
閱讀時間約 24 分鐘


2018-01-18 http://thoughtbrick.com/lifestyle/hundred-30-day-challenge-ideas/

0.過午不食 01-18~02-17 不對 因為我除夕夜要吃東西呦 所以可能會中斷 哈哈


100 30 day challenge ideas


1. Take a photo a day on your way to work.

2. Give a compliment a day.

3. Speak to someone new every day.

4. Keep a thought journal.

5. Write your dreams down every morning for 30 days.

6. Give up alcohol for a month.

7. Give up TV for a month.

8. Listen to a new song every day.

9. Spend five minutes focusing on your breath every day.

10. Take time out each day to watch your thoughts play out like a film — observing without judgement.

11. Be totally honest — so no lying for 30 days (harder than you think).

12. Draw or paint a picture a day.

13. Learn something new every day.

14. Teach others something new every day.

15. Think of your worst habit, you’ve been meaning to ditch and give it up for 30 days.

16. Drink eight glasses of water a day.

17. Try hot yoga every day — many studios offer an intro discount!

18. Ditch the news for a month and instead seek out an interesting article to read every day.

19. Cook or bake something new each day.

20. Spend five minutes a day repeating a positive affirmation you’ve set yourself.

21. Keep a laughter journal. Write down one thing a day that made you really laugh hard.

22. Go for a 15 minute run every day

23. Do 50 sit-ups a day.

24. Write a handwritten letter or send a postcard a day to old friends.

25. Learn a dance routine as part of a group

26. Cycle to work

27. Write down a positive thought a day

28. Keep a gratitude list for 30 days

29. Before you go to sleep, think about the best thing that happened to you that day for five minutes.

30. What have you always wanted to do but never have? Spend 30 days writing down ideas for accomplishing your goal.

31. Spend at least five minutes doing laughter yoga every day.

32. Knit a scarf in a month doing a few lines a day.

33. Drink green tea (high in antioxidants) every morning.

34. Give up bitching for a month or saying anything negative about people.

35. Write a book in a month with help from National Novel Writing Month

36. Go money free or live on a strict budget for a month then splash out at the end.

37. Wake up at 6am to meditate every morning

38. Play devils advocate with yourself each day and really examine your own beliefs.

39. Face a new fear a day — talk to a stranger, pick up a spider… push yourself put of your comfort zone

40. Learn to love yourself just a little bit more each day. You deserve it.

41. Become a master of magic and learn a trick a day — just watch some youtube videos.

42. Watch a film a day

43. Take a photograph of your food every day — it might force you to prepare nicer looking meals.

44. Experiment wearing a new outfit every day.

45. Plant a flower a day — in your garden or just in random places.

46. Do karma yoga (selfless service) for at least 15 mins a day.

47. Take up a new interesting hobby — tai chi, free running, pottery…

48. Write loads of cool ideas for things to do in a hat and pull out a different thing each day.

49. Tell someone you love them each day.

50. Text, write, message…people you care about and tell them why they’re important to you.

51. Learn to draw the human face — record your progress in a sketchbook and be a mazed at the results.

52. Take up life drawing.

53. Learn a new instrument in a month — the ukulele, cello, flute — whatever takes your fancy.

54. Bring your own lunch to work.

55. Be the Yes man for a month and start saying yes to stuff.

56. Stop smoking for 30 days.

57. Create a postcard sized piece of art each day and have a work of art to display at the end of the month.

58. Make a patchwork quilt in a month with 30 squares.

59. Research a different religion or philosophy every day for a month.

60. Read about a different period of history every day.

61. Get knowledgeable about art and pick an art movement a day to inspire you.

62. Do one thing each day that makes you feel inspired.

63. Live in an ashram for a month or visit a temple every day.

64. Revamp your house in a month and learn one upcycling trick a day.

65. Learn a new word every day.

66. Spend 30-60 mins practising a new language.

67. If you live in a city, try to spend some time each day in nature whether it’s your garden, a park or the countryside.

