更新於 2024/09/22閱讀時間約 8 分鐘

老師會被 AI取代嗎?

A Day in the Life:

Student A was 16 years old.

One day, I had a conversation with Student A about this topic, and here's a short excerpt from it.

"Do you think AI will eventually replace teachers?" I asked, curious about his opinion.

"No way," he frowned.

"Why not? If AI can answer all your questions, maybe you won't need teachers anymore," I replied casually.

"That's not gonna happen. You're overthinking it. If you weren't here with me, I wouldn't even bother studying," he said, matching my tone.

"I could always put a robot here to study with you," I teased, raising an eyebrow.

"No thanks, robots aren’t my kind. I want a real person to study with me." He was serious as he shared his thoughts.

"Besides, if it weren't for you, I probably wouldn't have chosen this path. I would've given up and gone to a vocational school," he looked at me earnestly.

I was a bit surprised because his family owns a company, so it wasn't like he lacked resources. Why would he feel this way?

"Why do you think that?" I asked, genuinely confused.
"You're the only one who cares about what I think. Isn't that enough to explain a lot?"

"At home, I'm just there to make my mom proud and to be the future heir to my dad's company. If I hadn't met you, I probably would've rebelled and run away."

"So, no—there's no way you'll ever be out of a job! I even hope you can be with me all the way from sixth grade to senior year." He laughed, as if the thought was completely ridiculous.

Student's Opinion:

To sum up his thoughts:

  • He needs someone to be there for him, and it has to be a human.
  • The person needs to speak in a way that’s clear and makes sense.
  • The person should offer different perspectives.
  • The person should be patient and kind.
  • The person should correct mistakes gently without hurting a teenager's self-esteem.
  • The person should be fair and just.
  • The teacher should recognize the student's efforts (and not dismiss them just because of poor test scores).
  • Grades shouldn't be the main focus, as students don't want to feel like they are just tools. The focus should be on a student's attitude towards learning.
  • When parents criticize them, the teacher should provide emotional support and help them adjust their study plans (thought → action → improvement).
  • To be able to provide long-term companionship.

In Conclusion:

It seems I won't be out of a job anytime soon. AI probably won't be able to handle all ten of these things in the near future.









「才不要,機器人跟我不同族。我要人類陪我念書,而且要講人話」(很多人類不講人話,講的東西我聽不懂) 他嚴肅地表達了他的意見








  1. 學生要有人陪,而且限定同種族
  2. 要講人話──講話要讓人聽得懂的 (不要講太多專業術語,要生活化)
  3. 可以給人不同思維的
  4. 有耐心的、溫柔的
  5. 講話比較委婉的,不傷青少年自尊心的,但又會去糾正的老師
  6. 處事正直
  7. 要會肯定學生努力的老師 (不能段考沒考好,就不肯定學生努力了)
  8. 不要太重成績,學生會覺得自己工具人,要強調學習態度
  9. 學生受父母責難時,要會安撫學生心理,並調整讀書計畫的老師 (思維→實際行動→增進實力)
  10. 要可以長期的陪伴



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