You aren’t at the mercy of your emotions

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After watching this video, I made a summarization and wrote down my reflection and thoughts. I hope this material can help you explore deeper into this topic. And, if you have any ideas, please feel free to contact me or give me some comments. :)


The core idea of this presentation is “people do not have pre-wired emotion circuits towards certain situations or physical reactions, the emotions we feel are created, influenced or controlled by ourselves.”
It may be a shocking idea for a lot of people. However, this claim can be proved right step by step with scientific results. First, the speaker has performed research on the relationship between physical reactions and emotional reactions.
For the last 25 years, the results from all of this research are overwhelmingly consistent. There is not a hardwired emotional system in our brain. In other words, our emotions will not be influenced by our physical movements.
These phenomena can be found frequently in real life, too. For example, sometimes, maybe we are laughing, but in our minds, it is deep sadness. For people who are crying, maybe in their minds, it is true happiness.
Now, imagine you walk into a bakery. You may think you would encounter the delicious aroma of freshly baked chocolate cookies. And your brains start working, it makes your stomach churn a little bit and prepare for eating those cookies. Then, your brain creates a feeling of hunger, which can help you eat a lot of cookies.
However, if the situation changes. Now, you are waiting for test results in front of a hospital room. You will feel stomach-churning then dread, worry, or anxiety. Did you notice? The same physiological response, stomach-churning, causes a completely different result.
The lesson here is all the emotions you feel are made or influenced by you, instead of triggered by physical reactions.
The same physiological response can have different emotional reactions. Emotional reactions are not prewired. So, next time, when you have a hammering heartbeat before any tests or presentations.
Remember, it is not necessarily a sign for you to feel nervous. It may only be a mechanism to make you be better prepared for any incoming challenges. In other words, you can change your cognition then change your emotions.
Moreover, if you feel dread, anxiety, or depression for the things you have to do at work after waking up in the morning, ask yourself: Is this a purely physical cause or is there a psychological cause behind this emotion?
It does not mean that we can cure or go out of the dominant emotion we are feeling immediately. It means that all people, including you, have much more control over our emotions than we have previously expected. As a result, we also have a larger responsibility for our emotions.

My reflection and thought

As I watched this video, I was reminded of a book I had previously read that articulated a similar premise. And, I have believed that we can consciously change, control, or influence our emotions greatly since reading that book.
The book was called The courage to be disliked. In this great work, it claims what wedo in our daily lives, which seems to have no choices, is actually controlled by ourselves consciously or unconsciously also, it is not only limited to emotions.

The enlightenment from that book

But let’s take emotions as an example. In that book, it claims that we can control our emotions, and the reason why we are angry at someone or something is that we choose to be so.
Just imagine if you are having dinner in a restaurant, a waiter accidentally spills soup on your clothes. What would you do at that moment? Maybe you would scold that waiter and ask them to apologize and clean your clothes impatiently; because you feel extremely angry.
However, at the same time, if your friends call you, what would your reaction be? You would probably change your tone immediately and speak nicely: “Hey, we haven’t seen each other for a long time!”
Yes. In many situations, we can change our emotions, from feeling angry at our children, in a flash, to speaking politely while the children’s teacher is calling.
The reason why we are angry at our children is that we choose to be angry. Being angry towards our children is the most effective way to achieve our goal — make our children realize they have done something bad.
We surely have other options to meet the same objective; however, as I said, we choose not to.
This argument can be a good explanation for why we can change our emotions immediately if the situation changes. Because we are not controlled by our emotions; instead, we control them.
That also means we have the ability to guide ourselves through depression, frustration, or anger and towards more positive expressions of feeling if we use our emotions and feel them more consciously.
But, at the same time, the fact that we can control our emotions also implies that we have a larger responsibility for our emotions. (This implies we have a larger responsibility for our emotions SINCE we apparently have the ability to control them.)
We should be responsible for our emotions, at least a great part of them. Therefore, if you could not help but feel angry at someone or scold others, ask yourself: could the reason why this IS happening just be because you want to feel that emotion? (just because we feel entitled to feel that emotion or want the release that having that emotion would provide to us.)
Those takeaways above are what I learned from that book. And, I believe in those claims. The reason is easy. Since it is logical and beneficial to myself, too.
Therefore, when I first saw this presentation, it was not super surprising or shocking to hear this fact, which has scientific evidence to support it.

Comparison between the concept of the book and the presentation

However, the finding and core idea of this presentation is slightly different from my belief. The core idea of the speaker is “people do not have pre-wired emotion circuits towards certain situations or physical reactions, the emotions we feel are created, influenced or controlled by ourselves.”
The main body of the presentation focuses more on the relationship between physical reactions and emotions and that physical reactions and emotions are not necessarily connected closely to each other.
My belief is that the idea that we can control our emotions, is a broader and stronger idea.
Nevertheless, it does not mean that I did not learn anything from this video. Actually, I did. Especially when the speaker pointed out that when you feel dread, anxiety, or depression, you should ask yourself: Is this a purely physical cause or is there a psychological cause behind this emotion?
What did I learn from this? This provides me a method to calm myself down while facing emotional issues under certain situations. Because my original belief is only a concept. How to practically implement this concept? To be honest, it is not what I am really familiar with. I am still learning, too. Therefore, this idea or method is especially useful for me.

