2024-06-19|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 26 分鐘

克服公司挑戰:成長與反思之旅。 產品設計(雪崩)。


前天晚上,我反思了這三年來的問題,意識到根源就是我自己。 當我思考公司未來的方向時,經歷了世界的洗禮和個人的挑戰,這個過程就像做飯一樣——需要大量的嘗試和錯誤才能找到最佳點。 我總是鼓勵我的孩子,找到做事情的最佳方法的,唯一方法是多次嘗試,創辦公司也是如此。 社會雖然現實,但也能賦予我們不同的夢想。

當我看著孩子們從蹣跚學步到能走路時,我看到了自己的陪伴。 每一次跌倒,每一次重新站起來,都是學習的經驗。 三年過去了,當初的痛苦現在看來微不足道。 雖然我仍然感到憤怒和不高興,但我現在可以更快地調整和釋放負面情緒。 有時候,我覺得自己還很不成熟,就像個孩子一樣。 但誰才是真正的成年人呢?

人類就像爬山然後下山。 在這個過程中,我們學習、成長、成熟,然後再變得純真。 我也在跟我內心那個溫柔的孩子說話,希望他能好好的,和我一起成長,享受生活的一切,堅強地成長。



The night before last, I reflected on the problems of the past three years and realized that the root cause was me. As I contemplated the future direction of my company, through the baptism of the world and personal challenges, I realized that the process is like cooking a meal - it takes a lot of trial and error to find the sweet spot. I always encourage my children that the only way to find the best way to do something is to try it many times, and the same is true for starting a company. Although society is realistic, it can also give us different dreams.

As I watch my children's journey from toddler to steady walker, I see my own company. Every fall and every time to stand up again, is a learning experience. Three years have passed, and the pain I felt at the beginning seems trivial now. Although I still feel angry and unhappy, I can now adjust and release my negative emotions more quickly. Occasionally, I think I'm still quite immature, just like a child. But who is really an adult?

Human beings are like climbing a mountain and then descending it. In the process, we learn, grow, mature, and then become innocent again. I'm also talking to the tender child inside me, hoping that he will be good and grow up with me, enjoying all that life has to offer and growing up strong.

The following is----

"Climbing and descending go hand in hand."

"Time can fade everything.."

The only thing I know is that I know nothing.

Learning Philosophy Is Practicing Death.

Art Is Spiritual Inheritance.Design Is Learning And Living.

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