更新於 2024/06/21閱讀時間約 12 分鐘







1. 新人:需要更多的指導和方向。

2. 中級員工:需要更多的引導和指導。

3. 老員工:只需在大方向上提供一些協助。

4. 完全授權的夥伴:作為合作夥伴,共同朝著目標前進。







1. 《成功人士的七個習慣》

2. 《先問為什麼》

3. 《信任的速度》



1. 建立正面視角:



2. 增強信任感:



3. 靈活調整管理方式:



4. 持續學習與成長:



5. 創建積極的團隊文化:




“From Manager to Leader: Practical Insights on Corporate Management and Personal Growth”

Recently, I participated in an internal trainer training course and gained many valuable insights and reflections. Here are the most profound takeaways from this course:

Perspective and Management Style

The first activity in the course made me realize that our management style is often shaped by our perspective. Due to frequently handling issues and anomalies, I have developed a problem-oriented approach, which makes me overlook encouraging my employees and managing upwards. Through the activity of identifying three positive perspectives about people around me, I deeply understood how our internal thoughts influence our actions and communication. As a leader, focusing on the positive and the proactive helps build stronger trust and team cohesion.

Four Dimensions of Management

We discussed four dimensions of management, which helped me adjust my management style effectively:

1. Newcomers: Need more guidance and direction.

2. Intermediates: Require more coaching and guidance.

3. Veterans: Can be assisted with mutual understanding and minimal direction.

4. Empowered Partners: Collaborate and align with the overall direction and goals.

Importance of Trust

Another group activity in the course discussed actions and perspectives that could build or destroy trust. Trust is fundamental for effective team collaboration. For example, when colleagues have a conflict, directly intervening and imposing my own solutions can erode trust. This reminded me to be cautious in handling such situations to maintain the trust within the team.

Self-Assessment and Practical Application

One of the most beneficial parts of the course was the self-assessment and evaluation form, along with related scenarios. This practical exercise allowed me to evaluate my management approach and improve it in real work situations.

Recommended Books

Finally, the trainer shared a few practical books that have been very enlightening for me:

1. “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”

2. “Start with Why”

3. “The Speed of Trust”

Through these learnings and reflections, I have gained a deeper understanding of my management style and feel more confident in facing future challenges. I invite everyone to join the discussion and share your insights!

Checklist: Transitioning from Manager to Leader

1. Build a Positive Perspective:

Identify and acknowledge three positive behaviors of team members daily.

Regularly have one-on-one positive feedback sessions with team members.

2. Enhance Trust:

Avoid direct intervention in conflicts; instead, guide team members to resolve issues themselves.

Encourage team members to participate in decision-making and express their opinions.

3. Adapt Management Style Flexibly:

Adjust your management approach based on team members’ experience and abilities (guidance, newcomers, intermediates, veterans, empowered partners).

Regularly evaluate and adjust your management strategies to meet the changing needs of the team.

4. Continuous Learning and Growth:

Read and apply the recommended practical books (“The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” “Start with Why,” “The Speed of Trust”).

Attend training and workshops to continuously improve your leadership skills.

5. Create a Positive Team Culture:

Encourage teamwork and collaboration, fostering an open and supportive work environment.

Organize regular team-building activities to enhance team cohesion and trust.

















By following these steps, you can gradually transition from a manager to an outstanding leader, creating greater value and achieving personal growth.

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