Respect your body and mind is a start to respect yourself. 5 ways to have a healthy mind body relationship.
1/ Slow down and take time to connect with your self. The true wisdom lies within you, only if you could listen.慢下來,嘗試每天和自己對話。真正的智慧在你的內心裡,如果你可以保持正念聆聽
2/ Ego is always in the way. Pause before you react, develop introspective awareness so you can be mindful of yours perception, is that a true or just deception. 自我中心永遠是你的絆腳石,在做任何反應前先停頓一下,發揮你內在覺知的能力,察覺你對人事物感官上的感受, 這是真的嗎?還是就是一個幻覺?
3/ Avoid falling into social norms, stop believing that everyone is the same, learn to think critically, be aware of truth and lies. 避免掉入社會的規範、停止相信每個人都一樣、學習如何明辨性思考、了解真相和謊言。
4/Be diligent and patience with your life skill. Work hard and stay connected with your yourself. Take a break when you’re tired but when you return, stay focus.對於個人生活上的技能保持積極和有耐心。保持勤奮的態度、不斷的讓自己成長。累了就休息一下吧,一旦休息夠了、當你回到自己生活上時還是維持著專注往前的腳步。
5/Listen to your instinct, whatever you decide, you already know.相信你的直覺、你想要的、其實你心裡早已經決定了。