68. Do an hour of exercise a day.

69. Go on a date with yourself or partner doing something new each day.

70. Make an item of jewellery a day

71. Cut out the caffeine for a month

72. Learn to lucid dream in 30 days

73. Ditch social media sites for 30 days, or limit yourself to a few minutes a day.

74. Spend 30 days being a vegetarian or vegan

75. Eat something you’ve never tried before every day.

76. Do an act of kindness a day.

77. Go without talking for a month or visit a silent retreat.

78. Visit a new website a day.

79. Go internet free for a month.

80. Donate a bit of money to charity every day.

81. Read a chapter of a book idea

82. Spend a month reading the Bible.

83. Research a different Hindu God each day.

84. Make a 30 page hand drawn comic book in a month

85. Ditch your car for a month.

86. Be positive for 30 days — even when things go wrong, look only for the positives.

87. Try out napping in the afternoon or changing your regular sleeping patterns.

88. Spend 30 days fundraising for a charity or cause of your choice.

89. Go on a 30 day bike ride and see how far you get .

90. Spend 30 days eating (healthy) raw food meals.

91. Do a brain training puzzle a day like sudoku, crosswords or anything on lumosity.

92. Feel beautiful in your own skin every day.

93. Create a bucket list of 30 items in 30 days.

94. Write down something you love about your partner every day and give them the list after your month is up.

95. Read a poem a day.

96. Write a poem a day.

97. Dance every day — whether you’re good at it or not.

98. Don’t buy anything new for a month.

99. Sell 30 things you don’t need, use or wear anymore and see how much money you make at the end of the month.

100. Spend each day being as ‘present’ as possible and making the most of simple acts and routine tasks. Life will feel brighter and you will hopefully feel more fulfilled. It’s not often what we’ve got or where we are, but our attitude to what life throws our way.


Here are 100 ideas to help you get started creating your bucket list:
1. Learn to speak french.
2. Write a book.
3. Host a photography exhibition for charity.
4. Go on an Alaskan Cruise.
5. Steal a kiss under the Eiffel Tower.
6. Learn to ski in Canada.
7. Spend one month in a Buddhism monastery in Nepal.
8. Make a child laugh uncontrollably.
9. Run a marathon.
10. Go skydiving.
11. Fall in love.
12. Become a parent.
13. Start a small business.
14. Invest in the stock market.
15. Go to Carnival in Rio de Janeiro.
16. Go to Oktoberfest in Bavaria, Germany.
17. See the Mona lisa.
18. Attend Loy Krathong, the sky lantern festival in Thailand.
19. Create a podcast.
20. Go on safari.
21. Learn to play golf.
22. Become a yoga instructor.
23. Create a vegetable garden.
24. Adopt or buy a rescue animal.
25. Compete in a horse endurance race.
26. Start up a charity.
27. Smile at a stranger.
28. Learn to fly a plane.
29. Learn to surf.
30. Knit a scarf.
31. Learn sign language.
32. Volunteer for one year.
33. Learn Karate.
34. Meet the Dalai Lama.
35. Build a straw bale house on your own.
36. Give to someone, without expecting back.
37. Test drive a Ferrari.
38. Snorkel with the humpback whales in Tonga.
39. Go on a helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon.
40. Go Bungee Jumping.
41. Buy a winter holiday home in New Zealand.
42. Start up a Bed and Breakfast.
43. Cruise from South America to Antarctica.
44. See a stage show.
45. Live in a foreign country for six months.
46. Become a vegetarian.
47. Read all of Agatha Christie’s mystery novels.
48. Fire a gun.
49. Be at Time’s Square for on New Year’s Eve.
50. Go whale-watching.
51. Go to the Melbourne Cup.
52. Go to the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam.
53. Visit the Acropolis in Greece.
54. Go on a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela.
55. Ride a camel in the Sahara desert.
56. Watch the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace.
57. Go to Las Vegas.
58.Volunteer at the orangutans orphanage in Borneo.
59. Snowboard in Japan
60. Visit the Great Wall of China.
61. Learn to ride a horse.
62. Make your own bread.
63. Be in a commercial.
64. Go to Disney World.
65. Write an article for the newspaper or a magazine.
66. Learn to sail.
67. Dive with the Grey Nurse Sharks in Australia.
68. Learn to play chess.
69. Learn to play poker.
70. Learn to juggle.
71. Paint a picture.
72. Solve a Rubik’s Cube.
73. Take up gourmet cooking.
74. Visit a health retreat.
75. Become a wine connoisseur.
76. Restore a classic car.
77. Plant a tree.
78. Make your own skincare range.
79. Go on a holiday by yourself.
80. Enrol in a course and learn something new.
81. Make the front page of the newspaper.
82. Donate blood.
83. Sell your original artwork to a stranger.
84. Become an art collector.
85. Start a blog or build a website.
86. Visit Churchill to see the polar bears.
87. Own a dog.
88. Go bird watching in Costa Rica.
89. Go skinny dipping on a hot summers night.
90. Go to a sporting grand final.
91. Ride a motorcycle.
92. Learn to make a national dish from the country you are from.
93. Climb Mount Everest Base Camp.
94. Visit the country of your dreams and live like a local for one month.
95. Attend the dawn service on ANZAC day.
96. Practice gratitude for 21 days. Write in a gratitude journal.
97. Leave an inspirational note in a book that I leave behind for a stranger to find.
98. Learn public speaking and enroll yourself as a guest speaker at a conference/event.
99. Make my own Christmas cards.
100. Go on a juice cleanse.

