? Adults knowingly commit crimes, intrigue in the workplace, slander by politicians in the next second...

 There are a lot of plots and plots of falling in love with the enemy in the comics, I don't want you to love, but to understand, tolerate, isn't this exactly what you adults advocate?

 Knowingly committing a crime! Unrepentant! Dare to let a child follow it! Hit something on the

head!Accommodating?Scolding each other! How old are you! Talking so much about rules and regulations! Messy...

 So cause and effect, why can't it start with evil? If you want to, you can do it, but you will be very tired, and when you go evil, the walls of others have been raised (watch out for you), and they ignore and ignore your words and help.

 But if you start with goodness, it will be different, it will be much better, there is no wall, no lies, no vigilance, in fact, this is like a strategy game, people's favorability is related.

 Strangers, first acquaintances, friends, friends... People's appearance and personality, just like what kind of strategy object the artist wants to draw, the programmer's compilation, if you can accept strategy games, anime, and comics, then why dislike real people?  

一切所以,又或者其他,但誰又明白? 奧妙中的無知,盛大中的秘密。
彌生雪的沙龍 的其他內容
  (3) Enlightenment (Meditation)  What exactly is a human being? Why work so hard? Some people have found their way, and some people are still confus
(2) Lifelike     Man is a self-centered creature who fantasizes that he is better than others, that he can be higher than anyone else at any stop, an
 (1) Condensation  It literally means "something has condensed", which is generally used when water is below zero, and can "condense" into ice, but!  
因果是什麼簡單而言要分開看因(開始)果(結束),而種什麼因結什麼果。     然而為什麼有因果,為何要有因果,就如同你一樣,你的成長年紀逐漸往上最後死亡。    這不正是因(開始)和果(結束)嗎?然而在這個因果之下,我發覺它並沒有「過程」只有「開端」與其「結果」。    或許這能解釋為何不論是
人究竟是什麼? 為什麼要如此的努力?有的人找到了方向,有的人仍在迷惘。   我們來談談馬斯洛的八大需求。   心理學家亞伯拉罕·馬斯洛在1943年發表於《心理學評論》期刊的論文〈人類動機的理論〉(英語:A Theory of Human Motivation)中提出的心理學觀點。   生理、安
    人是一種以自我中心為主的生物,幻想著自已比別人厲害,自已隨便一站就能高過任何人,剛開始沒多久,就幻想自已能夠成功。     每個人都是,我敢篤定。井底之蛙、窺豹一斑 、鼠目寸光這三個在人類初級大致上都有。     初級是什麼?12歲以下 那為什麼是這個範圍因為“社交” “見識
  (3) Enlightenment (Meditation)  What exactly is a human being? Why work so hard? Some people have found their way, and some people are still confus