My comments towards this presentation

This presentation is good and the idea it tries to convey is nice. But, I do have some suggestions or comments on this presentation.
When I heard the two examples the speaker gave — going to a bakery and waiting for test results. Both of them have stomach-churning, then other emotions come out. The speaker used these two examples to prove that the same physical reaction can cause completely different emotions; therefore, physical reactions do not necessarily cause emotional reactions.
However, I felt strange after hearing it.
If the speaker was trying to say that stomach-churning can have different emotions in different situations. The assumption of the speaker is stomach-churning happens first, then other emotions. But, is it true?
I am not a professional in biology; so, it is not that straightforward for me. Maybe it is true. But when I was hearing that, I could not figure out the logic here and felt strange for a while. Therefore, in my opinion, it may be better to explore this idea a bit more deeply at this point.


All in all, the only flaw, which potentially can be a big problem, in this presentation is it is not yet clear for all listeners to understand the system of emotions. To say physical reactions do not necessarily cause certain emotions is perfectly fine.
But, can it be described as “You aren’t at the mercy of your emotions”? To satisfy this statement with scientific evidence requires 2 assumptions: 1. Emotions are triggered by physical reactions. 2. Under any conditions, physical reactions come first, then emotions.
From my own personal experience, this does not always seem to be the case. And if in fact the emotions always follow the physical sensations as the speaker proclaims — then what is it precisely that triggers the physical sensation, to begin with? What is the source of stimulation? Is it thought, then physical reaction then emotion.
Or is it some other form of stimulus at an unconscious level perceived by our senses, assigned some unconscious meaning then as a result a fight/flight/freeze biological response of physical action is set into motion through our nerves and electrical impulses then culminating in the eventual “having of emotion”? None of these questions are answered directly and yet I have them. This leaves me feeling unsatisfied and curious…
Therefore, the conclusion: “You aren’t at the mercy of your emotions” sounds like we can change our emotions is a little rash and reckless from this perspective and that limited scientific evidence.
To sum up, the presentation is good. The presenter tries to convey a good and useful idea to everyone. It also indeed provides some tools and concepts we all can apply in our daily life. We can influence our emotions by ourselves; but, at the same, we also need to take a larger responsibility for our emotions. The only thing that can be further improved is, as I said, make the relationship between title and content more coherent.
Originally published at on October 14, 2020.

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這篇文章我們將會以不同層面對假設檢定進行探討,討論在做假設檢定時的邏輯、概念以及應注意事項,並給予充分的例子,在最後則會帶大家一起思考假設檢定時的判斷依據 — p值,所引發的一些爭議點。
在先前的市場假設中,我們都很理所當然的假定市場上的所有消費者和供給者知道市場上的所有訊息。在這樣子的假設下,消費者可以很清楚的知道什麼商品符合自己的需求。 然而,在現實世界中卻常常不是這麼一回事的,我們面臨的很多交易都發生在資訊不對稱的狀況下,並不是經濟學世界中勾勒出的那些理想市場型態。
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在人生旅途中,我們經常面臨各種情緒挑戰,比如從喜悅到憂傷,從平靜到憤怒,情緒總是無處不在,因此我們必須理解情緒對我們行為的影響,因為人類是情緒生物,我們的情緒往往能在無形中影響我們的決策和行為。 當我們能夠有效控制情緒,就能避免一些衝動的決定,從而採取更穩健和合理的行動。 比如一個在憤怒中能
今天在諮詢的時候,提到最近的生活習慣上,有可以調整的部分。 特別是在飲食上,最近都在暴飲暴食。 老師就建議我,可以多注重飲食的攝取,比如可以多攝取一些青菜、澱粉攝取改為地瓜南瓜等等。 諮詢的氣氛也非常融洽,我也覺得老師講的非常道理 這時,非常奇怪,明明都在講非常正常的,而且客觀來看對我是好
人的情緒大略可分成喜怒哀懼憫。基本上,我的想法是人的一切行事動力,都是為解決自己的情緒反應而來,而人為了應付情緒產生的反應,表現出來的,就是我們的外在行為,一連串的行為累積,就是我們的人格表現。 情緒,而非理性,是帶動我們一切行為的動力,理性只是要滿足或解決情緒反應的必需工具。
在人生旅途中,我們經常面臨各種情緒挑戰,比如從喜悅到憂傷,從平靜到憤怒,情緒總是無處不在,因此我們必須理解情緒對我們行為的影響,因為人類是情緒生物,我們的情緒往往能在無形中影響我們的決策和行為。 當我們能夠有效控制情緒,就能避免一些衝動的決定,從而採取更穩健和合理的行動。 比如一個在憤怒中能