    Google News 追蹤
    徵的就是你 🫵 超ㄅㄧㄤˋ 獎品搭配超瞎趴的四大主題,等你踹共啦!還有機會獲得經典的「偉士牌樂高」喔!馬上來參加本次的活動吧!
    隨著理財資訊的普及,越來越多台灣人不再將資產侷限於台股,而是將視野拓展到國際市場。特別是美國市場,其豐富的理財選擇,讓不少人開始思考將資金配置於海外市場的可能性。 然而,要參與美國市場並不只是盲目跟隨標的這麼簡單,而是需要策略和方式,尤其對新手而言,除了選股以外還會遇到語言、開戶流程、Ap
    有朋友問說「要怎麼自我覺察」、「如何更了解自己」等問題,這是個很棒的主題,因為認識自我是隨時進行的功課,不分歲數、無關處在哪個階段。 Heibon曾經分享過幾項自己努力執行的事情,例如將看過每本書摘錄自己的心得、隨身帶著一本小冊子,有靈感便自由書寫、100天練習,隱含想法可連結《原子習慣》核心概念
    生活方面 1.每天保持7~8小時的睡眠,睡前泡腳20分鐘,讓自己抱持活力。 2.少吃甜食,控制體重,每天至少運動半小時,最多運動兩小時,達到每天出汗的狀態。 3.三餐規律,每餐七分飽盡量清淡飲食,少吃油膩和辛辣的東西,每年體檢一次。 4.定期打掃屋子保持物歸原位,能位你解省不少錢,也能避
    百日百字計畫 #29 一百天一百字的紀錄,練習覺察的百日紀錄。
    第 30 天,也是最後一天!在這 30 天的寫作中,感觸最深、或是學到最多的 3 件事情是什麼? 終於來到最後一天了!這次挑戰算是成功了吧?雖然中間幾次一度因為工作太忙,深夜才回家,延遲一天才上文,但這樣也算是有個完美 Ending 了!謝謝大家這三十天的照顧~
    前陣子很流行30日更,養成書寫更新的規律作息,坊間流傳一個習慣的養成往往需要至少3週的時間,也就是21天;但我太暸解自己了,連續日更?大概率做不到也堅持不下去,所以……我決定幫自己做一些調整。 「那就60天內完成30篇就好。」 這是在做過自我評估之後的決定,也請相信你也會有屬於自己的步調!
    這個系列將會有三十篇,來自一個網路上的公開寫作自我挑戰。每天會有一個題目幫助創作者思考與寫文。 今天第 01 天,我將寫下:3 個想要開始在網路上寫作的理由及 3 個你在接下來的 30 天,想寫作的主題。 三個字創理由 理由一 - 想幫別人 原本就希望藉
    徵的就是你 🫵 超ㄅㄧㄤˋ 獎品搭配超瞎趴的四大主題,等你踹共啦!還有機會獲得經典的「偉士牌樂高」喔!馬上來參加本次的活動吧!
    隨著理財資訊的普及,越來越多台灣人不再將資產侷限於台股,而是將視野拓展到國際市場。特別是美國市場,其豐富的理財選擇,讓不少人開始思考將資金配置於海外市場的可能性。 然而,要參與美國市場並不只是盲目跟隨標的這麼簡單,而是需要策略和方式,尤其對新手而言,除了選股以外還會遇到語言、開戶流程、Ap
    有朋友問說「要怎麼自我覺察」、「如何更了解自己」等問題,這是個很棒的主題,因為認識自我是隨時進行的功課,不分歲數、無關處在哪個階段。 Heibon曾經分享過幾項自己努力執行的事情,例如將看過每本書摘錄自己的心得、隨身帶著一本小冊子,有靈感便自由書寫、100天練習,隱含想法可連結《原子習慣》核心概念
    生活方面 1.每天保持7~8小時的睡眠,睡前泡腳20分鐘,讓自己抱持活力。 2.少吃甜食,控制體重,每天至少運動半小時,最多運動兩小時,達到每天出汗的狀態。 3.三餐規律,每餐七分飽盡量清淡飲食,少吃油膩和辛辣的東西,每年體檢一次。 4.定期打掃屋子保持物歸原位,能位你解省不少錢,也能避
    百日百字計畫 #29 一百天一百字的紀錄,練習覺察的百日紀錄。
    第 30 天,也是最後一天!在這 30 天的寫作中,感觸最深、或是學到最多的 3 件事情是什麼? 終於來到最後一天了!這次挑戰算是成功了吧?雖然中間幾次一度因為工作太忙,深夜才回家,延遲一天才上文,但這樣也算是有個完美 Ending 了!謝謝大家這三十天的照顧~
    前陣子很流行30日更,養成書寫更新的規律作息,坊間流傳一個習慣的養成往往需要至少3週的時間,也就是21天;但我太暸解自己了,連續日更?大概率做不到也堅持不下去,所以……我決定幫自己做一些調整。 「那就60天內完成30篇就好。」 這是在做過自我評估之後的決定,也請相信你也會有屬於自己的步調!
    這個系列將會有三十篇,來自一個網路上的公開寫作自我挑戰。每天會有一個題目幫助創作者思考與寫文。 今天第 01 天,我將寫下:3 個想要開始在網路上寫作的理由及 3 個你在接下來的 30 天,想寫作的主題。 三個字創理由 理由一 - 想幫別人 原本就希望藉