(2) Lifelike     Man is a self-centered creature who fantasizes that he is better than others, that he can be higher than anyone else at any stop, an
 (1) Condensation  It literally means "something has condensed", which is generally used when water is below zero, and can "condense" into ice, but!  
因果是什麼簡單而言要分開看因(開始)果(結束),而種什麼因結什麼果。     然而為什麼有因果,為何要有因果,就如同你一樣,你的成長年紀逐漸往上最後死亡。    這不正是因(開始)和果(結束)嗎?然而在這個因果之下,我發覺它並沒有「過程」只有「開端」與其「結果」。    或許這能解釋為何不論是
人究竟是什麼? 為什麼要如此的努力?有的人找到了方向,有的人仍在迷惘。   我們來談談馬斯洛的八大需求。   心理學家亞伯拉罕·馬斯洛在1943年發表於《心理學評論》期刊的論文〈人類動機的理論〉(英語:A Theory of Human Motivation)中提出的心理學觀點。   生理、安
    人是一種以自我中心為主的生物,幻想著自已比別人厲害,自已隨便一站就能高過任何人,剛開始沒多久,就幻想自已能夠成功。     每個人都是,我敢篤定。井底之蛙、窺豹一斑 、鼠目寸光這三個在人類初級大致上都有。     初級是什麼?12歲以下 那為什麼是這個範圍因為“社交” “見識
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/ 大家現在出門買東西還會帶錢包嗎 鴨鴨發現自己好像快一個禮拜沒帶錢包出門 還是可以天天買滿買好回家(? 因此為了記錄手機消費跟各種紅利優惠 鴨鴨都會特別注意銀行的App好不好用! 像是介面設計就是會很在意的地方 很多銀行通常會為了要滿足不同客群 會推出很多App讓使用者下載 每次
生與死,這兩個詞彙,總是引發我們最深的思考和情感波動。從生命的初始,到最終的離別,這一條漫長而又短暫的道路上,充滿了喜悅與悲傷、得到與失去的矛盾與拉扯。人類是情緒的動物,我們擁有理性,但在面對生死時,我們的脆弱顯得格外明顯。這種對生命的重視,使得我們的生活被深深地影響著。 生命的開始,往往從一個母
《我的想法所導致的後果,並非只有我單獨承受》 引言:今天的觀念解釋了你之所見何以不只影響你一個人 你會發現,思想層次的觀念有些時候會出現於知覺層次的觀念之前;而有時候,先後順序又正好相反。因為次序本來就無足輕重。思想及其結果實際上是同步的,因為因與果一向是不分的。
我們的生命從來不是憑空而生的,從出生到死亡,我們都與許許多多的人生命交織,相互依存。 有句俗諺說:「在這世界上,我們唯一能確定的事,只有死亡和納稅。」 死亡,是人生必然的終點。 當人生驟然陷落時,椎心刺骨的傷痛襲來,對我們而言,生命中最重要的事,會是什麼呢?人生中最大的遺憾,又
根據佛經,前世的因將造就今世的果,我們應該遇到問題就嘗試解決, 解決不了就止念,不要讓自己產生更多情緒及因果的種子。 坦然接受,並心無波瀾的面對這些業力。
沒有所謂的對與錯、好與壞 都是當下你這個靈魂要體驗的󠀠 一件事情是吉是凶,是福是禍 通常取決於當事者的人生觀 換個角度,轉個念頭吉凶往往就有不同的解釋󠀠
/ 大家現在出門買東西還會帶錢包嗎 鴨鴨發現自己好像快一個禮拜沒帶錢包出門 還是可以天天買滿買好回家(? 因此為了記錄手機消費跟各種紅利優惠 鴨鴨都會特別注意銀行的App好不好用! 像是介面設計就是會很在意的地方 很多銀行通常會為了要滿足不同客群 會推出很多App讓使用者下載 每次
生與死,這兩個詞彙,總是引發我們最深的思考和情感波動。從生命的初始,到最終的離別,這一條漫長而又短暫的道路上,充滿了喜悅與悲傷、得到與失去的矛盾與拉扯。人類是情緒的動物,我們擁有理性,但在面對生死時,我們的脆弱顯得格外明顯。這種對生命的重視,使得我們的生活被深深地影響著。 生命的開始,往往從一個母
《我的想法所導致的後果,並非只有我單獨承受》 引言:今天的觀念解釋了你之所見何以不只影響你一個人 你會發現,思想層次的觀念有些時候會出現於知覺層次的觀念之前;而有時候,先後順序又正好相反。因為次序本來就無足輕重。思想及其結果實際上是同步的,因為因與果一向是不分的。
我們的生命從來不是憑空而生的,從出生到死亡,我們都與許許多多的人生命交織,相互依存。 有句俗諺說:「在這世界上,我們唯一能確定的事,只有死亡和納稅。」 死亡,是人生必然的終點。 當人生驟然陷落時,椎心刺骨的傷痛襲來,對我們而言,生命中最重要的事,會是什麼呢?人生中最大的遺憾,又
根據佛經,前世的因將造就今世的果,我們應該遇到問題就嘗試解決, 解決不了就止念,不要讓自己產生更多情緒及因果的種子。 坦然接受,並心無波瀾的面對這些業力。
沒有所謂的對與錯、好與壞 都是當下你這個靈魂要體驗的󠀠 一件事情是吉是凶,是福是禍 通常取決於當事者的人生觀 換個角度,轉個念頭吉凶往往就有不同的解釋󠀠