2023-08-30|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 4 分鐘


    來源: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xyGn6D8J9Q

    圖片來源: 鍛えた男性のイラスト by Loose Drawing  https://loosedrawing.com/illust/931/

    圖片來源: 鍛えた男性のイラスト by Loose Drawing https://loosedrawing.com/illust/931/


    We know that aerobic and cardio exercises are good for cardiovascular health.
    Many people start cardio exercises to lower blood pressure.
    The new researchers have revealed that squats and planks can also achieve similar results.
    What is the difference between these two types of exercises?
    Squats and planks are exercises that engage muscles without movement.
    Aerobic and cardio are different.
    I believe the key points are to exercises consistently and strengthen the thigh muscles.
    Of course, exercises intensity is also important.
    Don't focus only on the same exercise.


    1. effective adj. 有效的(吃藥病好)
      An effective tool to prevent and treat hypertension.
      An effective tool to save and create information.
      An effective medicine to treat and cure illness.
      efficient adj. adj. 效率高的(變快) /記憶:science 科技會有效率
      Buying a computer can make you work more efficiently.
      Working together is more efficient than working alone.
    2. exclude more recently adopted exercise such as...
      exclude 排斥,排除
      Please exclude me from the meeting.
      Some people exclude others because they are poor.


    降血壓 lowering blood pressure

    有氧運動 aerobic / cardio exercise

    高血壓 hypertension = high blood pressure

    深蹲/棒式 squats/planks


    • typically 會出現轉折
    • now 會出現時間轉折
    • N+that=Adj.
    • such as
    • according to
    • N+Vpp=adj.
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