2024-10-01|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 38 分鐘

運動健身主題IELTS Speaking全攻略:Part 1 + 2 + 3【完全制霸】

Part 1

What kind of physical exercise do you do to keep fit?

I'm a big fan of mixing up my fitness routine to keep things interesting and work different muscle groups. Typically, I'll go for a jog three times a week, attend a yoga class every weekend, and squeeze in some strength training with weights at home when I have spare time.

What places are there for swimming where you live?

In my area, we're fortunate to have several options for swimming enthusiasts. There's a large public pool complex in the city center that's open year-round, and during the summer months, many locals also enjoy taking a dip in the nearby lake, which has a designated swimming area with lifeguards on duty.

Part 2

Describe a time when you started a new exercise routine. You should say:
what the exercise was
why you started this exercise
how often you did it
and explain how you felt after doing this exercise.


Five months of working tirelessly on a big project led to very bad conditions for my health. That was why my doctor suggested that I take up a form of exercise immediately. After some consideration, I decided to start swimming.
I chose swimming because it's a low-impact exercise that's easy on the joints, yet provides a full-body workout. My doctor had warned me about the risks of high-impact exercises given my poor health condition, so swimming seemed like the perfect choice.
At first, I committed to swimming three times a week, each session lasting about 30 minutes. I would go to the local community pool early in the morning before work. As I got more comfortable with the routine, I gradually increased the frequency to five times a week and extended my sessions to 45 minutes.
After starting this exercise routine, I felt a significant improvement in my overall well-being. Initially, I was quite tired after each session, but as weeks passed, I noticed my energy levels increasing. My sleep quality improved dramatically, and I felt more alert and focused at work. The swimming also helped me manage my stress levels better, providing a peaceful start to my busy days. Perhaps most importantly, my regular check-ups showed improvement in my health indicators, which was incredibly encouraging.
In conclusion, taking up swimming as a new exercise routine not only helped me recover from my health issues but also introduced me to a enjoyable activity that I now consider an essential part of my lifestyle.






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Part 3

Q1: What are some challenges people face when trying to maintain a regular exercise routine?

Finding time for exercise amid busy schedules is often a significant hurdle for many people. Moreover, staying motivated can be difficult, especially when results are not immediately visible. Another common challenge is dealing with physical discomfort or soreness, particularly when starting a new routine. Additionally, some individuals struggle with choosing the right type of exercise that suits their interests and fitness levels. Finally, maintaining consistency over the long term can be tough, as life events and changing priorities may disrupt established routines.

Q2: How has technology changed the way people exercise?

Technology has revolutionized the fitness world, making exercise more accessible and engaging than ever before. Fitness apps and wearable devices now allow individuals to track their progress, set goals, and receive personalized workout plans at their fingertips. Virtual reality and interactive video games have transformed mundane exercises into immersive experiences, motivating people to stay active while having fun. Social media platforms and online communities have created spaces for fitness enthusiasts to share their journeys, seek advice, and find motivation from like-minded individuals. Furthermore, streaming services and online tutorials have made it possible for people to access expert-led workouts from the comfort of their homes, eliminating the need for expensive gym memberships or rigid class schedules.

Q3: In what ways can governments encourage people to exercise more?

Governments can play a crucial role in promoting physical activity among citizens through various initiatives. One effective approach is investing in public infrastructure, such as parks, bike lanes, and community sports facilities, to make exercise more accessible and appealing. Additionally, implementing educational campaigns in schools and workplaces can raise awareness about the benefits of regular physical activity and provide practical tips for incorporating exercise into daily routines. Offering tax incentives or subsidies for gym memberships, fitness equipment, or participation in sports programs can also make staying active more affordable for many people. Furthermore, governments can collaborate with healthcare providers to integrate exercise prescriptions into medical treatments, emphasizing the importance of physical activity in maintaining overall health and preventing chronic diseases.

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